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dreamland    With a heart that beats for words and music.
22/F    Poet, notorious bibliophile, proud nerd, future neuroscientist, musician, Autistic Self Advocate
19/Trans Male/Chicago IL    Gray Dawson, is a bisexual, trans male from Chicago who tends to write about the darker things in life, in an attempt to spread awareness …
28/F    Words are all I have to explain the tumult in my brain- when I'm happy, or otherwise. Ultimately, I'm just a girl wanting to pave …
Hannah Lurie Bowen
19/F    I'm trying to write more. I used to do it a lot, but for some reason stopped. I want to write like I once wrote. …
25/Delhi    "At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet"
19/F    IG: Loneblues
ghost queen
Beauty Without Eyes
20/F/Im Not Sure Im Living    My ° BiGgeSt ° MiStAkE WaS ° pRotEctInG ° yOu FRoM ° eVerYthInG °//but yourself \\° Copyright ©DaraK All Rights Reserved

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