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They've only gone and fooled us
into thinking this was Kansas
and the rainbow was a side show
in the circus of our lives.
Toto lays doggo and waits for the end.
Concern are of great value
and peace will turn
the earth green
he brings me peace
wrapped up in love
his love is tender sweet
we fit together as hand in glove

he knows just such
to soothe me right
and when I need his touch
to be strong with might

he found me blue
bruised petals torn
knew what to say and do
to chase away my forlorn

he has ruined me now
for any other ever
with the love he endows
a bond too strong to sever

he is more than a good man
my respect for him grows
depend upon him I can
as he can me he knows

the love he gives is so good
forever my heart his to keep
at last love manifest as it should
forever I am his little meep

© J.C.
her sweet toothless smile
napping or yapping at us
with a heart of gold.
I miss my granny.She was the best.
Mink coat,
I can buy myself,
Credit Card
for the life before,

or the life after,

you are the only one who will ever live your life,
What good is my pen if it doesn't write about you
What good are my thoughts if you're not in them
To have spent a night without dreaming about you feels like a crime
My day feels lost if don't talk to you
Believe me when I say I love you
For me there's no one or nothing in this world above you
You are to me
What the waves are to the sea
We're inseparable
You're the oasis in my heart's desert
You are light that guides me through the darkness
You are the queen of my mind's forest
You are the goddess of my soul
I'm your dedicated devotee..
...your humble worshipper
I'm enchanted by your generosity and grace
You fill my soul with the most exquisite of colours
You carry me through on those difficult days
I can't quite describe it in proper words
But I feel so strongly for you
Ever since you came into my life
There's this incredible sense of positivity and hope that keeps running through my veins
My heart keeps pounding at the rate of knots
My mind is filled with your images
I feel you in every nerve of my body
I've never felt this way before
I think I've found my soulmate in you
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