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Nov 2023 · 100
Your Blessing To Mourn
Corey Smith Nov 2023
I won’t ask you for your forgiveness
I don’t trust myself to do it differently, if I had it
It is your blessing that I seek
Would you give it to me
Knowing that I lived my life
Without a regard for yours
And it’s only now that you occupy my thoughts

I long to see you again
And I thought about doing it
Every now and then
But, mother, you see
Ought to be spared the pain
Of having to outlive a second son

Until then…

I will keep the necklace they gave me close to my heart
There is a part of you inside the capsule, that hangs
It’s so small
I can hold you in the palm of my hand, big brother
Mar 2023 · 127
You Who Give
Corey Smith Mar 2023
To the one who should hear it
Yet hardly ever does
The world is grateful for all your love

You who give
Give more

And then some
Mar 2023 · 119
Corey Smith Mar 2023
When the birds chirp from their high trees

When the last drop from the Keurig falls

When the distant engine in the sky fades

When the neighborhood dog sings a song

When the food smells like a holiday

When the breeze is gentle enough to tickle

When the sun tip toes over the horizon

When the hour is young before the day
Corey Smith Mar 2023
Life is more cruel than death
Any moment may be our last
Some will go rudely taken
Other’s, to sleep and never to awaken

The how, we fear, is all the same
Yet death is in its finality, kind
For we shall spend more time with death
Than that of the cruelty of life
Apr 2020 · 135
What Does A Heart Do
Corey Smith Apr 2020
What does a heart do, if not
Unto its latest hour and trial,
When soon it shall forever dream
But loveth in all the moment thee.
Apr 2020 · 119
The Cycle
Corey Smith Apr 2020
Every drop of rain has it's own spot:

From the wide and gray sky manifest,

Unto earth's rich bed for a moments rest;

A series of the again, sworn

By an unspoken great knot.
Corey Smith Mar 2020
The world is ugly when you're sad.
My lungs near empty are not so glad.
A single breath will buy me time,
Another yet soon I cannot find.
Then, as my body aches
And my face now blue,
I look beyond to comfort you.
Quickly, quickly, for time does wane,
Your sweet smile is but a marvelous thing.
My lungs soon after, merry they'll seem,
For the world is beautiful when you're happy.
Aug 2019 · 190
Here, There and Everywhere
Corey Smith Aug 2019
The wind will carry my good morning to you;
Clouds may shower some kisses too;
A ray from the sun be it two or three
Shall give warm hugs to you from me.
Jul 2019 · 187
Blue Bird
Corey Smith Jul 2019
With drunken flight and silver wings
A bird of blue flew over me,
And though at first her song not heard
She tried to tune a vocal cord.

Yet with struggle seeming much
This puny bird was all but hush
As such a creature graced with voice
She sang to me, so was her choice.
Jun 2019 · 124
A Feeling
Corey Smith Jun 2019
Be alarmed then my dear
There is one whose love's sincere
More so than any other
Shall unto you befold
As a whisper in a quiet crowd
Your eyes will narrow down
To him who alone had stood
With a heart he longed to share
His uncontrollable love for you
May 2019 · 143
Corey Smith May 2019
Today the sun will burn hottest on you,
the wind will feel as cool as the moon, and you will start to notice the things that normally go unnoticed.

It's not today that's special, it's
May 2019 · 538
Corey Smith May 2019
Shake hands with yesterday,
Sleep with today
And by god
Live for tomorrow.
Feb 2019 · 130
All the World's a Student
Corey Smith Feb 2019
The best questions are those

we don't know the answers to,

for knowledge comes from

learning something new.
Jan 2019 · 792
Corey Smith Jan 2019
.                         Y
                               ­  r
                               ­  g
                               ­   t
                            ­      u
                           ­    f
                           ­    e
Jan 2019 · 363
Corey Smith Jan 2019
Should ever your soul misplace
It's gem atop
The chandelier of heaven,
Before I, when your unbroken flare
Befriends me no longer.
I part with you a plea: will you pierce
That which distance
Me from your arms--
With love unlike mortals share--
So that, with dreary eyes, I may but
Smile in this my undying wish; to feel
Your touch uplift
The misery of
Living without you.
Nov 2018 · 132
I Wish For But A Wonder
Corey Smith Nov 2018
I wish for but a wonder
To hear the laugh of thunder,
   To feel the cool touch of rain;
To taste the salt that drops up high;
   To smell the watered bits of grain;
To see it pass in watchful eye,
And freeze-- by singular ray,
Piercing through clouds of skyline grey.
Sep 2018 · 167
Middle of The Room
Corey Smith Sep 2018
We're at times in relation to that of a zippo.
Worn down with a plaque bearing only scratches.
But like a zippo, we may click and flip and ignite into a burst of joy engulfed by light.
The trick: staying lit.
Sep 2018 · 192
There Is Time
Corey Smith Sep 2018
The hardest truth to tell could be the easiest one to hear.
Sep 2018 · 175
The Fall
Corey Smith Sep 2018
The trees littered leaves,
dead fronds lay about;
running goes the wind,
the sky fills like grout;
that whirl of the spin,
o'er mid orange eve;
will fall sometime soon--
Jul 2018 · 172
Corey Smith Jul 2018
Words of history, no matter how lively or harsh they may be, live on longer than both you or me; they deserve our utmost respect. Reference exceptional icons of the pen and perhaps those among you will recognize the craftsmanship, if only more of us but read the laurels of time.
Jul 2018 · 786
Apple Tree In A Desert
Corey Smith Jul 2018
I see
Thro' sweat
On this
Gold wave

What rests
The crest
Just there

The blend
Of green

I see
It peek
At me
And stare

A red
Of brow
From brown

The health
From this
Might fare

Hence I
Break off
The stem
Jul 2018 · 200
Stuck O'er Yonder
Corey Smith Jul 2018
Here is the snow so cold at night
The bog rug of winter frostbite
Sink 'neath the depth of knee less height
Where to a bird you'll seem like stripe
Of snow, in snow, on snow, snow-blind
Jun 2018 · 341
Corey Smith Jun 2018
My best of all friend's
forgot my own name,
Ne'er may he know
of the man I became.

There I walk'd into that
room of dim light,
Where in chair he sits-
most desolate sight.

"Hello grandpa, do you remember me?"
Receive blank stare
with hot tear on my cheek.

"I'm your grandson,
your favorite at that;
Here's a picture of us-
here we both sat.

'Twould be your fifty-sixth
birthday photo,
Look, we are wearing our
'best friend's' polo."

He grabs from my hand,
the frozen image;
Gentle, slow, weak and timid,
Just like these syllables.

And as if by a mircale,
He fights and digs for glory,
Let out a whisper,
"I'm sorry, Corey."

He ebbs away into the afterlife.
Why do all things dear
end in such sour strife!

All that I have to
remember death by;
Is that we are mostly
dead than alive.
Jun 2018 · 198
Love Another, When I'm Gone
Corey Smith Jun 2018
When I grave, take with you words to steal:
Love was ne'er meant for one full belly,
For love must fill more and fill
Heart speak swells when feast neglect plenty,
Whence love came unto me absent meal.

Yet unto you- absent still of
Station'd as a dove atop of
Swinging loose from bough to bough I search,
For my yet ripe pear on this here perch,
Where your milky face stolen my

Do not plea teary-eyed my sweet love,
'Tis only my feathers that may shed,
For I have had my end of heart's fed;
So love for us both when I am dead,
Swing on your own now, as I above.
Jun 2018 · 166
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Cherry blossom hail
O'ertop a moonlit river
Rose splash'd with silver
Jun 2018 · 199
Corey Smith Jun 2018
I see thee, father.
O how I longed for this-
Please tell me where did thou goest?
And come to me in time of my dream.
Is this all that's left between us?
Take mine hand- I will pull thee out,
Out of my dreams.
'Twas thee alone that play'd the part
In holding up mine head.
Hurry- before reality breaks slumber,
Before the world's engines take to street,
And wake me short of sleep.
Why- I can't feel thine hand...
Thou art here yet thine hand betrays flesh-
How am I to seest thou again?
Where art thou going?
Don't leave me again-
Will I ever see thee again?
He leaveth me again.
Jun 2018 · 181
How Does My Hair Look
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Thine hair is curled like a gene of pure love;
A spiral that twists mine intimate thought,
A hereditary dose or thereof,
O how thy tress may be a perfect lot!

One simple question thou ask'st of me,
And simple yet doth prove troubling plea;
To reply short of note will fiction thee,
Amongst the poems of a much lesser read.

With thy beauty seen taken root from head,
Shall I forever adore these fibers;
Take with me solemnly- I will to bed,
As night cub's nourish'd by mother tigers.

Yet- giving credit to thine hair divine,
Would prove false heaven in these eyes of mine.
Jun 2018 · 445
If Today Greets Our End
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Whisper into thine ear,
The words of morrow.
"I love thee;
'Though my eyes fall short of sight,
Thou art not hard to envision.
Just there upon the end of mine eyelids,
Thou danc'st and thou smil'st,
'Twas my sole intent to seal them.
And whilst they rest thy voice gives life
To the dance- the smile.
I'll trade nothing o'er thee.
Behind this scene, I am coy.
Yet still, I will press my lips unto thyself,
The very gates to a breath of heaven.
'Tis this deed that shatters me whole,
One kiss- one taste- to claim my soul.
Was thine all along- along with these-
Words of morrow;
I love thee."
Jun 2018 · 175
All The Light Is Guiding
Corey Smith Jun 2018
My love, the sky-- the sun-- it wanes,
Where set in thine eyes its shine hangs.
Such light to bright'n thy green gaze.
Mine heart skips rapidly away,
In a trance-- in a fog-- for today,
Heaven amplifies thy beauty in a way,
That melts at my resistance on such a day.
Thou art yet in heaven's door,
But the door I feel is visible more,
And together we shall creak the lore.
Jun 2018 · 182
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Nothing will stop me from holding you tight,
And no phone call will keep us distant tonight.
I will not be nervous when I see your face,
For I have dreamt this night in my resting place.
And the second you smile from these words you read,
My lungs will fill and allow me to breathe.
Jun 2018 · 173
Death Blooms
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Too soon we mature
Only to expire
All things greet an end
'Tis a fact well known
By all things living
Tho' we may yet breathe
We shall ne'er regret
The joy that life kept
Hidden from us- for
The youth to replace
Our withering hearts
Jun 2018 · 174
Fly By Summer
Corey Smith Jun 2018
I would see to it that my vision comes true.
One that promises the cooling of the air,
And wipe the slate clean of solar flare- adieu.
Here comes- amass of clouds flock overhead,
With ever increasing suspense- so seldom do I wish it false.

Set eyes to imaginable heights and witness:
The heavens rip open with downpour,
As the gods themself dangle lips from sky;
In attempt to cast down the much desired tempest.

May we receive enough breeze and rain
To quench our succelent cravings- until summer bid we farewell.
Jun 2018 · 209
Hello Poetry
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Of all your words written

My favorite yields response

For the time of plucking is

Outlast by the fading of my lungs
Jun 2018 · 507
Living In Memory
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Fear not child.
You'll never be alone.
A mother and daughter are more
Than just cleverly arranged letters.

You're a fraction of her blood,
A shadow of the same.
And like all whispering shadows
They bear flesh.

You need but to absorb the light
For similarities to uphold.
With such illumination comes solace,
Yet only a mirror will provide insurance.

Lift head and straighten eyes,
Mother is watching from the other side.
Jun 2018 · 198
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Lava yonder chase
Ne'er to rise a crop from grey
Ash cloud drip as rain
Stay safe dear friend's and family.
Jun 2018 · 306
Flirtatiously Silent
Corey Smith Jun 2018
My eyes are fixed on the stars- pondering.
Pneumas of fluoresce gathered from heaven.
Fragments of the moon self left wandering;
Welcoming lost souls of fallen brethren.

I ponder- e'en whilst the sky does shine blue,
For the heyday bloom is just as luring;
Nature's blemishes seen in all its hue.
A scenic route of entitled flirting.

'Tis beneath the ray of sun where clouds quake;
The fictitious hand of god makes descent.
And by true firmament the daylight break,
Oft do billows convey a man's ascent.

I ponder- ambiance of earth and space.
These two are in love- at a breakneck pace.
Jun 2018 · 192
How Many Is Enough?
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Forget all of the rules,
But not all of them fool!
   Stick a bandaid on your arm,
   Even with a wound too alarm!
Just don't pass out and drool!
Jun 2018 · 297
Long Distance
Corey Smith Jun 2018
From north to
Mine heart will be
For nothing can break
Not even the space time
For distance does not control our
Because our hearts are
With that my soul mated with
Long before my body
You dance on the ends of my eyelids,
From afar.
Jun 2018 · 215
Ice Cube Cell Phone
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Whither, thee ask?
Wherefore hither and thither;
Amongst the grass it slither,
Like a wet bar of soap in thine hand;
Slipping through the tightest clutch.

So thee no longer grab such jump.
Instead, place width between two palms,
And witness a stagger in the hop.
Look! Just there! A light in the cold!
This fool scratches the sides to a dull.

Like a lion gnawing on marrow;
Consuming even the invisible meat.
Mistaking the after taste in the lick
As another victum to the stomach!

Oh and how the sky shines the morn.
How the sun turned ally in such affair;
What once was a solid,
Now runs as a liquid.
Be gone then! Our game is done!

No more time for me,
When thy thumb striketh the media!
Jun 2018 · 240
Happy Farewell
Corey Smith Jun 2018
'Twas the hardest part,
Thine heart's lesser beat.
But the instinct in thy face
Was crafted so delicately neat.

Thy lips peel back,
And thy dimples expose;
Muscle memory structured
A smile to a fold.

And here thou sitteth,
Broken and faint.
And thou dieth with a smile,
One I helped to create.

Rest now with those that can fly.
For soon my love,
I will take to the sky.
And once again 'twill be

Thee and I.
Jun 2018 · 214
Home Page
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Build me a tower
Bring the essentials
Erase the door
Construct a window for me
I will lean against the clouds
And write within the skyline
Poetry isn't dead
It is here
Above your head
And it reads
Hello Poetry
Jun 2018 · 184
Upside Down
Corey Smith Jun 2018
A sphere like a bulb
Yet flat at the bottom

Fill me up
With oil

Fill me up
With water

Fill me up
With glycol

It wouldn't bother...

These are my components
And I wear them well

Inside of me is a scene
That's still

Around the holidays I give people
A thrill

I rest atop of old decor
The most fragile gathering

It certainly helps when I ascend
Off ground
It brings a smile to the
Entire crowd

All I need is just one
Good s h a k e
And my scene will start to

White glitter surrounds
My sphere
And when the dust settles
You will see very clear

That I am December
With presents that glow

Just there
Right behind the snow

But I only come alive
From the upside down
What am I?
Jun 2018 · 170
Words Are Louder
Corey Smith Jun 2018
We all have that moment when we're silent
That feeling where talking is exhausting
A poet finds solace in the lines
The words are better spoken that way
Its indescribable
Beyond our vocabulary
Corey Smith Jun 2018
Wondering if thou canst see the details
Impression is there in the text
Lasting smile will haunt thy cheek
Learning the letters of which thou seeketh

Youth will turn in the bitter of days
Ornaments will steal the chest tops
Uncanny resemblance in the frame

My love, how dost thou eyes still sing to me
Arranging my thoughts in abrupting plea
Rarest of beauty and all things lust
Rarer still, mine heart o'er any been touched
Yesternight I made up my mind:
    empty future without
thou in my prime

Meet me on bending knee, with instrument that shines
'Every word unto now, shall be tied to my vow'
Jun 2018 · 312

— The End —