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  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
   my love,

will you
   marry me?

We are
  hand in glove,

I'm on
   bended knee.

I am breathless
  in your

If I were blind,
   you would
    make me see.

   would be
the love
  we share.

a lifelong pair.
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
Go to a party with you friends
I’ll stay in and write poetry
Come home and tell me stories
I’ll have more to write about in the morning.
New love
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
Growing up as a lil' kid,
I had no father figure to look up to
He wasn't dead, he wasn't just there
I watched my mama hustle like she was 2 in 1
Looking at me now, I hope she can boldly say she's won
And I'm just getting started mum
I've got my hands on the ladder, moving northwards

As a kid, I missed out on all the cartoons
(No Tom & Jerry, No Lion King)
I was always on the street with older dudes listening to Biggie and Pac
I guess that's where I found my love for rap
I was told that I once rapped to 2pac in my sleep

I have huge love and respect for my mum
A single mother that played dual roles
She deprived herself a lot of things
in order to provide for her son
No parties, no friends, no expensive clothing or jewellery
Her son was/is her most precious jewel

School fees were uneasy to pay but she paid
One hurdle after the other but she scaled them all
Oh boy, what a brave & go-get-it woman!
She instilled in me the go-get-it mindset
No one can take her place in my heart

But I still have big respect for my dad
Even though he's back, he still watches from afar
He's a provider, adviser from arm's length
But I guess half presence is better than nada

Isn't it sad that there're countless
similar scenarios all around the globe
Mothers shouldn't be fathering kids
Absent fathers delay societal progress
There are cases of runaway mothers
So no party is exempt

Kudos to all the parents around the world
that are playing their parts
May you excel in raising your kids to excel
And at the end, may you reap the fruits of your earnest labour.
Most personal piece I ever wrote.
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
Never forget, whom you are an Warrior.
Never Forget , you are Healed my Friend.
Never Forget, you are not ugly nor gross.
But you were created to be Beautiful/handsome.
Never Forget, that you are an Mighty Over-comer.
Never Forget, that you were made to Bless others.
Never Forget, that you are really truly Special.
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