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Beautiful lady, take my hand
Undress as you do understand
Tender feelings as naked we run
Through buttercups in the Sun
Each sound of laughter, my dear
Reaches inside my heart so near
Come to me, as we embrace and kiss
Unseen by the world in our loving bliss
Purity of our two souls touching above

Doing what is our true desire, making love
Ready to respond to our bodies motion
Each of us lost, in our deepest emotion
And then we stand, and are running once more
May this field of buttercups see our dreams soar
copyright Chris Smith 2010
From out of the corner of her eyes
She can see him standing there
But when she turns to look at him
He is gone as if he never existed

She can feel him holding her from behind
His arms wrapped around her with love
She smiles and she quickly turns around
He is never there when she needs him most

At night she can feel him with her in her bed
But they only seem to make love in her dreams
She wants this man and knows he is somewhere
She will keep looking to find her mystery man
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I am there, but always unseen
No one knows I have been
Vanity stripped from my bones
I have a heart that nobody owns
Shadows surround me forever
I want to be with her, whatever
But I feel demons dragging me back
Leaving me destinied to their attack
Each time she never sees me here

Making these lonely tears appear
An invisible man to the blind eyes
Never touching, but he always tries
copyright Chris Smith 2010
The man was condemned to die, to be shot by firing squad but he had one last request.

The captain approached the man, who was tied to the post and asked him to make his request and it would be granted.

"I would not ask to be free for I would only be untied and still shot, I know there must still be a death by firing squad but fear you will not honour my request" spoke the man.

"I will accept your request and honour it, my men are my witness and so is my commanding officers" spoke the captain.

"I have no wish for the moments with a beautiful woman or to feast on a fine meal, or to drink of the best wine but you will not honour my last request". spoke the man.

"As God is my witness, I promise whatever your request will be granted, on that you have my solemn word" spoke the captain.

"Then" spoke the man, "take my place".
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Populations all wiped out,
Liquidated with no doubt.
All life, gone in a flame;
No one left to take the blame.
Existence cries of extinquished life,
Taken like the blade of a knife.

Fallen civilization now imploded,
Atomic weapons all exploded.
Life is gone, taken all away;
Life is gone, long gone astray.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Hell has come calling
Outside I am falling
Panic strikes like a fist
Each thought like a mist
Leaving me sinking
Endlessly thinking
Shadows now surround me
Suffocating in my misery
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Do you ever wonder
About the mysteries
The secrets of this life
Of what it means to us

Why do we face pain
Where the hurt aches you
Giving you sorrow
And nobody helps

So please tell me
Why is it so
For what reason
Do we feel this

How it is
I suppose
Nothing else
Explains why

Now me
I do
What I
have to

A little experiment where the first stanza is 6 syllables
The second is 5, third 4, fourth 3, fifth 2 and last stanza 1.

Unfortunately I am at a loss for atitle ; )
Night rain drips from the window
No light in a room of shadow
He left her there, facing her tears
He left her there, living her fears

So she hated thinking of life alone
Used a knife, cutting to the bone
Sits down with no will to resist
Blood like a river from her wrist

The tears have dried, no longer weepy
She closes her eyes, she is feeling sleepy
All the good times come into her head
Now she no longer dreams for she is dead

Night passes into the day time hours
A man comes to the house with flowers
Last night he is sorry if he offended
Unprepared for how those actions ended
copyright Chris Smith 2010
The young man took a short cut home
Deciding he would go across the moor
Even though a mist covered the land
He was sure that he could find his way

He was returning from seeing his lady
Declaring his love to her for all time
But he knew he could not stay the night
So faced taking a long walk to his abode

Suddenly he could see a young woman
Dressed only in a white night gown
Standing alone on the moor, in the mist
He started to approach her, to offer his coat

He froze as he could see the mist through her
And he could hear her calling out to her lost love
She did not seem to know the young man was there
Transfixed by her beauty and listening to her words

"Johnny, I await for thee to return back to me"
"This war has taken ye so here I will stay"
"I will never leave until I see your face again"
"My heart loves thee, and it forever will"

The young woman slowly began to fade from sight
As the mist faded away, so did she fade with it
The young man found himself hurrying home
Never forgetting the sad voice of the spirit in the mist
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Nothing is as it seems

Living out shattered dreams

With false promises we make

And the ones we always break

Knowing what we must

Never knowing who to trust

Always letting somebody down

With our sorrows we drown

Never knowing what to do

Trying to always be true

And having no way of knowing

And these thoughts still growing

My heart is always broken

Taking my love like a token

My thoughts are my own

In the life I have sown
He spotted the pink swan
Did the laughing hyena
As he giggled on the lawn
Because he had seen her
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Women are all such beautiful creatures
Transfixing us with their sensual features
Beautifully crafted for the eyes of man
We are hynotised by the wiles of a woman

We love the way that you wiggle
Especially that ****, adorable jiggle
And that way you know how to tease
Every man becomes weak at the knees

A lady bewitches us at her own leisure
We become slaves to her very pleasure
For what would we ever do without her
Our species could not go any further

Seeing her in her splender, we rejoice
We respond to the sound of her voice
And with that kiss she will give
It gives us that reason to live

So for women everywhere, we celebrate
For to us very men, you are our fate
We crave to feel your own loving touch
That is why we love you so very much
copyright Chris Smith 2010
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Take a seat, come heed me
Each of you hush, do feel free
Listen to stories of times gone by
Learn of heroes who fought so strong

As they battled against countless foes

Striking out, with mighty blows
Titans united, we must never forget
Of valiant people, the very best yet
Risking their lives, way back then
Yesterday warriors, likes we never see again
copyright Chris Smith 2010
We stand against you, no matter what religion we are
You will never divide us against each other
We will be strong because we fight against evil
You are the nemesis of the souls of humanity
We will rise up and we will stand together
You can not knock us down, we never will fall
We are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans....we are the World
You can NEVER win.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Family, friends and love.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I don't think it is very fair
I seem to get ignored at times
Does anyone even notice me there
Who ever looks at the nose

Now the eyes, people look at
Even when upset, they get attention
I never get wiped gently like that
No one likes me if I run

Even the ears get a lot of fun
When romance is in the air
They get a visit from the tongue
I never get a tongue licking me

The mouth, it gets too much bliss
Not only does it get fed regular
But it sometimes gets a kiss
No one tries to give me food

I tell you, even when I'm unwell
People don't like touching me
And I have to put up with smell
You should put up with socks
copyright Chris Smith 2010
They came and hurt her again
Left her feeling rejected
Confusion searing her soul

Did she deserve what they did?
Why did they treat her this way?
She only ever tried to do her best

She provided them with everything
They never had to do it themselves
She gave them everything they wanted

Soon they wanted to take a little bit more
They had their own way, even when she protested
Stripped her naked and spat at her beauty

Now she is angry and they felt her rage
She knows they can not control her
But still they persist in their silly ways

Well now, this time she has had enough
This time she will try to make them listen
To know that name of Mother Earth
copyright Chris Smith 2010
For one day the World cried
It watched helplessly as they died
A crashing plane, shattering impact
The screaming starts from that act

A burning building of no escape
All the World is watching, agape
People jumping, they have no hope
Little girl with tears, she can not cope

Even as she sees it on a TV screen
The building collapses, a horror now seen
Little girl, crying because it is real
If only this terror she did not feel

Suddenly, another plane hits the other tower
The fear of that little girl sends her to cower
She is only seven, you hold and cry with her
You are not alone because the World cries together

Fire fighters and police, they are heroes all
Some are trapped in the ruins, heroes fall
Years have passed by, tears still collect
That terror still remains, because we never forget
copyright Chris Smith 2010
In Memory of September 11th.

My youngest daughter was 7 years old at the time, she burst into tears as she watched people jumped to their deaths of the TV.
We forgot about the creatures
And of their horrifying features
How they seem to appear from the dark
Striking out at us, and leaving their mark

So, when you are walking alone tonight
You will feel the cold shiver of fright
You wonder, are thoughts of horror true?
Just remember, they are coming after you

You thought them unreal, they were fiction
In reality, terror has no restriction
Something is creeping, it is close by
It is ready to feed, the time has come to die

The screaming comes now, from all around
It is suddenly cut short, now there is no sound
From out of the darkness, figures appear
Suddenly, the beasts of the night are here
copyright Chris Smith 2010
He lived his life in the shadows
Destinied to die by the gallows
Waiting for the coach in his sights
Then the highway man strikes

Strikes fear as his victims shiver
Orders them to stand and deliver
With the threat of his gun
He will take the money and run

Soon he vanishes and is long gone
As if he was not there all along
Being there on this lonely road
Running with all of his gold

But another night he will be back
Again to fill up his empty sack
With gun in hand and mask on face
Robbing with all of his grace

And with everything he has bought
Soon he knows he will be caught
Just like church bells have rang
He knows soon he will hang

This is his life and his way
How he shall live out his day
Until the day they hang him up high
A highway man until he shall die
copyright Chris Smith 2007
Standing on the corner to nowhere
Facing down the street to somewhere
Feeling lost in a world full of ghosts
My head is full where demons are hosts

Wandering alone in a forgotten day
Wondering who is going to take me away
Because solitude seems the only place to go
Because emptiness is the only name I know

So won't you come and rescue me
Take me up and set me free
So won't you come and rescue me
Open up my eyes for me to see

Temptation came up and spat in my face
Salvation came and called me a disgrace
Those demons are coming closer by
My face hurts with the tears I cry

I'm running in circles, back to here
Hiding my face, hoping there's nothing to fear
I stay here wishing for someone to be there
Standing on the corner to nowhere

So won't you come and rescue me
Take me up and set me free
So won't you come and rescue me
Open up my eyes for me to see
copyright Chris Smith 2010
She is the brightest Sun.
She is the web the spider spun.

She is the candle light.
She is my second sight.

She is the beauty in my mind.
She is my faith in human kind.

She is the blue of the sky.
She is the voice of a seagulls' cry.

She is the leaves on the tree.
She is the movement of the sea.

She is the clouds high above.
She is the woman that I love.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Hello my brother
Can you spare a moment?
So glad to see you

I've been down on my luck
Living in this alley these days
Always a meal or two in the trash

So how have you been keeping?
Good to hear about the wife and kids
I understand you don't want me visiting

Oh, you want to know about Mary?
She left me a couple years ago
My own fault, too much work

The job took away all my time
Mary was feeling a little rejected
So she found herself another lover

But the job decided to let me go
I kind of allowed myself to go to Hell
So I found myself without a job or home

Yeah I heard about little brother Billy
He joined the army and went off to fight
I miss him, I wish i went to the funeral

Oh, have you really got to go?
Yeah, I know it's been good to talk
My brother, you are always a busy man

Don't be a stranger now, visit soon
I am always living in ths alley, here
Always here, drinking my bottle of rye
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Come along sleepy head
It's now time for bed

You're yawning still
So up the wooden hill

You stayed up late
So dream land does await

Clean your teeth, comb your hair
Little one, your bed is there

So come along, sleepy head
Just now, in your bed
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Evil comes, reaching and creeping
Darkness leaving you, shivering and weeping
Grey shadows fall, they bring doom
All around, trapping you in the room
Ready to claim you, as you scream

And you realise that this is no dream
Life almost deserts you, you're left alone
Lonely thoughts are chilling you to the bone
Almost as the nightmare starts becoming true
Now you feel the horror striking out at you

Panic begins stabbing inside your head
Out there come those you believed long dead
Endless laughter comes from a solitary raven
copyright Chris Smith 2010
One minute life seems so precious
You hold her close and feel wanted
Feeling her heart beating near yours

Then you say something wrong
Her feelings seem to be torn apart
You taste the lonely call of the heart

Making up, you love the feel of her body
You both put away those pains that hurt
But you play the game of upset again

Do you believe in love?
I do, yes I do
Do you believe in love?
I do, so do you

Let those tears turn to her kisses
Because you want her to feel better
She is your world, she is your universe

You hate spending one day without her
Because the hours seem to be endless
She is always there, haunting your thoughts

Your life needs her to complete it
But you never find the words to tell her
So find the strength now to let her know

Do you believe in love?
I do, yes I do
Do you believe in love?
I do, because it's true
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I once was weak, dragged to the floor
Left in the dust, couldn't take anymore
I felt useless like a cracked rainbow
Desperation still seemed to grow

Nothing would ever seem to go right
I was in the dark without a light
I still kept taking those punches
One of the people life crunches

Then she came and she picked me up
I was in the shadows no longer
She rescued me when I'd had enough
She helped me to feel a little bit stronger

I was down, lower that I'd ever been
I was invisible, one of the unseen
Felt like I'd been dragged through the hedge
I was so close to being pushed off the edge

I had lost faith, I no longer believed in hope
I became near to the end of my rope
It looked like that nothing ever mattered
My mirror was all broken and shattered

Then she came and she picked me up
I was in the shadows no longer
She rescued me when I'd had enough
She helped me to feel a little bit stronger
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Red Riding Hood went into the wood
The Big Bad Wolf was waiting for her
She is never good when she should
Three mice went blind, seeing them together

Snow White never knew when to have enough
She always liked to have a lot of seven up

Georgy Porgy kissed the girls today
He kissed the boys too, he's funny that way
They're baaaaack
A restless dream, that trapped me
Like the icy blackness, enwrapped me
I found myself cold and shaking
With no way for my awaking

Then he came, from out of the dark
Stalked me like some demented shark
Like a messenger of Death, to deliver
I found myself afraid, felt myself shiver

His eyes were red, his skin was snow white
He gave no reflection, no sign of light
When he spoke, his voice was like gravel
I could feel this life of mine, unravel

"I am the darkness within your dreams"
"I am the nightmare of your screams"
"I claim that which is mine, you know"
"I come now, to collect your soul"

I started to run, but then he was there, ahead
This strange traveller, collecting the dead
But why had he come for me if I was alive?
Did he not realise I was left to survive?

But a cruel irony can be twisted fate
You do not know when it is too late
As he claimed me, I started to weep
I did not know, I died in my sleep

So I walk with him, for eternal torment
Never to awaken from this moment
As into Deaths' dormain I am cast
Knowing now, I have dreamt my last
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Lady in the night

She awaits for him

Watching the candle light

Hours watching it dim

Where can he be?

Is he with another?

Where can he be?

Has he some secret lover?

There comes a knock on the door

She opens it to a policeman there

She hears her man is no more

His car crashed into a lake somewhere

Why can't he be?

In her arms right now

Why can't he be?

Alive with her somehow

So tonight the tears fall down

Her heart feels it is broken

In her sorrow she will drown

Of a love that is now unspoken

How can he be?

Away from her forever

How can he be?

Lost to her forever
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I awaken into a strange dream

Alone in a room, feeling isolated

A dull ache, throbbing in my head

This World seems to be rejecting me

No matter how I try to find my way

Facing up to my imperfection

I open my door and I step out

The World is smirking at me

Pointing fingers, degrading me

I see people, coming out of the dark

Covering their eyes, ears and mouth

Trying to hide away, playing solitaire

I try to reach, to touch one person

But they never respond to me there

In desperation, I shake them this time

One soul comes awake, rescued from torment

So we go to the others, and bring them back

An untold number, daring to fight against it

Alone, we can be dragged down and defeated

But together we can be anything we want to be

I feel it around me, our spirit has returned
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Those times you hear that doubt
That noise at the back of your mind
It's got you, you're ready to shout
You get that feeling you're left behind

People tell you, you don't know what you do
But you don't listen to what they say
You wonder if it's all going to come true
You know you shouldn't, but you do it anyway

Don't you listen to that Devil on your shoulder
He's going to do you wrong, wrong, wrong
Don't you listen to what that Devil told ya
You got to make yourself strong, strong, strong

Don't you listen to that Devil on your shoulder
He's going to do you wrong, wrong, wrong
Don't you listen to what that Devil told ya
You got to make yourself strong, strong, strong

You find yourself getting into a lot of trouble
It is only what you will make of it
What goes around always will come back double
Sometimes you need a break of it

You know you shouldn't have done what you did
It's way too late for you to have regrets
Lost in your box so you better close that lid
Because life has stopped taking anymore bets

Don't you listen to that Devil on your shoulder
He's going to do you wrong, wrong, wrong
Don't you listen to what that Devil told ya
You got to make yourself strong, strong, strong

Don't you listen to that Devil on your shoulder
He's going to do you wrong, wrong, wrong
Don't you listen to what that Devil told ya
You got to make yourself strong, strong, strong
Lyrics by Chris Smith 2010
Her midnight star is burning bright

Evening song, such a beautiful sight

Love embraces with gracious heart

Oceans separate these lovers apart

Venus guides them in precious harmony

Ending with their song of sweetest symphony

She knows that time can never separate them

He sends her roses that grow from the hearts stem

Each want to give one delicate and fragile kiss

Risking true happiness from a life time of  bliss
copyright Chris Smith 2010
The tide is coming in,
Just like another passing day.
Sometimes we sink or swim,
Still we just fade away.

Hoping, always for the next day,
Waiting to see what it will bring.
The sky changes from blue to grey,
Rain comes, the clouds are coming.

Tomorrow never arrives if we wait.
Tomorrow does not even exist.
Tomorrow can not plan our fate.
Tomorrow will never be missed.

Because, deep down, we know the truth,
That there is no such thing as tomorrow.
For all the problems under the roof,
You never escape from your sorrow.

We are only drowning in our tears,
Because yesterday was only another today.
The memory is muddled and never clears,
Waiting for a tomorrow that will never stay
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Can you change the World?
Because we messed it up
A little help, please
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I walk the edge of darkness

And fall deep into the pit

I am surrounded by the blackness

All around I feel darklings sit

Who will help me out of this despair

As I sink deeper into this nightmare

In the void of my mind, who is there

Only my shadow, my sadness I share

But she comes and shines so bright

She takes me by my hand as I cry

She has come, my reign of light

Up from this dark place we will fly

I feel her goodbye kiss on my lips

And she falls down against my will

Back into the blackness she slips

As I cry, she is in the darkness still
When you see a rocking Dragon
You know it is a sad 'un
Crying away with diamond tears
That lasts for a hundred years

The heart is pure and golden
From times long forgotten an oldern
You are lucky if you witness this
A rocking Dragon you will never miss

There will always be a twist
They say a rocking Dragon doesn't exist
And like the purity of the rain
You can feel that it is in pain

Reach out with your hand now open
You feel it, yes, it will happen
Touch it, comfort the sad 'un
Console this wonderful rocking Dragon
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I saw my lover there
I visited her, in her sleep
Gave her a kiss, softly
On her forehead and she knew
For she smiled in her sweet rest

I saw my friend there
As his nightmares came
I pulled the blankets around him
And whispered words of hope
Then he was at ease as they went away

I saw my child there
Crying in the sleep she faced
I wiped her tears away for her
And said I loved her and was there
She cuddled her teddybear and was at peace

I saw everyone there
Restless as dreams avoided them
So I wrote this poem for them to read
I hoped the words would show I care
And at last, give them beautiful dreams
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Do you feel that weight?

So heavy on your shoulders,

Dragging you so far down.

The day always seems colder.

Is there anyone who cares?

When life is failing you,

Leaving you left so alone.

Never knowing what you're going through.

Are you too scared?

To ask help from a friend,

Afraid to try and take their hand.

Act fine, when it's all pretend.

When was the last time?

You were comforted, felt wanted,

That you had that warm embrace.

Before this moment of being haunted.

So are you fed up asking questions?

When no answers are coming your way,

As depression is in the same room.

And depression refuses to go away.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Daddy is gonna shoot you in the head
Don't you worry, I promise it won't hurt
Daddy is depressed, so the doctor said

Hush little baby, because life ain't fair
Mummy ran away with Daddys best friend
Oh little darling, there's so much blood in your hair
Don't you worry now, Daddy will join you in the end
copyright Chris Smith 2010
When we are born, our life begins
This is the opening pages of our birth
And these chapters grow through our youth

We write these pages with our very actions
We still learn, so our story continues on
Building as we learn of love, hate and other emotions

But no matter what we try to do, try to alter
We can never go back to those times gone before
We can never change that which is already written

Like wise, we can never find a way to read ahead
It is impossible to glance at our last page
To see exactly what Destiny has planned for us

You see, certain things are still yet to happen
Because this script of life is yet unfinished
Each passing second writes new words to read

Your last breath will become your final sentence
When, at last, your book can now be closed
And that is when your script shall be no more
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I will always love you
I will always forgive you
All that you have done
All this suffering I face

For this I do for all my people
For this to share in my faith
This cross from whence I hang
This cross is what I will bear
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Something changed
Something new
It happened
Very strangely
Almost unnoticed
Almost unseen
But now
It's here
It's called
Sweetest Love
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I'm going to light a sky lantern
And send it up in the night sky
And watch as it burns so bright
Floating above, just like a star
It will be my memory of you
A friend I have come to love
A man I respect completely
For now and forever, a brother
A comrade in words and poetry
My bright star in the night sky
It hides, hoping not to be seen
Preys on the innocent life
No one can tell it has been
It cuts into you like a knife

Secrets are kept from you
What others fear to tell
You want to hear what is true
Because you have been to Hell

They make friends into enemies
Because no one likes to say
Finding out, the soul empties
The coldness never goes away

Why did they not tell you from the start
And keep what they knew to themselves
It would have stopped a knife to the heart
It would have released hidden jars from the shelves

The wolf would have been outted long ago
Then this shiver would not run down my spine
I feel like I was the last one to know
If only someone had given me the sign

So let us put an end to wars that never should be
Let that wolf in sheeps clothing be exposed
Join as we were before, a friend and ally
Let this knowledge you share be imposed

The truth needs to be heard, to be shared
Because the rest of us will listen, will hark
Let the ****** be seen, let it be scared
Shine light on that kept in the dark
copyright Chris Smith

The truth is out there, as a friend said.
There was a mad Welsh man

Writing all the poetry he can

Hoping people will understand

He decided to move to England

He followed his heart and his head

And came to live inHemel Hempstead

His life found a love that was true

Wanting others to find love to

Now all his troubles are long gone

True love is making him strong

Now he has found employment

Life is now full of enjoyment

For the first time he at last feels free

And is still writing down his poetry

Finding the words whenever he can

Always going to be a mad Welsh man
To write from the heart is difficult
Expressing the emotions you feel
Telling of the love that blesses
And keeps you going strong

Of the love that tore you apart
And ripped out your very soul
Leaving you on the ground, bleeding
That is another kind of love, it hurts

Of the happiness that you feel
For the friends, you love to make smile
Making them laugh with a word or two
Sharing the merriment deep inside

Of the anger that grips, that enrages you
Sharing the fury that blows like the wind
Building up, roaring like a hurricane
Because this rage, in words, is released

That is the heart talking, in so many ways
So much to share, to express to the world
Some may hide from the reflection of your words
But you need to speak, to let that heart beat free

Now the head, it takes over, giving out reason
Sometimes it shows logic in so many ways
Afraid to see beyond those emotions shared
When imagination is shown in so many ways

The head and the heart fight with confliction
Never agreeing on what the other thinks
Yes, we are all guilty of going with the head
When we should feel what is in our heart
copyright Chris smith 2010
Falling deep into that pit
That swallows you up
Leaving you in the dark
Feeling alone and cold

Afraid to try and escape
Afraid to try and dig
Feeling nothing is out there
Only the flames in the sky

You eventually try to escape
But each side that you attempt
Caves in and you fall back again
Deeper down in the depths  of sorrow

Then someone lends you a hand
Do you take it? you dare to trust?
You try but they let go and you fall
Screaming into the depression

You think you will suffer down here
Ready to give up on what used to be
Foolishly you believe there is no one
So you feel you are forever trapped

Suddenly a thousand hands are there
The words of wisdom lighting up the dark
The reality of true people that really care
You never listened, but you listen now

And pulled...up to safety
To the smiles of those who looked for you
Who found you with their words of reality
They rescued you from out of that pit
copyright Chris Smith 2010 November 1st
When the dark shadows fall
No one heeds when you call

I am there

When your heart seems broken
No one hears the words spoken

I am there

When you have tears to dry
No one listens to you cry
I am there

When you are hurt and feel alone
No voices on the other end of a phone
I am there

I am there to hold you to me
I am there for you to see
I am there to touch your heart
I am there from the very start
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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