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Flor Apr 11
In tending to your every need,
My heart is filled with joy indeed.
To see you smile, to ease your pain,
Brings me joy like summer rain.

So let me tend to you each day,
In every little thoughtful way.
For in your joy, I find my own,
In caring for you, my love is shown.
Flor Apr 11
A gentle touch, a tender brush,
Leaves my cheeks a rosy flush.
Simple gestures, so sweet and kind,
In your presence, I unwind.

Your fingertips upon my skin,
Ignite a warmth from deep within.
With every touch, my heart does soar,
In your embrace, I want for more.
Your simple touch makes me blush
Flor Apr 10
In your eyes, I find a world so vast,
In your touch, inspiration is amassed.
With you, my love, by my side,
Poetry flows like an endless tide.

So thank you, my dear, for being you,
For inspiring the words that ring true.
In your presence, my creativity thrives,
You're the spark that keeps my passion alive.
Found someone worthwhile writing poems for. Words just keeps flowing when I think of you my dearest.
Flor Apr 10
In the tapestry of life, where choices are spun,
Loving you, my dearest, was the brightest one.

With every heartbeat, with every breath,
Loving you brings joy beyond depth.

Through every trial, through every test,
Loving you, I feel truly blessed

So here I stand, with gratitude anew,
Loving you was the best thing I ever knew.
Flor Apr 10
Kissing you tastes like sunshine, pure and sweet,
A warmth that spreads from my head to feet.
Your lips, like rays of light, touch mine,
Igniting a fire, a sensation divine.

With each tender touch, I'm transported away,
To a world where only you and I may stay
With every whisper, every sigh,
Your love, a sunlit sky.

Your lips, a touch of summer's grace,
In your embrace, I find my place.
So let me bask in your embrace,
And feel the warmth upon my face,
Oh to be loved and to love
Flor Apr 10
In the quiet of night, when stars softly gleam,
Thoughts of you dance like a wistful dream.
Your essence dances in my mind,
A symphony of intertwined.

In moments fleeting, and in hours long,
You're the lyrics to my song.
In laughter's echo, in tears' release,
You're the constant, the heart's peace.

For in the tapestry of time, you're woven deep,
In every memory, in every leap.
In every sunrise, in every fall,
You're the one I think of most of all.
Wonderwall: someone you find yourself thinking about all the time, the person you are completely infatuated with.
Flor Jan 2
Staring up at the ceiling
Bottling up this strange feeling
Twisting and turning in my bed
Thoughts of you running through my head
Wondering if I should confess
To lessen this immense distress
But alas, I decided it was better to hide,
How much I want you by my side
Oh, dear, I've got it bad for you. If only you knew...
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