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3.7k · May 2016
Just Me R May 2016
I dipped my fingers in still waters
And watched the ripples of my intrusion
2.2k · Mar 2017
Just Me R Mar 2017
I want shop chips
Hot, with salt n vinegar
Don't care about my hips
Coz I will be onto a winner

Oye you!  Skinny minnie
Tutting me in disgust
I eat chips with a shimmy
Judge me if you must

There is nothing to fear
Once in a while is fine
Life is to short my dear
Greasy chips are devine
1.8k · Jul 2016
Just Me R Jul 2016
Shadows cast upon broken souls
By those who tread on tired toes
Who see nothing below their ignorant nose
As their own selfish ego grows

Shameful deceit they will feed
Beyond their own insatiable greed
Trampling anyone under their feet
Forgetting their maker one day to meet
1.5k · Feb 2017
Just Me R Feb 2017
I sat on the edge of my life
Too scared to jump
1.5k · Apr 2016
Red Balloon
Just Me R Apr 2016
I bought a red balloon today
It was round and shiny and bright
I smiled as it gently swayed
All bouncy and floaty and light

I don't know why it made me happy
Tied to a piece of string
I suppose when we all feel ******
It helps us cope with things

It dazzled like a beacon up high
On this day so dark and grey
But it brought smiles to passers by
Something to brighten up their day

But then I looked at this balloon
As it glowed above my head
Its beauty and life will deflate soon
So I let it go instead

Fly little red balloon.....
It is about childhood and how simple things bring pleasure and smiles.

Then as an adult we become sceptical and the reality that nothing lasts forever kicks in... so I want to remember things (people) as new and not broken and destroyed.

So in some ways we are all that red balloon.
1.3k · May 2017
Just Me R May 2017
Whisper so softly
So we can hear angel's tears fall from the skies
Touch more gently
Than the wings of butterflies
Love unconditionally
With honesty and purity
Live happily
As tomorrow is not guaranteed
1.1k · Jun 2016
Just Me R Jun 2016
I loved you so much
I let you go
My sacrifice was such
I lost my soul
You thought I was gone
I was always here
My love will go on
Through hidden tears
1.1k · Mar 2017
Just Me R Mar 2017
We were unbreakable

.... till you lied

............... and broke my heart

Now from the same lips

Sorry is not enough
1.1k · Mar 2017
Just Me R Mar 2017
I dipped my toes in the water
And watched the circles of ripples ebb away
It was almost as though the water was running away from me
My intrusion to its serenity
1.1k · Jun 2016
A Hug
Just Me R Jun 2016
A hug is a piece of heaven
From one soul to another
1.0k · Jun 2016
Just Me R Jun 2016
A smile can hide a million woes
The ones that nobody needs to know
The inner turmoil of your soul
Each day you hide the tears that flow

A smile can hide a million broken dreams
That keeps you awake when you should be asleep
When plans you made are just distant memories
When once the world was at your feet

But that one smile that finally breaks through
The one that sparkles like a precious jewel
The inner light comes through innocent and pure
That smile is your smile, the one that is true.
966 · Apr 2017
Just Me R Apr 2017
When the lost cannot be found
And the forgotten disappear without a sound
951 · Jul 2016
Suffering in Silence
Just Me R Jul 2016
I sang the song of a broken heart
It deafened the darkened sky
And though it pulled my soul apart
Nobody could hear my cry
912 · Aug 2016
Just Me R Aug 2016
Will I continue to ache?
Or will the pain make my heart break?
Maybe best for my own sake
As the torment I feel when I am awake
To my core the sorrow shakes
Maybe when my last breath I take
This sorrow will forsake

.... And give me peace ❤
❤For you mum!  Miss you every second❤
873 · Apr 2017
Just Me R Apr 2017
We sing the song of a broken heart
Hoping it would mend
When your life has blown apart
And we can't see the end

Feel the sun upon your skin
And remember you are alive
Slowly life will start again
I promise you will survive
860 · Sep 2016
Just Me R Sep 2016
When you took your last breath
I died.

845 · Sep 2016
My precious Flower
Just Me R Sep 2016
It was beautiful and delicate
Precious and scented
I held it carefully in my hand
Its petals lifted and grand

This flower was mine
Simply devine
I would care for it forever
My ambition wasn't clever

For it was not to be
As it stated to decay
Became shriveled and old
Everyone told me to let it go

But to the end I must protect
Its integrity to respect
So in the ground I put to rest
My flower was the best

Till we meet again.
Mum my flower ❤
840 · Mar 2017
Mothers Day
Just Me R Mar 2017
Tears roll down my face
As card and flowers are on display
In readiness for mothers day
I turn and walk away

Memories of you come to me
I close my eyes and all I see
Is my wonderful mummy
Taken away so suddenly

You were always so very brave
But you  I could not save
So while the world celebrates
I bring flowers to your grave

I love and miss you mum! ❤
836 · Jun 2016
Just Me R Jun 2016
Every fallen tear
Was a silent scream
814 · Aug 2016
Just Me R Aug 2016
Oh mere mortal who plays with lives
Asperations of god you try to strive
Deciding on who lives and who dies
Shame on you for what you decide

You may bring life, but you also cause death
As old folks lives decided like russian roulette
But you cover your ***** deed as loved ones are upset
Lives devastated whilst you sleep soundly in bed.
To doctors who put money before lives.

One day you too will be old, I hope a doctor decides that today you are no longer required...
809 · Jun 2016
As you slept
Just Me R Jun 2016
I watched you sleep
Watched your chest rise n fall
You were at peace
Not in torment at all

Your breathing was deep
But you did not snore
You looked content and sweet
I watched you more

You must have sensed me
As you turned to your side
Arms wrapped me tightly
So in your chest I could hide

The soft glow of the moon shone
Casting light from a darken sky
Tomorrow a new day is born
But what a beauiful night for today to die
801 · Jun 2016
Just Me R Jun 2016
My tears fell heavy like drops of pain
That shattered like glass on the floor
All carrying memories not the same
Each drop from my broken soul
795 · Jun 2016
10 Feet Tall
Just Me R Jun 2016
When I was 10 feet tall
Tho I was small
Sitting on your shoulders
Seeing so far ahead
Hitting my head
On the doorframe
But felt no pain
Oh how we laughed and laughed and laughed
Coz you were my dad
And I sat
10 feet tall

(A good memory)
785 · Dec 2016
Just Me R Dec 2016
Hollow EYES see nothing
A hollow HEART stops beating
A hollow SOUL is unfilled
A hollow BEING is dead
774 · May 2016
Just Me R May 2016
Sorrow is when your angel weeps for your soul.
Because you gave up and became cold
773 · Jun 2016
Silent Tear
Just Me R Jun 2016
With one silent tear
A million words were spoken
But they all refused to hear
Just how much she was broken
765 · Jul 2016
Just Me R Jul 2016
How is it that forks in the road
Are decisions that cut like a knife?
No matter what route we go
The choice may not be right.
739 · Jul 2016
A Poet
Just Me R Jul 2016
A poet can ****** you with a single word
............ Or cut you in half with a poisioned tongue
728 · May 2016
Just Me R May 2016
Don't let your light
Be dimmed under someone's shadow
726 · May 2016
The Man on the Moon
Just Me R May 2016
The man on the moon
Big and bright and full
Smiled at me
And said my dear

I'll keep tides at bay
Light up your way
Keep you safe at night
With my moonlight

I will bring you love
With heavens above
My light will glow
Whilst your love will grow

Make black waters dance
Whilst hand in hand you romance
Beautiful memories will be rife
As you walk through your life

But the penalty you must pay
From now to the end of your days
Is live life without sorrow
As we may never have tomorrow
718 · Apr 2017
The Heartbroken Song ❤
Just Me R Apr 2017
I sang the song of the lonely oceans
Where heartbroken words are drowned
In the deepest darkest place of emotions
Where I screamed without a sound

I longed for you to hear my voice
My inner screams suffocating
Our broken love was not my choice
But I suffer my turmoil within
715 · May 2016
All My Tomorrows
Just Me R May 2016
Tomorrow never came
You took them all away
The plans that we made
A distant memory

Tomorrow will never come
All been and done
Forever gone
Like we were never as one.
711 · May 2016
Sometimes we need to...
Just Me R May 2016
Sometimes we need to let go of what may be
Of future hopes and broken dreams
Some things are just not meant to be
Holding on is just unhealthy

Sometimes we need to let go of the love now gone
To accept it is no more and nobody won
Forgetting the past and moving on
The feeling of failure and heart torn

Sometimes we need to let go of hurt and pain
Of things that brought us down with shame
To say goodbye to those who are to blame
And finally start to live again
709 · Jul 2016
Angry Words
Just Me R Jul 2016
Angry words leave mouth to relieve
But forever haunt those who hear
Think before you speak.
Whar is said, cannot be taken back.
703 · Sep 2016
Just Me R Sep 2016
The scars of yesterday
Will make you stronger for tomorrow
Day by day
Through the pain and sorrow
679 · Mar 2017
Just Me R Mar 2017
When silent screams deafen me
In this blackness void you left
Filling this soul once empty
Now full of dispair and hopelessness
I hate you death
670 · Aug 2016
Missing you
Just Me R Aug 2016
... and if my tears cried a million oceans
Each would whisper your name
My heart is broken
I will never be the same

❤I love and miss you Mum ❤
Miss you, mum. X
669 · Jul 2016
Just Me R Jul 2016
I broke bread with you
But you ran off with the butter
661 · Apr 2016
Scars 1
Just Me R Apr 2016
Don't let yesterday's scars
Affect tomorrow...
660 · Jun 2016
Just Me R Jun 2016
Time stands still when you hold onto pain
When you let the demons of the past take the rein
They punish you again and again
They will make you go insane

If you cannot forgive and forget
At least try to move on my friend
Allow deep scars to heal and mend
Then a peaceful future is ahead

Give yourself a chance ***
To a loved one who is hurting
655 · Aug 2016
How do I? ❤
Just Me R Aug 2016
How do I piece my life back together?
Now that you are gone
How do I storm the weather?
Where the sun once shone.

How do I bring back my smile?
When all I do is cry?
How do I stop missing you all the while?
When your name is my every sigh?

How the hell do I carry on?
When I love you with all my heart
How can you leave me mum?
Losing you is tearing me apart.

❤Miss and love you mum .. ❤
653 · Aug 2016
Mum. ❤
Just Me R Aug 2016
I wonder what she thinks about
Confined to her bed
A life long gone with only memories in her head

I wonder what she thinks about
Carefree as a child?
When she could be playful, free and wild

I wonder what she thinks about
The man she took as her husband
The happily ever after that was never bound

I wonder what she thinks about
When she had her kids at home
To love and care and nurture us, as we were her own

I wonder what she thinks about
Was she sad when we moved away?
Did she feel alone and abandoned as we went about our day?

I wonder what she thinks about
Laying motionless in her hell
A life that has now passed with only memories in an empty shell
I love you mum. You sacrificed so much. I wish I could make you better.  You are my life. X
647 · May 2017
Final bow!
Just Me R May 2017
You gave the performance of your life
Came right out of the other side
Left others in the wings
Whilst you took centre ring
You shone like a star in the night
Smiled when things didn't go right
But now the curtain has fallen
And you have forefilled your calling
It is time to rest now
So take your last bow

638 · May 2016
Our Journey
Just Me R May 2016
I drive for the journey
Not the destination
What is the hurry?
We are all going to the same place anyway

Enjoy the ride, my friends.
See you when we get there
633 · Jul 2016
Just Me R Jul 2016
Surrounded by bodies
Laughing and talking
But I hear only white noises
Like the dead walking
Each with their own lives
Seas of souls
Together they strive
Yet I feel alone
625 · May 2016
Just Me R May 2016
I sat by the window on the seat
Cup of tea
Resting my feet
Trying to forget me

Watched the rain
Dripping on the window pane
Again and again
But never the same

Drops racing
Sometimes embracing
And disappearing

Wish I wasn't here
Want you near
But that turns to tears
Everytime you appear

And still the rain drips
Drink tea in slow sips
Knowing my heart flips
As we are passing ships
619 · Mar 2017
Just Me R Mar 2017
Tears are the silent explosions of every deafing scream you feel inside.
615 · Jun 2016
Just Me R Jun 2016
I whispered "I love you" in the breeze
Hoping you would remember our years
Let them travel with ease
My words  would reach your ears

I watch some leaves abound
Dancing above like my words
They floated in the air round and round
Till they tumbled to the ground
615 · May 2016
Good Luck
Just Me R May 2016
When my world fell apart

Yours appeared to start

Good Luck

You f*ck

I won't let you break my heart
612 · May 2016
Outside In
Just Me R May 2016
I'm fine
(No i'm not)
Go out? I will
(No I won't)
Had a brilliant night
(Stayed at home)
Dinner was a delight
(Ate alone)
Had a hot relaxing bath
(Chilled to the bone)
We did have a laugh
(Inside was hollow)
I look happy
(I lost my soul)
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