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  Aug 2019 Carmen Jane
m a k a y l a
I miss being care free
we hear it all the time, you never know how good you have it
but what if you do know? is that pain somehow justified now?
that's a hard question
I miss being care free

I miss those butterflies
when you looked at me, you looked at my imperfections
and you never looked away, they turned into my perfections
your hand would graze mine, the butterflies went wild
I miss those butterflies

I miss those laughs
the ones when the wind stole my breath away
when my eyes found darkness from squeezing shut, i love that
we grabbed our stomachs, the only pain that made us laugh harder
I miss those laughs

Its okay to miss those things
i have those memories, i have those forever
all the places my feet traveled, the places my hands touched
i get to keep all of those, and that makes this okay.
  Aug 2019 Carmen Jane
Akira Chinen
do you ever think that
maybe the sun gets tired
that maybe she just needs
one night to herself
just one night to sleep
one day off to let
her fiery hair down
to find an ocean
big enough to swim through
a river wide enough
to float down

do you think she minds
that we write so many
poems to the moon
that we marvel
in awe and wonder
mesmerized by the moons light
forgetting even at night
its her light
lighting our way

do you ever wonder
what it must be like
to always be rising
to always be out
to always be hanging
somewhere in the sky
to always feel the fires burning

to never know the joy
of a cool breeze
to never find shelter from the heat
in the shade of a great oak tree
to never have your hands
go numb from playing in the snow

what must it be like to be the sun
do you ever stop to think
how tired she must be
to always be burning
burning so bright
all that light
all that warmth
keeping this earth alive

do you think she minds
all the poems we write to the moon
that we stay up so late
sleep in so often
and treat doing so as a luxury
that we relish the time
she is absent from the sky
do you think she minds
when you don't quit
stars feel only slightly smaller
perseverance pays

-19.08.2019-modern haiku /short poem /unrhymed/
  Aug 2019 Carmen Jane
(Not a poem, a wake up call)

It's actually a very simple thing
Every human on earth deserves
To live with dignity
  Food, shelter and love...
I'm doing all I can to make up
For the deficiency.
An innocent eye opens at birth
How will they view the world
With a hungry heart
Or a hungry belly
Sheltered form the storm
Or lost in the tempest
World views can change
It we get our hearts in the game!
Make the world a better place
Traveler Tim
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