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There’s nothing better than being consciously out of it.
Carrying that white flag all aware of it.
Breaking the barriers.
Wasting away in my comfort that’s slipping away every second.
And hopefully coming back.
I wonder if this is how drug addicts feel after years of being clean

I'd still take a hit of you

The chemical reaction is just too strong

And I know it would ruin me

But the high would feel so good.
to a sleep
reality abandons

You become
what you dream
—so forever sleep well

(Dreamsleep: July, 2023)
 Jul 2023 Edmund black
remember that morning?
I was wearing pajamas, an old sweatshirt
mismatched hat
I hadn’t brushed my hair
when I saw you
I threw my arms around you gleefully

that’s really all you ever needed to know
about me
Deliver me not from the original grievances
   I issue the wrath to follow
Free the drain on soul strengths that the fraying sanity
    constantly borrows
Instant sloughs of darkly ill magical face cream smearing my guise
Fake dreams of deliverance a nuanced
    future of centuries undone in demise
I can not take any more than the furthest
strengths of human torture
Yet each day the vexes of deadly Angels await
   at my fashioning of hope's,...
          personal door
Can strong words and mighty trials of perseverance help?...
  That which is the truth of existence for me?

Only vague streams of winners and losers
    and deniers await taking their weapons
       and striking at me .... is the sending ,message that can be seen

As zombies gloating over quivering scampering limbs
The vice of walls to protect me now grows far too thin

Oration's tone sounding of skivy demonic crowded contrasts
From champion to hate from glory to denial Earth's
     deadly lack of concern lays it's lies hurt and endemic blasts
Few words of love
Few words of light
See me through the night
To the morning light
So that in my life
I might fight the good fight
i can play something,
with a certain
semblance of structure.
it is all I can promise.
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