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 May 2020 DjE
Chloe Goulding
I feel like my life is stuck on Caps Lock.

What a disgrace.

All I want is to click Backspace.

I don't want to leave a trace,

Of the footprints in my past.

I just want a smooth life,

Where I can laugh.
It explains itself.
 May 2020 DjE
A R Sylvester
THE WORDS YOU                    CANNOT SAY
The words you cannot say
    Could possibly change the a day
Save a life
                 Change ones view --
      -- Away from that of which they thought they knew
The words you cannot say ..
                 The wounds, you caused ,
Will not go away...

           You try but---
cannot turn away....
      For you're the cause of so much hardship and dismay----
---This may be the only way
                  To say that witch you cannot say---
         -----  They, may be the words you needed
to overcome the  memories that can't be deleted...

The feelings will be never depleted
   Unless you speak it ....

The words I cannot say
         Haunt me til this day...
Wishing  you could speak up. Or wanting to make a situation better  but  fearing that you will have the opposite effect

— The End —