My words may be a hard pill to swallow
But I swear to god it's medicine
My dear, you're just a little sick
And I am all but innocent
I'll take responsibility for it
It's ironic though, isn't it?
You're reading this story
But all you're hearing is sorry
The voices scream that I'm a traitor
But I'm softly saying I forgive you
Maybe one day, "I'll see you later"
Those eyes haven't gone blind
Nor your ears gone deaf
But oddly enough, I keep writing words.
So maybe
Beyond the mirror that hurts us
Beyond the veil that protects us
Beyond the strength of our souls
Beyond the frailty of our hearts
Beyond the test of time
Maybe we never wrote these words to remember
Maybe we wrote them to remind us of a pain we wish so sincerely we'll forget.