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Betthia Mae Mar 2019
Faintly it beats
Slowly it steps
Away it goes

Selfish death
Selfish movements
Selfish destination

1, 2, 3 my heart beats
Roaming as it slowly fades away.
Betthia Mae Mar 2019
Caught up
Holding on
Can’t let go
Can’t seem to look up
Betthia Mae Mar 2019
I clicked shuffle
Our song played
The world has a funny way
Of saying
Don’t let go
If you want to know, the song was “If I ain’t got you” by Alicia keys. Call it cliche but I was in love, can’t stop that.
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
Be happy for me
           I am F I N A L L Y over you.
took long enough but I trusted the process
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
Keeping you is selfish, that’s why I’m letting you go.
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
My eyes can never unsee
My hands will never stop holding
My feet can’t take back the steps
My heart will never stop aching

Never will it stop screaming for you
Never will it walk away from you
Never will it let go of you
Never will it look past you
You know what they say
“The heart wants what it wants”
Completely disregarding what you want
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
Is it a coincidence?
A single raindrop fell where tears once fell before
Is it the world telling me?
That I’m still grieving

I wiped the world’s tear off my face
Maybe we have a lot in common
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