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Jul 2018 · 1.1k
In The Dungeon
CloudedVision Jul 2018
Way down here
Where screams are common
The people shiver with cold
Way down here in the darkness below
People listen to the Shaman

Everyone is locked up in a cell
Everyone in his own
Here is a place where they are all alone
The place where evil calls home

In this prison the people cry
For a redeemed to come and save
But so far they only here
The mocking voice of the Shaman
"Soon you'll see your grave"

The people are are locked
Inside despair
As the Shaman laughs
And casts his glare

He chants a few words
And pain arcs through your bone
The Shaman cackles and smirks
As he sits on his dungeon throne
This is the boat we are all stuck in, locked inside a dungeon. This is why we need a hope, a hope that goes beyond earth. Because people will always fail.
Jul 2018 · 7.6k
A Panda's Dream
CloudedVision Jul 2018
There was a Panda in his room
Ready to fall asleep
He wrapped himself up
Hugged his bed
As he counted all his sheep

The sheep jumped by one by one
As he watched the setting sun
The moon would rise
Stars shine bright
As the night time had begun

He rests his head on his pillow
He lays there all alone
In the warmth of night he falls asleep
As he pays his daytime loan

His mind goes dim, as his dreams awake
And he's in a pitch black room
When in front of him a bubble forms
One the size of his head
Past him it begins to zoom

The Panda half walks half crawls to where the bubble lay
Afloat in the air
Suspended above
He raises his voice to speak for it to come
But when his mouth opens, he doesn't know what to say

The bubble sits there laying in wait
Waiting for him to reach
So the Panda puts up his outstretched arm
Reaching for what he thinks would give him great joy
But what he finds is alarm

As he reaches and touches the bubble
The bubble begins to shake
It waivers and pops and rains down debris
And yet he doesn't wake

The Panda looks down
With tear stained eye
He sees the puddle below
And to the bubble he waves good bye

In this puddle left by the bubble
He sees his reflection glow
He sees his face, his tear stained eye
He wants to be set free
But for this little Panda, waking up is slow
this poem is a reflection of me and how I feel.
Jul 2018 · 391
In the Green
CloudedVision Jul 2018
Here a creature lurks below
In shadows of evergreen
Constantly surrounded
By trees, rocks, and green

This creature lives in solitude
As below the sky it thrives
It grows in height and grows in age
It grows in antler size
But most of all it grows up inside
As it grows with morning dew

This creature is no antelope
Or moose of the great up north
It simply is a caribou
A traveler of abroad

The caribou is in the green
It has aged an awful lot
So in the green it finds a tree
And its antlers it will shed

Here is a creature in the Green
The green of forest groves
It lives in peace and eats its cloves
As in the forest it grows

This creature grows tall and strong
As is grazes on the grass
It lurks below the shadows
As forever it will last

Unoticed by most who pass on by
Unseen by those you don't care
So lurking in the deep dark green
A lonely life it will share
I was,inspired,ro write this poem while,at caribou, meeting up with a friend.
Jun 2018 · 173
The Battle Upstream
CloudedVision Jun 2018
Here I am on a raft
I'm paddling quite hard
The rushing waters push me back
The wind is on my side
Will i ever reach the mountain
Where this stream has sprung
Or will i be cast back down
To endlessly float in the towering waves
Of the deep blue ocean.

I was once in the ocean
Floating aimlessly
I once was lost in despair
With tears that will never be seen

For the ocean is all water
No one can tell the difference
They just see a big blue mass
No one sensed my distress

But some how through it all
I managed to make it out
Now I'm paddling up river
To the mountain of doubt

My raft is brown
Its made if wood
The oars are wooden too
The river is my enemy
Pushing me away
The wind is my friend
But compells me to sway

I'm soar, I'm hurt
My muscles no longer move
But then ahead, i see the mountain
Where the spring has sprung
And so I push forward
I give the oars a shove

But as I reach the mountain base
It becomes an uphill row
The raging waters are too much for me
I guess I'll forever be below

Below the mountain
Below the goal
I'll never be enough

So back to the ocean I now float
For I can't make it to the top

The top was a place filled with joy
With good water to drink
And friends to be with

But I can't make it, I am all alone
Forever to wander the abyss
Jun 2018 · 239
CloudedVision Jun 2018
I feel afraid, I'm all locked up
I can't express myself
But if I hide how I feel
It makes me feel no hope

Fear has me
It's gripped on hard
I cannot find relief

I'm all locked up
inside a cell
As i stare in disbelief

How? Say its not so
How did we get so lost
I just can't see what's all happened
I'm blinded behind my smile

But my smile never shows
I have no reason for joy
I'm all locked up inside

This prison isn't physical
But it limits more beyond
Its in my mind compelling me
Saying I cannot do what's right

I have no freedom
What do I do
I do nothing
For there is no reason with hope
There is no freedom inside

Im struggling
In frightened, lost, confused, hurt, and sad
I don't know what to do
I feel like nothing but a lost sheep
One that will be found in 14 years.
I'm sad to know this does describe me, but I feel peace through it all.
Jun 2018 · 156
The First Rays
CloudedVision Jun 2018
As I'm laying on my bed
The world around will wake
It will become full of life
And I will begin to bake

But before I am up and begin to bake
I must watch a beauty of life
It is the rising sun above
Relieving me of strife

It's relaxing to watch the colors grow
From darkness to light pink
All I can do is think and dream
Dream of the sunrise, of it think

It's a mood change for me
One for the best
It makes me feel ready and joyful
It makes me feel I've finished my rest

So i rose on up, out of the shadow
Out of the comforts of bed
I go to the kitchen and turn on the stove
I wait till it becomes red

The red hot stove now lights up the room
And the rolls must now be made
They cook real fast and are ready to eat
So now I put them to blade

The taste of them gives me strength
Along with the sight of the sun
All this glory invigorates me
For the day that is to come.
May 2018 · 2.4k
CloudedVision May 2018
In the night the crickets are loud
The frogs croak as they abound
In the night the birds are asleep
Only bats are to be found

In this night the sun is down
The moon is hiding too
In this night the breeze blows cool
With the mist of sadness blue

The trees are dark and sky is black
No light can be seen
In the darkness I am stuck
Lying in agony

The sun never shines in here
The stars never twinkle
The howl of wolves and casted shadows
Cause my courage to dwindle

I'm all alone in this dark void
No soft voice to comfort
All I hear is resounding fear
And all I see is the darkness of night

I'm lost, no hope
The trail can't be found
I'm wandering to no avail
I'm lost in the dark surrounded by shadows

The shadows project
Monsters galore
Monsters I know all to well
Sadness and lonesome are two I make out, with anger and sorrow next to me

It seems in darkness eternally
Is where my soul is bound
For this darkness is thick
And the air is cold
How could i ever be free from this dark mind trick
Am I ever to be found
May 2018 · 139
Whether Or Not
CloudedVision May 2018
There is a key, a key to this world
One few will ever have
This key is plainly visible
Yet we refuse to see

The key is hidden in plain sight
A glow in the dark
But my eyes are clouded and shady
I seem to not see the spark

So my question is whether or not
Should I chose with you to be
Are you the future for me
Or are you sadness set free?
May 2018 · 253
All I See
CloudedVision May 2018
I live in a world of sadness
One with no hope at all
People don't live long
Before death calls you its spawn

The world is in the dark
No light shines upon
The lights that once were
Are hiding or have gone

People are sad with no joy to share
They live in their homes
with games and greed galore
They live their lives in desperation

But I was taught to fight the sorrow
I see the truth beyond
I ignore that we live
In the age of allegation

I see what we need
We need an inner light
One that will never let us be
To give us our reason surpassing hope.

To give us glory
to give us joy
even when there is nothing to smile for
That is how we should live our lives

With a hope beyond earth
And mission above
We can live with out fear
We can live free like a dove
Apr 2018 · 720
Anger is all I feel
CloudedVision Apr 2018
This poem may not rhyme
Or give a pretty sound
Buts an accurate description
Of the voices that I hear


All I can feel is anger inside me
For what I don't enjoy has come
I asked for a friend, I got a statue
One that nods at all my words.

I feel anger
I'm mad at the world
Its doesn't give me love
It gives me little good

People don't see all the greatness there
They cast their glance beyond
They look for something, easy and cheep
Something that will give them much

But by doing so they miss the true target
The target of joy and love
They miss what matters, what's really important
They miss out on it all

That's why I'm mad, for they miss their mark
And throw me by the way side
I'm thrown like trash, a shot and hes gone
Down the hoop of garbage

I feel mad, a deserving wrath
My feelings are not healthy
My fists are clenched
My teeth forced against each other
My eyes are glaring mad

I'm mad at people, they are no good
They only kindle my anger
why cant they see the young man they have tossed
Why don't they listen to reason

I feel like I'm about to lash out
I can't deal with this no more
You've plucked the last straw
I don't want you here.

You've done great good, I appreciate that
But that good was so long ago
Why can't you be like you were
A true friend to me

Now your different
And I hate the change
You can'tĀ  see the light
The light that sits right in front of you

I don't even know why I'm here
Your no longer good to me
The world has turned its face away
And you have turned there too.

I loved you once
Now you've kindled my anger
Don't talk to me no more

As much as I have cared for you
You've done nothing to accept my kindness
Why do I try any longer
When you only throw me away

I'm angry, and I don't like it
But I can't tolerate no more.
So either you listen, and heed my words
Or else be gone for good!
Apr 2018 · 138
Any, My Whisper of Light
CloudedVision Apr 2018
Any where and anytime
I'd love to be with you
For it is with you that I am happiest
I wish we were stuck like glue

I love you and you love me
You make me feel all bubbly
When I'm with you im
All filled up inside with joy and glee

Every morning when I wake up
Your the first person I think of
Every night when I go to bed
Your where my thoughts are headed

I love you, and never want us apart
For when im with you
My heart races, and hands get sweaty
For I don't know what to do

Your just to much for me to handle
Your too much joy for me to bear
You bring me happiness no matter where
That's why for you, ill always care

You give me peace, joy, and comfort
You give me reason to continue onward
You are my whisper
My whisper of light

Becasue you give me joy and reason
I see you as my own
But not just that, but as my helping hand
And as my loving friend

I appreciate you and your love
Its what I've always dreamed i would have
But now I have it, a dream come true
My head will spill with excitement

You really do mean the world to me
Ill never lose you my dear
Your someone ill never give up
Ill fight eye, tooth, and ear

I love you more then anything
You've been a beauty in a fallen land
You've been my angel, watching over me
Youve been my whisper of light

You have saved me from sadness and fear
You have brought me life without tear
You have been good to me
You are my whisper of light

You once said you would follow me
Sky, sea, and land
But what i want you to know
Is that ill never go
Through those with out your hand

All I need is your hand in mine
Your head upon my shoulder
I need to know your here right next to me
I need your hand in mine

Im strong with you, or so says I
I feel invincible, so with one hand
I feel I could conquer the world
Just so long as you hold the other

I love you, without end or fade
You mean so much to me
When I'm with you, during that time
My hearts truly set free

I love you to infinity and beyond
You've been my hope i decree
So it is with you, I want my life
A thriving willow tree.

This tree will grow tall and strong
Because of the good it receives
The good is from you, its morning sun
I love you beyond degree
Apr 2018 · 151
Lost in Space
CloudedVision Apr 2018
Sometimes I feel like I'm alone in space
SometimesĀ  feel I'm not running the race

There once was a time when I was flying on by
But I feel i've fallen by with a sigh

So here I am lost in space
clinging to an astroid
Floating in place

I'm stuck here all by myself
Because those I thought were close
Have gone somewhere else
Ive lost those around me
I'm stuck with no glee

But as I sit here floating aimlessly
I cling to the only friend I can see
And that is this astoid that I'm holding onto, cold and small

My feelings are lost I'm stuck in sorrow
Stuck with anger and pain
Then I sense in my mind the depression start to rain

I have no comfort no one to help
No one is hear to wipe away my tears

There is nothing I can do but hold on tight
My brain is in for a really big fight
A fight I will lose because I'm all alone
No one seems to care
Often times people gaze upon me as I float on by
Only to think theres a poor fellow and then skip me from their mind

The sun doesn't shine only darkness I see
The world has left, it left with out me

Now what can I do, I can sit here alone
Sit until I'm ****** up into a black whole
And its in the black whole ill truly see
Just how pointless life truly is to me
Apr 2018 · 131
CloudedVision Apr 2018
Sometimes people feel left out
They feel they're all alone
But you make me feel important
For like a light you've shone

All those years ago I asked the question
Will you be my valentine
You said yes and that was the start
Of a love so true, please be mine

You'll never know how much you help
To make me feel alive
When I'm with you I feel my heart
Is flying, gliding high

For the joy you give I can never repay
Nor for the kindness that you show
Please don't ever go away
For like an angel you glow
CloudedVision Apr 2018
The darkness here is thick and cold
Im living a life but I'm not bold
I sit here scared
Scared of my life
Scared for my life
Scared of where my life will lead

There is no light
For it has ran
My life's not bright
Its boring, bland

So here I am where ever this is
In a place of darkness, fear, no bliss

Its dark in here
Its cold in here
I look around
can't see the ground
where am I

Then I see a flicker of light
I come closer
Its suddenly bright
In the darkness
In the cold
Where am I

Then the brightness fades away
Im stuck again where i was before
In the darkness
In the cold
Where am I

My skin is burning
I'm freezing cold
I want my pain to end
In the darkness
In the cold
Where am I

But then all a sudden
In front of me
I happen to see
A figure a shadow
Of who it is I'm meant to be
In the darkness
In the cold
Where am I

This figure reaches
Outstreched hand
Gives me a light
A torch in hand
In the darkness
In the cold
Where am I

I thought the torch
Would warm me up
But the fire's cold
The wood will not scorch
In the darkness
In the cold
Where am i

I look around
Now able to see
I see no color
Only dark empathy
In the darkness
In the cold
Where am I

Im all alone
My feelings drone
I feel like I'm
A life unknown
In the darkness
In the cold
Where am I

I live my life
In the darkness here
But no one truly knows my fear
In the darkness
In the cold
Where am I

I fear a lot of what is to come
And where my thoughts will be
Im lying here my thoughts all dead
Then I remember my life I dread

In the darkness
In the cold
Where am I?
The answer is
I'm in my mind
Alone and unforgiving

My mind is dark
Not easily lit
And if a light
Can manage to shine
Its only for a bit

My life is shattered, torn, and cruel
I feel like I'm in a standing duel
A duel I cant win because if my sin
Because of my lack of sustaining joy

So here I remain
In the darkness
In the cold
Stuck inside my mind
Please someone
Make it end

An end to all my grief
Only then will you be
Someone I can love
A sincere and true friend.

So please my friend
Be a light
A light that will last
Or else my head and I
We may just have to never see
An end to this dark sickness
For it to end is what I plea
Apr 2018 · 142
Ocean of the Wicked
CloudedVision Apr 2018
Here I am on top a hill the water closing fast
I hope I learn how to swim or else my life won't last

The water now has eaten me I'm in the deep dark blue.

Now I really have to wish
That like a bird I flew

But now I'm covered by a blanket of blue surrounded by those I love

But being with them I'm still not happy
Done is my life above

So as I sink further down I open my eyes to see
But the water around slightly stings my eyes
that are in that sea

I'm stuck down here below the surface the water squeezing in

So as I know my life will end
As I think of all my sin

Of all the sinful acts and dreams I have thought and done

I realize I'm such a fool for not believing Noah

He is the one who could have saved me
Despair is swimming
Lurking near laughing at me
no hope I see
Only in a matter of time my life will no longer be

So as I take my dying breath a pain I will imbibe

The pain of water filling my lungs and the pain of my grief inside
Apr 2018 · 188
CloudedVision Apr 2018
My life is filled with sadness
Strife and mockery
I feel depressed, weak, and alone
I go to my friends, but no ones home
I'm laying here on my bed
Lying in loneliness
No one cares, no one knows I'm here
They have their own lives
Why bother with me
I feel afraid, and don't what to do
I'm all alone, what can I do?
My life is shattered
Filled with longings
I long for a friend
One that will never leave
But I'm stuck here with empty promises
People say "I'm here for you"
But then they just walk away
I don't see a purpose to keep going any longer, so please, just end it for me.
Unless i can find a true friend who will never leave my side, I don't see why I should be here. I need you
Please stay close
I'm in a bad rough place
I'm haunted by a ghost
I need your comfort, sharing joy, and peace
Please, save me from my desperation.

— The End —