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 Jan 2020 Cylia
 Jan 2020 Cylia
If you can find a doorway,
I beg you to go through.
Even if you don’t see one,
I know you will later.
If the doorway is too small,
Or the hinges are rusted and stuck,
Carve your own door in the wood,
Walk through with child-like wonder.
If all the doors are locked,
And you’ve lost your carving knife,
Climb over the wall,
Don’t sit and wallow in your strife.
 Jan 2020 Cylia
ok okay
Red Moon
 Jan 2020 Cylia
ok okay
Red moon
The sky bleeds too
Maybe this is hell
I guess that's up to you

These trees could only stand still
And as the fire grows
So we will too
And watch as the world turns red
While we all feel blue
I live in New Zealand, yesterday the sky lit up red and the moon was bright red. The extent of the fire is unimaginable. It is sad. The world is sick because of us.
There comes a time in every life,
when shadows form from dust;
And ideals seek to be renewed,
before they fade and rust.

So many feelings left submerged,
like oysters crowded in the bay;
Can profit well from sweet release,
into the mist of ocean's spray.

As voices' resurrected rhymes,
in hymns of Nature's essence;
Their inspiration carries forth,
to hearts seeking spirits' presence.

A coastal chill awakens all,
who gather for the missive;
While dappling stars in amber light,
spell out each truthful vision.

And mindful of the world sublime,
all shadows leave in vain;
As faithful souls' reflections,
revive rhapsodies of falling rain.
Within the curious space of time,
where days overflow in reason and rhyme;
The essence of 'being' seems overcast,
with perilous notions reeling past.

When thoughts appear to ruminate,
in lengthy notions that contemplate;
The mind is often torn and tested,
and hopeful visions can be rejected.

But travelling through are strong ideals,
along life's paths that seem unreal;
And from the heart our spirits soar,
toward thunder's unrelenting roar.

Chances now taken from the soul,
will move us along with principle;
For when the lightning strikes the sun,
clear answers shine for everyone.
Vacant sounds of emptiness,
fuels within a deep desire;
To reach beyond the galaxy,
and seek what we require.

Silence stems from raging storms,
with lightning bolts of terror;
Confusion reigns until they end,
in thunderous claps of wonder.

Then all is quiet as we take,
a chance to capture grace;
Within the confines of new worlds,
transcending time and space.

Glory showered from the sky,
renews our faithful journey;
And solitary as the moon,
brave hearts beat with purity.
this is an older poem I wrote some years ago. I think it has potential to grow into something more profound but for now, just re-typing it, I've discovered what I meant when it was first conceived. Thanks for reading it !
Go ahead and feel the breezes,
brought to us by the wind and rain;
As the rustling leaves tell their stories,
some of joy and some of pain.

They whisper nightly as dark descends,
upon our sleepy little town;
Forgive me now, they'll often ask,
not wanting to be left alone.

Tears drip softly from those trees,
as their leaves let go and fly;
To the yard in which the children play,
in crisp bundles towering high.

Wild laughter permeates the air,
as each child decides to climb;
And the rustling leaves feel solace now,
when finding their place in time.

Crackling red the Autumn glows,
a roaring fire in every tree;
Brisk waters from the rain above,
cannot dampen their energy.

For Nature gives its soul to us,
from visions that often stay;
Within our hearts for countless years,
and never drift far away.
the gift of Autumn is upon us with sights and sounds that glow, opening hearts around the town, feeding off the restlessness of Nature !
 Apr 2019 Cylia
• Born •
 Apr 2019 Cylia
I don't wish
for myself to die,
but I wish that
I was never born
I wouldn't die
after I'm broken,
but I'd be dead
before I'm torn

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