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 Mar 2014 ALamar
Pushing Daisies
In my diluted youth,
I used to believe,
our world was perfect.

Spending so many nights,
dreaming with my eyes open,
imagining the impossible,
and creating a parallel universe,
in which I was his to hold..

But like everything else,
my thoughts were
ultimately flawed.

My heart had written its own story,
*a fiction.
 Mar 2014 ALamar
The low slung summer sun, hung asunder
under the thunder we plunder and blunder
Is it any wonder we paint with these numbers

The portrait of a scene, plastered in the retina
broken hearted because that day was terrible
The first bright day, after months of misery
every storm lost in collective recent history
Five O'clock rung violent in warehouse silence
the casual commute home seemed so timeless
Turn through Hyson Green past a Halal shop
through the lonely back roads to Radford's top
Stopped by the garages when the wind had turned
to see a classic hometown scene almost adjourned

What happened never should have happened that way
As the memories linger they feel like a tragic screenplay

Man say to man, give me everything you have
man say man, how could you possibly say that
Sky say to clouds, let the sun shiver
crook say to poet, I need your **** liver

Poet say to God, lord when will I be free?
god say to poet, please stop bothering me
Beast say to boy, I'll count to three
boy say to beast, that I'd like to see
So man pulled a knife and waved it in the air
and man looked away, in absolute despair
Knife said to man, hey poke me in there
and man penetrated man with incredible flair

Muscle say to flesh, this doesn't feel right
eyes say to brain, this is a terrible sight
Knife say to body, do you feel that huh?
nervous system shocked replied, nu-uh
Skin say to vessels, you need to stop bleeding
Vessels say to brain I think we need healing
Brain say to body, we're going down heavy
Death say to life, we've broken that levee
Man said to knife, you've had enough fun
knife said to man, we've only just begun

I looked away petrified and pulling at my head
for when I looked back at the scene,
it was me lying dead.
 Mar 2014 ALamar
Pushing Daisies
You're the devil,
On her shoulder,
Clinging to her,
Fragile bones.

You're the devil,
On her shoulder,
Breaking her,
With sticks and stones.

You're the devil,
On her shoulder,
Pushing her,
Away from home.

But you only,
Want to hold her,
So you don't feel,
All alone.
 Mar 2014 ALamar
Melting onto my flushed cherry lips
Showering onto my frosty bones
Flowers start to bloom along my corrupt lungs
My laughter dancing on the clouds
Kissing my cold cheeks
The warmth spreading through my violet blood

Romance with the sun
 Mar 2014 ALamar
... is a fortune cookie.
Folded. Bent.
Full of paperwork.

Soul Survivor
 Mar 2014 ALamar
 Mar 2014 ALamar
She will lose herself in a book
and find herself in poetry

She thinks that religion is a sacrilege
and that long showers are sacred

She makes love when she's tired
and never tires of making love

She is irreverent in her humor
and pious in her gravity

She is diligent in completing her work
and ambitious of her quest for leisure

She is the personification of romanticism
and the embodiment of compassion

She exists harmoniously in my mind
 Mar 2014 ALamar
Thank you for breaking me
And making me
A better me

Thank you for hurting me
And making me
A stronger me

Thank you for shooting me
And making me

Thank you for burning me
And making me
This is an older poem. Things have changed since then. But this poem is highly relative to a lot of people and I liked it well enough so I posted it.
a poet is a silent screamer
silent feeler, silent doer
thinking, tinking, toying brains
reveals life through an expulsion
of ink on paper
with a mind whose thoughts
trickle down like racing raindrops on a car window
a painter of words on a heart-canvas
dreamer of the unreachable
 Mar 2014 ALamar

All you folks in paper hats
You think paper's where it's at.
Paper suits and paper ties...
... don't you know that paper LIES?

Paper silver, paper gold,
Paper's bought, and paper's sold.

Does paper have ANY worth?
It's just a tree cut from the earth!

Your god is almighty Paper...
... The Presidents are your deal makers.

Paper lions, paper hearts,
In the end they're TORN APART...
Paper tigers, paper souls,
Punch them and they're
Paper masks, paper streamers,
All you are are


Whatever happened to your returns?
Don't you know that paper BURNS?

Some CEOs? Thieves and LIARS!
Out there starting FOREST FIRES!

Where's the nest egg of older folk?
Their investment's up in SMOKE!

Greed is what we're talking here,
And all it is is paper FEAR...

"Will I keep up? Is mine the best...?"
They're just KIDS in paper vests!

"If you don't leave my paper alone...
... I'll just take my paper HOME!!!"

Paper boats and paper toys
For paper girls and paper boys...
Paper rats and paper chase,
'Fraid you'll lose the paper race?
Paper masks and paper schemers,
All you are are


Deep inside your spirit SCREAMS!
There's no substance to your dreams!

All you are is dust and spit?
H2O and dirt... that's it?

Don't you feel that hole inside?
Put away your paper pride!

What will happen when you die,
When you find it's all a LIE...

You KNOW I'm telling you the TRUTH.
You've wasted your life,
You've lost your youth!

If you've a question, why not ask it?
Just some more paper for your basket?

Magazines, newspapers, what's in print?
More paper for the treasury's mint?

C'mon people! Let's get real!
This is NOT "Let's Make a Deal"!!!

Door #1 or 2 or 3...
Is that how you deal with


Better be sure you're on the dime,
'Cuz eternity's a long... L O N G.... TIME.

Paper wings or paper veils?
Paper heads or paper tails...

... keep life in a paper cup?

Guess what?



 Mar 2014 ALamar
Sometimes he let his eyes rest on hers, it needn't have been painful,
but it strangely was.
He broke a lifetime of avoiding eye contact to show her.
She was worth overcoming obstacles for.
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