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 Dec 2017 Cheyenne
Hannah wirtz
Perfect. By: Hannah Ostenberg

Puffed out cheeks, sunken eyes, raw throat, salty tears that run down my dry skin,
I am perfect.
Dry thin brittle hair, nails that are chipping away, Bruises litter my paper thin skin,
I am perfect.
Thigh gap of an inch and a half, Concaved stomach, hip bones sharp like glass, ribs so prominent that when my thin cold fingers run over them feeling every dip between, they could be strummed like a one of a kind vintage guitar making a sad melody,
I am perfect.
Heavy chest, Short breath, Numb limbs, Cold skin,To weak to get out of bed,
I am perfect.
Make up painted face, fake smiles, Daily lies, “I’m not hungry, I already ate, I’m ok, I‘m fine, I‘m just tired”  
I am perfect.
I am perfect,
I am prefect, Perfect at lying.
I am perfect.
I am perfect, Perfect at dying
I am perfect.
I am perfect, I am perfectly killing myself, but to the outside, to society, I’m just….
By: Hannah Ostenberg
 Nov 2017 Cheyenne
I am here I was always here
But you never noticed me
I tried to get your attention
But still unanswered
What do i have to do be noticed by you
Should I wave my hand in your face
Should I yell your name out loud
I shouldn't really have to do all these things
But I do anyway because I'm that interested
But I'm still get no answer do you know why I try so it's
Because I love you
 Nov 2017 Cheyenne
We sit next to each other
We talk to each other
We laugh together
We have fun together
We get in trouble together
We cry together
We yell at each other
We argue over simple things together
But u don't seem to notice
Notice how I truly feel about you
It's sharp
It hurts
But I don't let it stop me from trying to reach you
It seems your always ahead of
Though you don't seem to notice me in the back
Just know your the one I love
 Oct 2017 Cheyenne
Life as I know cannot be changed no matter what I do
I get up
Take a shower
Go to work
Come home
Have dinner
Then back to bed
I try to change it up but it seems everybody is busy now a days
So I'm stuck in this endless loop of doing the same thing every day
I really can't do anything cause I don't have the money too
Can't go out or try anything new but that's life
So say to you it is what it is
 Oct 2017 Cheyenne
In the dark lies mysteries
Mysteries that take my interest
But when I go in there's nothing really there but emptiness, emptiness that cannot be filled no matter how hard I try to fill it
It will always be empty I don't know why but it is
 Oct 2017 Cheyenne
I am the friend who makes you laugh
I am the friend that cheers you up when your low
I am the friend that helps you when you need it the most
Even though I try to get closer you push me away
I'm happy to be your friend, but I'm tired of seeing you get hurt
Sometimes the friend is the one you need cause your friend understands you the most
But you are blinded by the guy who you just let and has the potential to hurt you again
And I'll be there again to help you again to help you to cheer you up when ur feeling low
Just know I'm here your friend
 Oct 2017 Cheyenne
 Oct 2017 Cheyenne
For all my life I have been an outcast
I try my best to make friends but It never seems to work
I laugh I make jokes but I just scare people away
At first I thought it was how I looked but my mother told me I looked fine so I thought I was ok
I tried to ask others but they just looked at me with this awkward face like they don't know what I'm talking about
So I just continue on like nothing's wrong I sometimes over hear others conversations but not to much
I sometimes think they're talking about me but it's about some other person I'm like the behind character in some tv show that no one notices
But I don't want to be I want be the character that people notices
I want to be the character that makes others laugh
But I could never do that cause no one laughed
So in the end I said FML
 Oct 2017 Cheyenne
Im so tired
Im too tired of doing homework
Everything just piling up one by one
I couldn't stand it. I wanna get out
But you really have no choice.

I don't care.
You wont live long.
Its just life

— The End —