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She sat on the edge of the precipe; unbidden tears evidenced by glistening lines on her cheekbones. She stood abruptly and reached over the edge, hoping the hands waiting for her were strong. Leaning forward ever so slightly she brushed fingers with the person waiting. She stretched a little further, grasped tightly, and missed. Tumbling end over end in a dazed confusion she cried out, sure she was lost forever. She saw the ground speeding up to meet her and closed her eyes as she braced for the impact that would shatter the last of her illusions.....but the impact never came. Soft warm arms reached out and embraced her just when all may have been lost. She pried open her eyes just enough to peer through her lashes and see whom had saved her.....and saw herself.
 Oct 2015 Dylan Whisman
If only I had erased my thoughts 
before I could think,

and suffocated myself 
before I could sink

If only I had undone my knots 
before I was twisted,

and ended my existence 
before I existed

 Oct 2015 Dylan Whisman
She was as light as a feather
Carried on the sweetest wind.
A tonne weight locked
Around my fiercely protective heart.
As sure as an apple falling from a tree,
She brought uncertainties in abundance.
Physics had no question
For the answer she gave.
When the day is done
the sunburned moon
breaks down on the lonely river.

Glistening in her tears
the river carries her away to the sea.
Sinking into the abyss
Shattered dreams and creeping things
Razor wire closing in
Ripping through my closed-tight eyelids
The end of my illusions
The nightmare isn't as terrifying
**As losing you
A life they see,
Through their eyes,
Butterflies they see,
Fly in peace,

Their own lives not at peace,
Branded with whips,
Cut with knives,
Treated worse than animals,

Food so cold,
So raw,
Tasteless and sickening,
Have you ever dreamt of such a life?

Think about the other million,
Those who donot survive,
No food, no shelter, just pain,
Pray for the lot and bring about a change.
What is the price
Thou wouldst payeth for love;
Ask thyself that
And if thou wouldst payeth the price in blood.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Oct 2015 Dylan Whisman
Sia Jane
It's hard to write a poem
When there's nothing going on
It's hard to think of what to say
When you've given most of it away

As poets we never scratch the surface
We delve within, disclose our deepest sin
We crave our pain, declare it's for our art
Yet more often than not have no idea where to start

But start we do and start we must
A deep desire in all of us
To spill out on the written page
What little bit we have tried to save

Ink now is the poets blood
Fragments of self pour from within
Silence is our safety net
To stop us from bleeding out

Although it's hard to write a poem
With nothing going on
We still find words to form a verse
From deep within our marrow bone

Work © Mike Hauser & © Sia Jane
Mike opened this piece and we went from there.
Hope you enjoy this Hello Poetry collaboration too :)

It goes without saying, just how honoured we are to have this as Daily <3
Y'all are the greatest <3
Thank you so much <3
 Oct 2015 Dylan Whisman
I know...
I am not one of the pages of your book
or the words in your poem
I will tirelessly watch over you from every nook.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not the potrait you are painting
or the inspiration behind your masterpieces
in my heart , it is your name I am engraving.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not the reason for your smiles
or the tickles of your laughter
for you, I would walk a thousand miles.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not your shining star
or the light in your life
till forever is through, I'll admire you from afar.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not the one your heart beats for
or the one you desire
my hearts says as long as it brings you happiness,
it wants nothing more.

I know I am your never
**but you will forever be my always...
"Every feeling unreturned has its own rainbow."
Let your heart lead the way...
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