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  Jun 2019 Carmen Jane
Lora Lee
Hey, you
Yeah, you
the one way over there
ensconced in tall grasses
where do you
think you are
you extend a hand
and loving heart
to so many
and so few
see your brokenness
your pieces of shattered
glass from
all four of those
chambers in your chest
              all over the floor
And Hey
I see you
I see you deep
Your molecules rising
Up unto
that soul's
brightness and
so beautiful
wisdom gained
from time
mixed with pain
             and rhyme
Let me
wrap my tendrils
of healing all and up
around you
right through you
No need to talk
         Just let me
press my
blood-pumping heart
right into
Feel it
Let my light
infuse you
Let me touch you
deep into
under skin
just like
O' heart, I wonder how
you can store
so many different
emotions of ours
in just thy four puny
while pumping away the
liquid of life

O' heart in you we
discover love
but side by side you can
harbour hate
In you we find the
emotion of happiness
but side by side you
simmer rage!

When you cease to beat
many plans you thwart
May God protect the
young human heart.

And while some O' heart
you hold dear
some make you skip a
beat in fear!

O' heart but we find in
you as well
the vile emotion of
Such a potpourri of
emotions in you dwell
Help filter out any wrong
ones for you and me!

A mere four chambers
indeed, but spacious are
Invite therein
whomsoever in the
world you may

But in the end forget not
to reserve
atleast a single chamber
for its Creator, to
The creator of hearts
More than that deserves.
  Jun 2019 Carmen Jane
Jayne E
Honest sweet intuition
feel no dark
in her good mind
grow more silent
to listen with my tear
is warm comfort.

J.C. honey-tiger  01/06/2019
This was written about my daughter when she was little.
  Jun 2019 Carmen Jane
sandra wyllie
are farsighted? I’m splitting in two
in front of them, and still I can’t get
their attention. They walk over me like
I’m fallen leaves. I feel so used. I beg and

I plead for some relief. But they think it’s
my usual drama. So, I wear my steely armor
and smile. I’m not fooling anyone, least of all
myself. So, I hide in a bottle like a ship. And just like

the ship I can’t get out of the narrow
mouth. And there’s a cork at the head that won’t let
anything in. So, here I’m all alone by myself, which is
something I’m used to. And now since I’m split at the bow
I’ve no masts but two hulls.
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