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Dec 2020 · 123
Out of shits
Owen Hayes Dec 2020
I would love to give you a ****
But I am all out
No ***** left to give
Absolutely none

I don't know where they went
And I can't be ****** to get em back
They're gone for good
My ***** will never be seen again

So run your mouth
Go on about "us lot"
and how we have it easier
But no one will give you a ****

Certainly not me
For I have run out
So please if you may.
Jul 2020 · 162
A poem to my past self
Owen Hayes Jul 2020
Hey there kiddo
Things ain't great
But trust me
I've be'n there
It's gonna be fine
Time will move
And you will heal

Bitting yet nails about exams
Don't worry slick
It will be a bump in the road
One day

One day
You will be better
One day
You will completely forget
One day
There will be no more tears
One day
You'll be glad you kept fightin'
So please wait until that day
It's gonna be great

Yeah you're gonna struggle
Probably each day
But hey
It gets easier
No more pain 'n' panickin' inside
But a hot drink and self-care

You're hurtin'
You ain't sleepin'
But you gotta keep tryin'
Cause it's gonna get better

Come on get up now
It's all gonna get better
You've got people on yer team
It's all gonna get better
Come'on you so close now.
It's all gonna get better.

Take a deep breath
We ******' did it
It ain't healed but...
It's **** well better now.
Owen Hayes Jul 2020
People love that crooked tooth
And that certainly is the truth
They laugh and snort like a pig
And that is something to dig.

Listen and let it effect
What you see as imperfect
Is what makes perfect

You worry about your hairline
But your head is super fine
You like season two of that show
I disagree but your passion I know

So what you have your flaws
Welcome to the club
It's a club 7 billion

You say your rather shy
But it's great and not a lie
So what you get a mood
We all do dude

You may not be "smart"
But you got some great art
You rip a wicked , akward ****
But a competition you start

None of us are Angeles  
And that is my angle
For you absolute delights

Yeah, you're imperfect...
And that is perfect
Apr 2020 · 133
Beauty by moonlight
Owen Hayes Apr 2020
The moonlight beamed down
Silhouetting her dark hair
Her eyes burnt green
The night transformed her beauty
I only had one thought:
"Yep! She's a werewolf!"
You think your girlfriends RUFF in the morning.
I was BARKING up the wrong tree
My dating life is pretty PAW
Owen Hayes Apr 2020
Hating someone for nothing is stupid
Being bi is great
Being gay is great
Being straight is great
No matter your fancy. You're great
But the death of cheese is greater

Men Vs women is a bunch of bull
Both are cool and fine
Cis or trans. Doesn't matter
Both are good.
But certain cheese is Gouda.

No matter who you vote for
No matter where you from
Or what you look like
Everybody is amazing
Except mozzarella.
He's a pizza ****

Just so you know
You're pretty rad
To know you I am glad
Edam you're pretty **** cool
Dec 2019 · 157
Long poems
Owen Hayes Dec 2019
I hate long poems
We should shorten them
Nov 2019 · 193
Not all birds fly
Owen Hayes Nov 2019
Not all birds fly
Some waddle or sqauwk
Some birds can't fly
No matter how hard they try

Not all pancakes are perfect
Most are wonky, burnt and crispy
We are all wonky pancake people
And that's imperfectly fine

Not everyone can be a hero
Doesn't mean they're a zero
Not everyone gets a happily ever after
Doesn't mean their life has no laughter

Not every bird can fly
So please don't try
Be happy with ya waddling
Oct 2019 · 217
Another god darn love poem
Owen Hayes Oct 2019
I feel my heart go gooy
My cheeks burn red
******* they're a cute
When they talk about musicals
They way the smile with passion
I would compare her to a rose
If she weren't the a million clichés
I love what seems meaningless
That she learnt for pointless
I wish I could say:
Your eyes glow like a autumn sunset
But I mumer and say something like
'hey! You have eyes!'
Owen Hayes Sep 2019
Those **** feels
Sneaking back up on me
Gosh I  Love them
They are absolutely great

The cute way she smiles
She can name the entire periodic table
And weather they are or aren't stable
I love everything about her.

The feelings strick back
Too lovey too dovey
Love and scars 2
Electric booga lo

She's perfect!
She's perfect!
I thought I was over her but no-
Like I said she's perfect!

This a love poem
It's about 'her'
'Her' with her brilliant brain
'Her' with her warm heart

I love her
And it's great to say
I love her
And she's the best
Owen Hayes Sep 2019
Here's to the end of the world
5 minutes to midnight
2 minutes to live
So **** it! Right!
Let's celebrate!

Cheers to the apocalypse
And it's nuclear eclipse.
Dust clouds and skellys
Wastelands and fire.

Here's to the end of everything
Here's to new equality
We'll all be equal
In the dark void of death.

Here's to the death of mother earth
But I don't fear the end
I fear what comes after
Freedos as currency
And cow sized cockroaches

Here's to the end of the world
I'll see ya tomorrow
And give you 10 freedos
For a knife to **** the cockroach queen
I previously wrote about the low points in my outlook and life and how I wanted to give up. But now I write about more cheery things like the end of the world
Jun 2019 · 177
Owen Hayes Jun 2019
If I was to fall
Who would help me up
If I was hurt
Who would aid me
If I was to cry
Who would listen
If I stand up
Who would stand by me
If I was to jump
Who would catch me
If I were to die
Who would mourn for me
Jun 2019 · 224
Belief and absences
Owen Hayes Jun 2019
As we swirl through the vortex of life
We cling to what we can
To the main thing we can: belief
Belief to shield us from the torrent of misery

As we are dragged down by the weight of reality
Or the fear of our own mortality
Belief make us light again
To escape the abyss of hopelessness below

Belief is over flowing:
Belief in god
Belief in karma
Belief in science
Belief in the ones we love
Belief can be our saviour  
Or our destruction
Jun 2019 · 2.9k
My best friend
Owen Hayes Jun 2019
If the world turns grey
There we would be
Side by side
Shoulder to shoulder

I don't need popularity
As long as I have you
And you have me
Like a cringy Disney channel theme

I hope we know each other forever
So long that we share cakes and scones
As well as aches In  our bones
I don't want to ever lose what we have

You make me want to write cringy poems
You make me who I am
To my best friend...
I just want to say...
No! Your mum the big gay.
Share this with you best let them how much they mean to you
Jun 2019 · 197
Dazzling love
Owen Hayes Jun 2019
I love the way she smiles so sweetly
I am happy every time she speaks to me
I love the beautiful colour of her eyes
And her love for terrible puns

But it feels like a dagger going through my heart
When I know she'll never love me too
I can never tell her how I feel
Because I'd rather deny the truth
That she does not feel the same

Why would she love me back
I am not good enough for her
No matter what my feelings are
She's better off with someone else

Whatever happens
I hope she's happy
Even if I'm not.
May 2019 · 320
It gets better
Owen Hayes May 2019
I used to breathe in darkness
But then I learnt I'm useful
I learnt I can write
And my troubles float away
I learnt that I don't need people
To make me feel better

I learnt that it's okay to be sad
But I can still get better
I learnt that talking to people
Helped me with my problems
I learnt that I am me
Someone no one else can be

I learnt that I could get better
And anyone can get better too

You are you
Nobody else will be
I wanted to write something with a good message and if you are feeling depressed please seek help because there are people who care about you and people who love you
Apr 2019 · 286
No more training wheels
Owen Hayes Apr 2019
Mankind has mastered arts
Yet still want to draw and write
Mankind placed it's foot on the moon
Yet a little voice said further

Mankind had wielded nature
Yet is still eager to learn
Mankind has found  secrets of earth
Yet still we go deeper

We break our limitations
We push off our training wheels
We shatter exceptions
We push ourselves
And as such we're great
Apr 2019 · 213
Owen Hayes Apr 2019
As time drifts
There are fewer rainclouds
But it's still raining
I still feel heavy
But some weight has been lifted
I am quiet
But no longer silent
Every breath is less bitter
But is not savoured
The scars haven't healed
But they have faded
I still feel the pain
But it's now healing
Apr 2019 · 203
Owen Hayes Apr 2019
You must walk perfectly in line
You must all look the same
What do they want?
Students or tin soldiers?

One uniformed colour only
No uniqueness allowed
What do they want?
Students or tin soldiers?

They must monitor
They must control
What do they want?
Students or tin soldiers?

Free will is wrong
Free speech is wrong
What do they want?
Students or tin soldiers?

They won't allow this
It speaks the truth
What do they want?
Students or tin soldiers?
Apr 2019 · 462
The smiling mask
Owen Hayes Apr 2019
A smile is just a mask we wear
No true sentiment of what lurks inside
Just a Veil to hide the true emotions

A smile is just a mask we wear
A laugh blocks out somber cries
A grin hides the self hatred
A smile is just a mask we wear

I wear my mask because I am scared
Scared  people mock my vulnerability
Scared I will be burden to my friends
A smile is just mask we wear
Apr 2019 · 250
A good man
Owen Hayes Apr 2019
What makes a good man?
Is a good man Born kind
Or does he look at the world decided?
What is a good man?

A man can call himself a "good man"
Does that make him a good?
Is what you see as right good?
Or does every idea have validity?

A pacifist could be a good man
Yet shall he stand by his morals
Amongst those he could've saved
Is a good man war-like?
Does he fight the good fight?

Does a good man decided who is right?
Or does he keep balance and order?
Does a good stand by those he loves?
Or does fight for the "good guys"?

Does "good" exist?
Does "evil" exist?
Are they subjective?
Is anyone truelly "good" or "evil"?

I feel compassion for my fellow man?
Does that make me a good man?
I judge those who act without reason
Does that make me a bad man?

I feel hatred yet love
I judge yet also forgive
I am prideful and yet humble
Am I "good man" ?
Apr 2019 · 371
Love and scars
Owen Hayes Apr 2019
I don't want her to change in anyway.
I fell in love with her the way she is
Even if she has a flaw
It just makes her more flawless

Whenever the darkness gets stronger
I remember she is in my life
And hope is revived
Life has its meaning
Existence has its point

She makes me glad to be alive
Her smile lightens my mood
Her laugh makes me want to keep joking
She makes me want to get up each day
Just to talk to her

I write this with pen and paper
Because I am too scared to tell her
She means everything to me
I wish I could tell her I love her
Apr 2019 · 152
To those I know
Owen Hayes Apr 2019
To the people that hate me,          
I'm sorry we couldn't have been friends.
I guess I wasn't good enough
For you.

To my mum,
Sorry I wasn't born a perfect child.
But I guess I'm not good enough
For you.

To my teachers,
Sorry I fail again and again
I guess I wasn't good enough
For you.

To my friends,
Sorry I am such a mess
I guess I'm not good enough
For you.

To my crush,
I wish I could tell you how I feel
But again I'm not good enough
For you

To myself,
I hope I'm good enough for you
For you
Because that's all I need to be
Good enough for me

— The End —