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Sep 2018 · 184
In memoriam
Rory Sep 2018
Here in our times
just flies in amber
trodding on those
who came before
who are no less
or more than us
just rearranged
to something else

You won't be remembered
in the blink of an eye
it will all be gone
and all your
worn down parts
will be soil
or granite
or leaves
or summer wind
or the first smile
on a fresh face

your legacy
Aug 2018 · 197
Who's got the reins?
Rory Aug 2018
Who's got the reins,
is it you or life?
Is it pain or joy?
Is it peace or strife?

Who's got the reins,
when the death days come?
When the lights go out?
When the fingers numb?

Who's got the reins,
in the cloistered night?
In the whispered thought?
In the endless fight?

Who's got the reins,
when there's no such thing?
When the leaders croak?
When the church bells ring?

Who's got the reins,
when the days are spent
and you can only wonder
where on earth they went?
Aug 2018 · 175
A life in stone
Rory Aug 2018
When the light has gone below
in winter days
streets mute with snow
I pace out to the sleeping mile
where day succumbs
a blessed while
To wallow in the ancient glares
of harrowed brows with
secrets there
Where men of olden high
esteem, are now just
figures fixed in dream
Their insight gone, their fire
burnt, their battles won
their lessons learnt
Just fodder for the pigeon dirt
that drops and scatters
on their work
Yes, on all sides these
tomb men sleep,
and cradle knowledge
once they gave
and now must keep
and now must keep.
Dedicated to Edinburgh's Royal mile
Aug 2018 · 726
In the moment
Rory Aug 2018
There's a city, moving around me
with five hundred thousand people in it
you could meet one hundred every day
and it would take you fourteen years
to shake that many hands

On my street, now glowing outside
I visit the shops every day
and wordlessly buy anaesthetising
food. I consume it alone
I do not know the names of the staff
only the tiredness on their faces

In my block, of dingy flats
there must be at least a thousand
other humans. Every single one
a contained life. I hear them
sometimes in the walls

Four years.
That's how long it's been now
and I do not know my neighbours
we walk past with our heads down
and watch television to replace
feelings of emptiness.
All fearful of the same things
all bound for the same end.
Why don't we say anything?
In trying to remember
some common humanity
tomorrow I will say


just watch me
Aug 2018 · 198
Loch Broom
Rory Aug 2018
On the bay, the fog fell like ash.
I watched the summer isles disappear into memory,
heard the oyster catcher cry
somewhere out of sight.
Reclining on a bench,
emerald with moss and lichen,
I too was forgotten.
Rory Aug 2018
My body is a drop
of matter in the great cascade
A little pyre that burns atop
the soil in an entropic haze

These hands were granted me
without my warrant or entreating
but by its whims, necessity
sets all our hearts to beating

See that's the thing with entropy,
you cannot force it in reverse
make use of your short time to be
we burn like tinder to the hearse

— The End —