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LR Bryan Feb 2021
Words bled in the ocean of his sorrow
Waves clashed against the ships on the water
The light is impaired and destroyed by the storm clouds
A deep sense of loneliness is cast against the ships
As whispering voices floated through the waters
“You’re not good enough.”
“You’re too emotionless.”
“You won’t amount to anything.”
The waves damage the boats as every hasty and bad decision is made
1 cut
2 cut
3 cut
4 cut
1 wave
2 waves
3 waves
And 4
The sunlight is wiped away as tears are shed from the feelings of despair
The ocean of his sorrow is flooded with damaging insults
The ocean of his sorrow is casted with the acts these words caused
The ocean of his sorrow casts a dark forecast over the bright sunlight
His beliefs that there way be a brighter day somewhere
are smothered by the overwhelming words that bleed into the ocean
His acts are getting hastier and reaching far more drastic
His ships are being smothered by all the negative
He fears that by the time he asks for help
They’ll be too far down their sinkhole of sorrow to be heard
before it’s too late
Mar 2020 · 215
Sparkled Simplicity
LR Bryan Mar 2020
I sit in silence as the room fills with people.
People I know and people I've never seen.
My Uncle Mael walking back and forth. As he keeps looking at the doors we came in.
My Dad whispering to others while they "wailed" as he called it. Although I'm unsure what that means.
My older brother sitting beside me as he keeps looking at me with concern.
This older boy in a white coat. With this sad look on his face as he walks this way.
This lady whose all dressed up in a fancy dress with golden shoes.
Click. Click. Goes the metal of the ladies' shoes as they clashed with the grey tile.
Bing. ****. Goes the brown clock that hangs on the pale walls.
Hum. Hum. Goes the vents that lay resting on the floor.
Mumble. Grumble. Goes a fancy-dressed dressed man as he silently stares at the fancy-dressed lady.

What's going on here? A family gathering?

I was once a very respected man.
One of great importance and respect.
But, what's happened tonight for which I can only fault myself.
I can't continue to be that here tonight.
All these people are greatly grief-stricken.
Even those completely unaware as of yet.
So that is why I shall remain forever indebted to this family.
Catering to everyone. Even the smallest of children.

What's going on here? A party?

I'm not sure what to think here honestly.
I mean. I'm numb I guess. Am I broken because of this?
Probably not. I'm just not sad per se. Just worried.
Addey seems virtually unaffected by this.
She's probably blissfully unaware of what's happened.
Even as the gurneys flood the hallways.
I'm just concerned she'll catch on.
Her remaining blissfully unaware is for the best.

What's going on here? A movie?

My dear Maddie how I hope you're not mad.
I know that this isn't right nor wrong.
It shouldn't have gone this way.
I sh sh-should've been gone first.
I can't bring you back here.
I can't pick you up and carry you past the threshold of our house like I did when we were 20.
I can't stay up until 12:30 helping you with your degree while we ate popcorn and watched The Notebook.
I can promise you though. I'll watch Addey for you.
I'll make sure someone truthful will carry her across the threshold of her house.
I'll see she has memorable moments with all of us.
I won't let her or anyone forget you.

What's going on here? Why's everyone sad?

They say grief and trauma change a person.
Shapes who they are going forward.
It was my car that caused this.
My decision to wear these heels.
My decision to tell Alec to speed up.
My decision to tell Alec to run the red.
My decision to swerve right. Everything was my decision.
Therefore, I can’t decipher between what’s real and what’s not
And I will spend years trying to save the only good part of me.
I will make up for my decisions.
And forever say sorry to Maddie Le.

What's going on here? Why are we leaving?

Riding back to the house.
Everything looks so surreal.
Like this is our life.
Maddie used to be in this life.
Maddie Le used to be a person, but now she isn't.
And nobody around me seems to be aware of that.
That just 4 hours ago
Mael Watts's twin sister got hit at just 31.
Andy Le's wife got hit with him unscathed.
Braden Le is without a mother at just 16.
Addey Le an Innocent 4-year-old lost her mother.
And two people are plagued with guilt.
And yet nobody in the world reacts.

What's going on here? Why aren't we going home?

Uncle Mael? Dad? Braden?

"Where's Mommy at?"

"Don't worry Addey she'll be back. You just go to sleep."

Addey smiled before staring out the window.
As she looked into sparkled simplicity.
Feb 2020 · 625
The story of Aya
LR Bryan Feb 2020
Have you ever heard the story of the young girl?
Who ventured into the hospital after a life-changing mistake.
The girl who spends her days hiding the red lines on her arms and legs.
The young girl who proclaimed the perfect life.
Have you?
I bet you haven’t.
Nobody heard mine
Not a single soul.

My name is Aya
And it’s been 1,460 days since I’ve been alone.
It’s been 1,095 days since I’ve been hurt.
And It’s been 730 days since I’ve been broken

And this is my story.
The one nobody cared to listen to, and nobody cared to write.

A story of a young girl with brown hair up in a bun.
With the only worry being next week’s math test.
A story of a young girl who seemed she’d forever be in her awkward phase
of the early teenage years.

The story of a girl with an annoying brother
And worrisome parents.
The story of a girl with a poodle named Cocoa
And a cat named Mushu.

The story of a young girl with a great life
But made one stupid, fast, misjudged decision.
That felt she had to prove to someone that she was grown up.
That she could handle the big stuff.

The story of a young girl who at just 12
Became with child.
The story of a young girl who at just 12
Was told to get married.

The story of a young girl
Who would become a single parent.
The story of a young girl
Who at 12 became without a home.

The story of a young girl
Who at the age of 13 experienced the loss of her child.
The story of a young girl who ended up alone
Without her newborn child.

The story of a young girl
Who spent her days looking for edible berries in the forest.
The girl who spent her nights
Lurking in the shadows at the home she once had that vaguely smelled of strawberries.

The girl who at the age of 14
Diagnosed herself with depression.
The girl who at the age of 14
Diagnosed herself with anxiety.

The girl who ventured back to her home
To only be scolded by her Mother.
The girl who learned of the second loss in her family
Her dear brother Evan.

The girl who watched the funeral in a distance
So that nobody could hear her wailing cries.
So, nobody could feel the pressuring guilt that radiated off her, as her soul broke.
When she found out her brother had taken his life when she never came back home.

The story of a girl who forced herself into foster care
Going house to house.
The girl who marked red lines on her arms
To try and cope with the pain.

The story of a girl who
Ran to the lake once the clock struck two.
And jumped in not bothering or wanting to come up.
And not hearing the deafening cries of a young detective.

The story of a girl
who at the age of 16
was wheeled into the hospital doors.
with injures beyond repair
and a slim will to live.

The story of Aya
a 12-year-old girl
who made one decision
that caused years of suffering for many.

— The End —