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Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Quiet words
Still hurt
Can suffocate
Too close
Too much
Too close
Too much
All at once
Can't breathe
Can't think
Please let me be
Burning tears
Rolling down shame filled cheeks
Can't stop
Please stop
Can't stop
Please   stop
It hurts
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
My tears fall down
Almost purposely,
As if to comfort me
In their own small way.
As if a feather was caressing my cheek
And telling me it's okay
And in that moment
I believe it
It's OK to cry
Boy,Girl,etc It is always ok to cry
Don't hold it in
Crying means your human
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Writer's block
Can go **** c*
Really why can't I unlock
My words that seem to mock
All my futile attempts to knock
Down this accursed writer's block
I.Hate.Writer's block
End of story~
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Twinkle twinkle little star
No matter how far
We will see your light

Twinkle twinkle little star
No matter where you go
We'll see you again I know

Twinkle twinkle little star
Even when your gone
We'll still see your glow....
Even when your gone you will be remembered.....
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Fire so bright
In these midnight hours
Chase away my demons
Like you chase away the shadows
Shelter me from harm
Protect me from hate
Guide my way as I slumber
Please don't go out
Please don't go away
Your warmth keeps me safe
*Your light keeps me sane
Sorry if this doesn't makes sense
I just went with the flow in my head ~
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Mind so simple
Deceived by a touch so sinful
Body so light
Barely put up a fight
Limbs so fragile
Pain wrought so tactile
Shrieks so agonized
Muffled to be disguised
Eyes so refined
Leaving ****** tears behind

A mind so broken
That can't be awoken
A body so torn
There's nothing but forlorn
Limbs so disfigured
Scarred an injured
Eyes blank from the backlash
Remain wide open in the aftermath
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Whisper whisper in my head
Please be silent when I tread

Whisper whisper in my room
Please go away soon

Whisper whisper in my dreams
Please, my mind is tearing at the seams

Whisper whisper everywhere
You know what,I don't even care

Whisper whisper of the dead
Please let me join you instead......
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