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 May 2018 Brother Jimmy

The cycle of the seasons
once again presents a change.
Greens and blues are now the colors,
as the scene has rearranged.

Crepe Myrtles shed their blossoms
in blizzard, pinks and reds,
And bulbs with care once planted
now emerge from flower beds.

I walk upon a sea of blue
that waves with every breeze.
Bluebonnets on the Texas plains,
a view that's sure to please.

They ripple with the grass
in tempo with the wind.
How lovely to just sway and hear
the message that they send.

It seems as though the world awakens,
stretching with a yawn.
As luscious grass emerges
from the brown muck on my lawn.

Bluebonnets are the official state flower of Texas. The shape of the petals on the flower resembles the bonnet worn by pioneer women to shield them from the sun. Their blooms only last a couple of weeks.

As an extension of Lady Bird Johnson's efforts at highway beautification, she encouraged the planting of these native plants along Texas highways and are now a common sight in the springtime. This time of year, driving along the highways all over the great state of Texas, you will find, car loads of families pulled over to use the sea of blue as back drops for family photos.
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