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 Mar 2014 ALamar
Do I need permission
To just simply...

... BE?

I need each and every
One else to be OK...

... With ME.

I don't need a permit to live...

... you'll agree!

I'm cutting the strings.

I set myself FREE.

Soul Survivor
I really feel like this.
I need validation from everyone
Else that it's okay to exist on earth.

I want to know if I need permission
To put up your names on my
POET TREE. Please contact me
Via the site message system.

Se my last post about it.

 Mar 2014 ALamar
I over looked your flaws
Your inability to love anybody but yourself
Your inability to feel empathetic
The fact you were so insecure
All your problems
How you seemed to destroy
Everything you could wrap your poison claws around

I was once a beautiful carnation
I opened up to you but you just tore everything apart
Piece by piece you pulled me apart
Scattering my pettles along the cold ground
Grinding my love into the dirt
You left me emotionally detached
You turned me into you
As ****** up
That is not something you do when you love someone

You are upset that I left you
Because you left me
Thats not fair
I left you
All you are to me
Is a years worth of scars
For I would rather have felt physical pain
Then the throbbing thoughts of you
Transforming me into a demon myself
A mental photograph of terrible images
Images of you over me
Pinning me on the bed
Images I cannot burn no matter how hard I try
A hole in my dry orchard heart
Which is slowly healing

You are just upset
Because you can no longer control me
 Mar 2014 ALamar
Pushing Daisies
"Push harder"* I scream,
As your fists attempt,
To regain a pulse,
And send blood surging through,
My non-existent heart beat.

"Push harder" I scream,
As your lips dampen mine,
Transferring fresh air,
And leaving it to inflate,
My corrupted lungs.

"Push harder" I scream,
As your eyes stream wet tears,
But my mouth remains,

Your screaming for me.

*But I can't breath.
I can't breath...
 Mar 2014 ALamar
I want you
 Mar 2014 ALamar
I don't know you
But I want you.
All of you.
I want to hear your voice
Speak warm laughters
I want your hands to
Trace my geography 
To have them laced in my hair
and lock my fingers
I want your gaze
To drown me
I want the bow of you lip
To see how they pout while listening 
I want you
All of you.

— The End —