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Here I am again
With another poem
Yeah, it's a snooze-fest
But I can't stop writing
Because I'm obsessed
Will I ever stop?
Hell if I know
I'm sure I'll figure it out
Whenever my body decides to checkout
Who knows, I might suddenly **** myself
For speaking out the truth
Will that really happen though?
Probably not, I'm not in the mainstream
But if I was
Then I'd probably sell out
Nah, nevermind - I don't like being controlled
Depends on the situation of course (wink, wink)
I've seen those who sold their souls
And I've gotta say, what a bunch of fools
I don't blame them though
I'd be down to receive a billion dollars
For wearing a blindfold
But I'd also be down to join a revolt
A revolt against those who are in control

Metaphors and symbology
Which go round and round the world
**** all those one-eyed clowns
And glory to the people
Who wants to cast them
Out of this world.
Created by me on March 14th, 2020
cherish Oct 2014
Sleep overcame me
a sleet of snowflakes sent withering
thoughts smiles words frowns
covered up until the same
burying everything in a blank canvas
my mind the artist
adding shapes, adding color, adding life
adding weight
to my eyelids
Raj Arumugam Jul 2013
that’s that area
the right distance
from the host star
where life is possible
and water will not disappear
or be locked in
and there’s a planet
and it’s just right for life

Goldilocks wandered
into the cottage
and she found
the first bowl too hot
another too cold
and - *yum!
– one just right

Goldilocks wandered
into the living room
and she found
the first chair too big
another still a little not right
and -  oh so comfy! – one just right

Goldilocks wandered
into the rooms
and she found
the first bed too hard
another too worn out
and - zzzzzz! – one just right

*Ah, lovely Goldilocks
Itinerant Goldilocks -
see we’ve sent you now
on inter-stellar voyages
and you’re now in the just right zones
You’ve gone places, Goldilocks;
You’ve gone the distance -
the little girl who’s made it to the stars
"Terrestrial planets are also more likely to lie in the Goldilocks zone. Also called the habitable zone or life zone, the Goldilocks region is an area of space in which a planet is just the right distance from its home star so that its surface is neither too hot nor too cold. " - from How Stuff Works
Àŧùl Jun 2017
I* remember the ultimate terror,
Bunch of killer bees attacking me,
Assailed I was by a shifting pack,
Not a single cadet left behind,
Each of them stinging me royally,
Z**apping through to make death metal!
I am planning to get one Ibanez electric guitar.
My HP Poem #1571
©Atul Kaushal
Danny Valdez Apr 2012
“Are you sure about this? It seems kinda ******’ weird Mike…”
“No man, she’s totally cool. She likes it. I do this, at least, once a week.”
Bobby was hesitant, but Mike insisted he try it out. There had been a big fire in one of the apartment buildings a few weeks ago, the only part left untouched was a storage room under the stairs. She lived in there, he said.
“Usually, you gotta call her on the prepay first…like before you go over. But, for me…see I’m a regular, so she just gave me a key.”
“What so you just go inside?”
“Yeah, dude. Like I said, she likes it. Most of the time she’s all doped up and like, passed out. But like, as long as, like, I show her the money…she just like, tells me to stick it in. She likes it, says it helps wake her up and ****. Really gets her going.”
Mike was breathing hard, as he talked. They were getting close to the burned out building.
“I don’t know man, this seems ******. ******* a ******-******, that lives under some stairs, in a burned out building? I mean, what the **** man? Let’s just go home and **** our wives.”
Mike stopped walking and stood, staring at Bobby, in disbelief.
Slowly he spoke.
“That is...the stupidest thing...I have ever heard you say.”
“How? This is-“
“This…is a ******* adventure *******! A break from the day-to-day, a break from the norm, man. A taste of strange. Now c’mon already! We’re almost there”
They slowly started walking again.
“Well…do other guys in the complex do it?” Bobby asked, kicking a rock.
“Of course man! She’s got like six regulars a week. She’s got that and like, all the guys that just try her once for the hell of it. She does group deals too. The girl like, ****** a bunch of the high school boys before, she told me about that. The state champion on the wrestling team even gave it to her.”
It was amazing how the fire had blackened nearly every inch of the place. But that door beneath the stairs, was still faded blue & white. They walked up to the little door.
“Alright, now…do you wanna go first or second?” Mike asked, fumbling his keys into the door.
“I don’t know. We’ll see man.” Bobby didn’t know if he was really gonna do it.
Opening the door, they found her asleep in a small recliner, too small, it looked like it was made for a child. All miniature and ****. Bobby thought she was gonna look like the Crypt Keeper in a tube top and heels. But to his surprise, she didn’t look half bad, he thought. A real pretty little redhead, in flannel pajama pants, with painted black toenails and a Ramones t-shirt.
“What’s her name?” Bobby asked, nervously thumbing his Levi’s pocket.
“I dunno. Everyone just calls her ‘Easy’.
Mike shook her, trying to wake her up. It kinda worked. She opened her eyes a centimeter, nodded, and mumbled,
“….go ahead baby….zzzzzz...”
“Alright, gonna go first.” Mike said, stripping down.
Bobby leaned against the wall, between that and the arms of the mini recliner.
Three Dole banana boxes were stacked in the corner. Lubes, condoms, and punched out cigarette butts, covered the top box. With his **** all shiny and lubed up, Mike put it in and got to it. It didn’t take long, two minutes into it and he blew his load. She didn’t move an inch.
“And don’t say anything man! I usually go a lot longer.”
“Hey, I wasn’t gonna-“
“It’s been a week since I ******, so just shut up.”
.She twitched and snored. Track marks on the tops of her feets. Mike reached down and spread apart her ***** lips, looking up and smiling at Bobby.
“Well? Come on dude...slip it in.”
Bobby unzipped his pants and pulled them down to his ankles.
Somehow, his **** was hard. He tore open a ribbed ******, from the pile of them, on the stacked Dole boxes. Bobby slid the ****** down his shaft. The room stunk like a can of expired tuna. Mike was still holding open her ***** lips.
“Mike. Move your hands. Come on, I got it man…”
He did like he was asked and stepped to the side. Stroking himself and grinning big. Bobby slid it in with ease, and began pumping away. Easy moaned with pleasure, at last waking up, her eyes finally open, and looking at who was ******* her.
“Give it to me, Daddy. Give it. **** me good.”
When Bobby finally came, five minutes later, Easy was wide awake. Bobby rolled the ****** off and held it in his hand.
“Do you have a garbage...Miss Easy?”
Mike and Easy both cracked up laughing.
“No. Just throw it behind something. Anywhere, I don’t give a ****.” She said.
Feeling a bit embarrassed, he quickly put his clothes back on. Mike stood, naked still, lighting a smoke for himself and one for Easy too. They were both smiling, rotten-toothed grins. All Bobby wanted was to get home to his wife, the guilt and shame, already eating him up. Easy laughed exhaling her cigarette.
“****. That was just what I needed. Thanks guys. Make him a copy of the key, would ya Mike?” She said, with a hearty, smoker’s cackle.
Bobby stood with his hand on the doorknob.
“See? I told you, Bobby…she likes it.”
CG Abenis Feb 2012
Nobody remembered,

                                                   ­  It's my birthday today.

I guess I'll just sing a lonely birthday song for myself,

Then on my bed I'll lay

                                      'till I
Jack May 2014
I dreamt of you again,
how I hate - love sleeping
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2018
/                              don't know...
      maybe the song mein teil
just made me do it...
   or perhaps i became "lost",
or rather, bored with
video uploads in the sub-media?
perhaps i just like to
sit, "quasi"-drunk,
   imitating a balancing "act":


  of a "clue" into
      deciphering buddha...
but a turkish akimbo on
a windowsill?
          surely i can't be drunk
and do such a posture?
   guess i'm: seriously *******?!

but i am,
and i have a wrath
  that will eat everything in its way
and itself to conclude
     the ploughed field.

they could have encompassed
the happy, catholic labourer
on a construction site...
  where: feminism?
   falls flat, since there voices
are confined
to the canteen...

                 construction industry
is a no go zone,
   for feminism...
                but if they do want to
go there?
           industrial roofing...
         in summer:

******* WELCOME!

                     come! come!
               vee nee'd'zzzzzz uzzzzz!
    (k is not even
   while you're at church
giving it the boston terrier
better­ than counting sheep
while falling asleep:
count them....
1 by 1,
    1 by 1...
                   drop... like... flies....

mein teil!

            can't expect me to respect
the army with the women
so welcome...

     but i do expect the last
"army" to exclude with good intentions...

namely the construction industry...

    any women found
in this economic expression...
and i'll be looking for
a sioux on advice on how
to pitch a tent with
               a ******* bedsheet!

(making ****** sounds,
with a protruding tongue,
slapping the forehead...

           nope... lost by
surd encoding pass at this point).

        but it did happen...
how on earth blackadder
degenerated into mr. bean:
i'll never know...

    guess translating thespain-spresch
even if you're a plumber...

will this writing flop, or fail?
hell: i hope it doesn't succeed!
for starters.                 

but apparently it's all:
hands up in the air,
   like i just don't care(!)
          so heaven-sent

**** me!
               an over-sweated in
bolsheviks' cap!
                                      well done!        

since, if making **** is a liberty of
the opposite ***?

         what is the liberty of the equal
perspective: of the *** speaking
with this tonuge, that shares the same
constraints, rather than "the same"
what? and capitalist corporations are
not synonymous with the western
concept of communist communes,
collectivist "farms":

just like my grandfather predicted....
capitalist corporations
are hardly differentiable from
communist collectivists;

                           n'est-ce pas?                 /
Mote Aug 2015
There was the dream

where you followed me through a plasm pinhole into a cardboard cabin on a crude wooden stage


I was there on all fours looking for a corner
on the fitted sheet, because there was a bed    

I had to make it.

And you had the intention of playing the
harp in the corner and impregnating me
with the newest invasive species in town.


I let it happen and there's a crowd gathering
because you were
massive like the sky in flames, spitting
gasoline at my eyes and their eyes and

I saw through to the end, saw the tentacles
and the last wheel and the corner bend
disappear (zz)
upon waking.
I keep seeing good things however lM TIRED of walking and talking, and Sleeping some times.

I Can see you coming .It Sound rude Lady! NO its just a Poem of life of experience. Keep it in trousers your cash it's hard when your walking talking sleeping some times.

I'm Lucky go like you Lady love your cash then we CAN go talking then walking lf your Lucky like ME' THEN SLEEPING.......ZzzZzz ZzzZzz. ***.  Then more Lucky SHE *** Zzz.
SiouxF Aug 2020
Pitch black.
Black as night.
Blacker than black.
All is silent.
the worse.

The wind whistling,
winding itself
the trees,
A flash
of lightening.
A piercing
Dead above.

Then just as abruptly as it arrived, its gone.
Leaving the rain behind.
on the tent canvas.

Dawn comes.
Birds sing.
Fresh morning dew.
All's well in the world once more.

Til the next time....
I wrote this while wild-ish camping and just loved the energy of the storm on my first night. This is my first ever attempt at a poem - as an adult!
Robin Carretti May 2018
All-Ziggy in--- one
He's the dockers
Let's zoom in clickers- - -
The computer meets
Mr. hackers
Deleted all my cookie's
All we need is love and crackers
Am I bookedslightly jammed jar?
Just like Romeo huh? love-scarred?
So hurried ((Agatha Christie))

Overwhelmed worded
Overboard been thrown
Inside her mystery
drunks of the

Lippy all snappy
G-Q this isn't a
book quiz

I Quit Hippety-Dippetty
Hungry Hippos
Hop(scotch) drinkers
Queen hoarder of junk
ZZZZ Tiara with *****

Zillions got jealous
Charlie of the sea
tuna fish clunky
Where is the Pasta
So Sticky (Seashells),
Bowie bow-ties Z
Man of La Mancha
Like a muzzle puzzle
Mr. Mancini
Meet musical genius

((Ziggy Stardust Wish)

Ziggy zero 000-000

The zoo-keeper Mr. Bentley
So zealous fast food
jealous and devious
Mistress of the
Agatha got tedious
Jean Jeanie magician

Music notes and
  Stripey stars Bass
Her speakeasy pass

((Breakfast at Tiffany)).....**
The Auditor of the
Audry Zig Zag
Putting on the ritz
Hip Hop Hepburn
book narrowminded
Zachery? Broad-sworded
Ziggy Star Dust
David Bowie talent to trust
The ground
to Major Tummy Zonky
And Slinky got stepped on
Over her ring pinky

Zionist Benny and the Jets
Elton John pianist hits

Zoonotic Gin and tonic
zigzag Zebra
style purse
Where are her show
Polish up my poodles
The restaurant was cursed
Zagat rating
leash she went out
hypnotic ZZzzzz's
Queen buZzzzz Twiggy
Fame whose to
Zoe her macaroni
Twist and snout Grill

Cherry blossom
Shiba Uni
Was her best thrill
his zig-zag tongue
Ziggy playing rugby
She was stretched

((Ziggy Book like Gumby))

Zonked spaced out
the Zonka truck
Theatre Dig her Dorothy
red slippers

Ziggy Stardust
Disney Pixar Flippers
Totally Rad Toto
Zoe met Joey GoGo
Felt like Chop Suey
Agatha high drama
African Queen Jungle
Dr. Suess bald eagle boss
No ******* to twinkle
The bad day of
The ringing cheering ear

Martha my dear
Never beat Beatles
Jim Carey hell of a
sleigh rideTinnitus

At the Marilyn
Millionaire bar-hop
bus stop wiggles
Some snags fishnets
  Trump it up
everyone shut up_$$$
The *******

Zillion Price tags
on the plane
The Easter basket
Just Sunny she's over easy
eggs ramble

Ziggy Scandals
Odd-couple Oscar
Trumpets Tony Randal
Zip of the lip
Miss fuss ***
She needs her

Beach Boys Truffles
Sherry baby got poison
The bed end
(All Z) initial bookmarker
The end of her sleepwear
Her backpack bad crow
eye pack
and zigzagged---///---
Ozzy Oz land
Arrowsmith dead-on
nailed it, witch
A to Zzzz's H Harrods
Her London's hair
The rock (Fritz) That's
Showeyyy biz
He's the Mantra zestier
Zoological Mixed greens
Ziggy zig-zag salad

All wormy Planet
Humming and rhyming
Wiggly but not ugly
here's to all of
you Ziggy Huggy
Ziggy Stardust Bowie is the genius I saw him in concert but this is about a funny side to comedy Robins flight stay awake because of the ZZzzzz are coming
Shamai May 2022
Lying in bed
I can not sleep
I’m not feeling sleepy
From my head to my feet
My thoughts are racing
I can’t keep up
I’m twichy and itching
From the day’s build up
What shall I do
How can this go on
Especially if it’s to the food
That I am drawn
Late night snacks
Stick to my hips
Oh well guess it’s time
To finish those chips
I know I should
I think I shall
Gather up all my thoughts
In one corral
And try to be still
And try to be right
Gather my covers
Wrapped around me tight
Good night to my door
Good night to my sheep
It’s time to bed down
It’s time to sleep
Jay earnest Aug 2020
it's well lit here on a superfical level
But it's dark inside

I can't see whats in front of me
Or what's lurking in the shadows

Pretend to be asleep
The mourning is almost here
Poetic T Nov 2016
I have a moment to speak of my
restless moments as my features
gradually linger on the cloud of
wanton closer.

As my eyelids close down on the
soft blanket of the night and collect
my thoughts into slumbers of
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
/almost everyone fears looking into the eyes of death, yet people marvel at the universe; yet for the majority, looking into the eyes of madness, looking into the third party, twice removed from the race of angels and demons, i.e. the geniuses, looking into the whirlwind of adventure in the most mundane circumstances of the everyday... manual labours are derived from standing on the cliff edge, boredom and a wasted breath; but people can congregate for fear of cancer, while i see a symbiosis in a tree, riddled by mistletoe: which is a botanical form of cancer./

you really can't speed-read a philosophy book,
i'm still studying the **** genre,
           and further studying it,
               talking to old people,
     notably old men on park benches,
    excusing my drinking my smoking
interjecting with permissions...
            most of the time they are not
disagreeing to my habits in public.
              - but you simply can't skim read
a philosophy book,
            i too thought the heidegger labyrinth
would become easier past ponderings VI,
   but almost three months in,
          and i only managed to stomach
  30 pages of ponderings VII...
             always, the gaping hole,
  the wound, the need to ponder something,
most probably unrelated,
   as i will testify:
   what saint cyril did unto the greeks
e.g. δ that morphed into д...
                         i deem necessary to do
unto the latin script...
                        just, a simple revision,
nothing too harsh,
         but when people read e. e. cummings
and talk about orthography?
        ah ah... nope... not gonna happen...
(in the background, ghost b.c.'s monstrance clock) -
either a pendulum, or a guillotine,
     or perhaps a guillotine pendulum -
     reign of terror and no remaining
depictions of the bastille -
                 haunted by the cheering
                         shouting of the aristocratic
anarchist, imprisoned in it,
                 that was, the: marquis de sade;
less about sadism, and more about the acute
variation, i.e. sadé...     sad-eh...
        as i already said: i will tell you more
about the so-called "father": tetragrammaton,
instigator of laughter, and a vowel-catcher,
notably a sigh, or rather not (gh) -
so we are, literate, aren't we?
                         so eager to blah blah,
                     never really caring for
      the freedom of thought...
                                   only among the crows,
the cats and the dogs among so many others,
a freedom of breath, with only one said thing,
in incremental variations,
               but nonetheless, the same thing
being said: a presence, a hier-sein -
                                 if you really want
to talk orthography, you need to drop
in-place "diacritical" marks, existing in english
with only two instances as proof:
    j has to become ȷ, and as respect:
  no halo, no levitating head upon ιota -
  now that we have a blank canvas,
             we can... **** around with punctuation
marks intra-verbum, rather than worry
about inter-verbum punctuation,
  summarißed by commas, full-stops,
   colons semi-colons, hyphens, etc.
         the english language was always going
to be the host for such discussions...
                                       a, blank, canvas;
the language just needed someone to observe
it... for example:
how would you utter the name
                   cats? cysts and roughage?
using the basic "orthography" borrowed
from e. e. cummings...
                            C         S
cluttered in that high german ß (es und zed) -
my my...
                    in defence of free speech
focusing on those who used to make a mark,
rather than write a signature,
    focusing on them... with their st. andrew's
                      which, apparently is a philosophical
movement in asia - chí  -       chee         zzzzzz....
   snapshot of the future...
                 in further muddles:
                      talking about a cliff-edge by those
who do not know, that they're standing on one...
not for the meddling diacritical
                 distinction of circe...
                    cīrcé -
                             i.e. within what i see:
  a macron is necessary to prolong the sound -
            along with the need to morph
a cat into a cyst...
                                     and then
the trebuchet moment with the acute e...
               a flick... in depth: the hiding vowel
catcher second H of the tetragrammaton...
     for there are two languages within
but one: what the eyes see,
                             and write,
          and what the tongue doesn't see,
  but speaks.
                       for have you ever closed
your eyes, jaw shut, and wriggled your tongue
               philosophy has metaphysics,
poetry has metaphor...
          but that's hardly the reason to
confuse the homosexual interpretation
                          of the Eden Project
by equating the abstract lizard that's
a snake with a phallus...
                               look up...
                                   the tongue better represents
the fluidity of a serpent than that
   piston of a limb...
                      perhaps there never
was a devil to begin with...
                     rather: a woman's tongue;
because women are under-represented
in literature?
           man deems it worthwhile
to stand naked... a woman will not write
an honest, revealing work,
          for fear of a backlash from the sorority...
because if all is revealed, what power
remains in the tease?
           ha ha!
Mateuš Conrad May 2020
.i'll make it ******* plain.... and simple... i'll erase the concept of the tetragrammaton... once and for all... what you denote as: cheap-****... i'll hide those two "who's who" consonants... the vowel catcher and the architecture of laughter: the sigh baron and the laughter prince... чeap-шit... no... no caron? well... no... really: no... "crown"...

woz not payz for ziz... woz best: smear ****...
call if graffiti... golden halfz..
          woz not payz for ziz...
tribunal of: "journalistix integrity"...
        woz not payz
for zis smear: *****... and
a load of *******... der nacht ist für: schlafen...
so! hier: wir - ar!
          tribunal of leeches...
and the tabloids... toilet paper horse-huffing and
horses-puffing: that is... the warm air: with a scent
of baked good... like bread...
that blatant culprit, though...
                 with: wit... Ł...
like the orthodox cross from deer hunter:
which implies: post... w imie ojca: credo...
touch the forehead...
i syna: touch the heart... the stone...
blessed is the instrument of torture
the synonym of transcendental exaltation...
the crucified pig ****... body of lacklustre...
          the phantom trench of:
moses! moses!
rifle aim: rifle... crucifix... the christ bullet...
and there i was... thinking:
moses the... moses the poet!
  the greeks and the hebrews know
a thing or two about conspiracies...
if they didn't finally learn it at the reign
of the drittereich... or casimir III...
ziz iz zee plaz auf:
the greeks should have mattered
in the ottoman empire...
the hebrews were still drifting...
pretending... as one best pretends
to sell shoelaces but no shoes...
and matchstickz...
to no one, except...
                  fire blessed forms...
  so... so much for israel...
given the activity of the diaspora...
in h'america...
they cite: who needs israel?!
who needs to struggle with: gott?!
brochette 'ebrai...
                                      nero pokers...
don't know... in a language of
quasi afghanistan..
                           secular iran
and secular: turban on fire... the caves...
                     alexander the great
pretended to conquer...
by reaching the raj...
               that middle territory...
where... the women were so fine...
a niqab did hide the saudi beauties...
but a burqa was more...
in-stru-men-tal... for the pashtun women...
zee russischroulétté?
punctuation: wohlwollend-herr!
               the details: no h'american left
i was expecting... a lick of rubber-soles...
from the boots...
and the face of god... when...
lazying a sunday with pol ***...
of any given sunday...
miracle of sporting venom...
anger... for the spectacle...
       and when hiroshima took noon...
and nagasaki took midnight...
i came across...
something lost: yet somehow human...
some called it the disinfectant...
some... the anaesthetic...
some... the aesthetic...
                 culprit... monk bro-mance...
and brit-pop... nostalgia...
oh: yummy...
yes... the hyphen and the acute accent...
and the excess of tau...
but no tao...
                                   tao mantra:
primo! the best way you can help
the world... is for your to forget the world...
and for... the world... to forget you...
good luck rainman meets fowest grunt!

h'america is like islam...
it's not a people...
it's an idea...
it's staggering how... the synonym closure
was not reached prior...
h'america is as much an idea
as islam is...
the former brits... the irish...
the yidman and the gyrman...
the pole the fwa fwa fwench...
russophobia galore...

                       the secular route:
end up in the las vegas...
malcolm x route: mecca bound...

               both a set of ideas...
but unlike h'america...
in england...  i dare to retain...
my born with: mama said...
tata: said...
dziadek said... babcia: said...
                     "semi" integrated: karen...
it's not a lasso of mehiko spaniard: quasi...
nothing from: mad-rid...

         h'america is an idea...
leave the leash of history at the door:
and mat...
                islam is also an idea...
the ummah... no wonder these twins
should somehow swipe: right...
in england i still speak my native: mother...
because... the gwand'pah and the gwand'm'ah
are still... brea'vin...

it's no more a limb... or the instrument of
torture being celebrated...

than... when... the cossacks...
were... invested in... or that romanian prince...
the crucifix was to be replaced:
"revised" by the: na pal!
onto the spear!
onto the pike!
                  crucifix my ***... literally:
my ***...
the crucifix is what?! given the pike?
with one hands tied... better... cut off...
sinking for two weeks...
onto a phelgm lie lubrication
of "ease"...
                 pray! the orthodox mantra from
Kiev will not reach Danzig...
                 we need nostalgic tourists from...
Ken-and-Larry: yuck contra: yummy...
theyz needz to knowz:
beginz und endz vel! they' zzzzzz...
includenz! a skip of sleep...
to lessen the сoвиeтц interrogation...
insomnia tactics...

               zuckerzzzzzzzzzzzzzz magic
       (jig jig... m'ah jig... contra...
           m'ah m'ah: m'ah jiq)...
         yep: rz... je suis!
                    her-t-z... contra:
frankensteinz: herz... harts... herц...
                             blah blah; hassan "e" sahba...
some life was worth living...
some... exacating synonymous parallels...
to... drinking bourbon and exclaiming...
mein gott! this tastes like chewing

           what if...        yashwesh? jachwach po polsu
po polsku... a jakby... niet(?)
                   because the name is surd riddled...
not necessarily yashwesh but
yashwa...                     he is YSHVH to me...


through this day brought the fetus
to the marble
and wondered why am i tired
of the living and all glory unto the dead
so silent they storm
the palace of sounds

me hallucinating being a DJ
on egress of the crowd
from Wembley Stadium
listening to Boris Brejha...
several times interrupted
woke up munching on 64% cocoa dark
Wedel chocolate and salt toasted
the bear vs the man vs the bear-man
and the man-child like
the emblem of the patron saint
of applying for a driving license

apparently all cyclists are *******
self entitled morons of bruised
rubber and top-knots bits-and-bobs
of jack: jack says no: n.b. hyde
and Sherlock Hyphen Skylock Showlock
first time seeing the *** army
youths of the urban environment

Europe is a museum
Europe is a museum

only when the hordes recede and hide
and bleach and bleach
two generations down:
the future is bi-racial is not bi-lingual
the future is mixed-race
i wish it was bi-lingual
likez zee schwitz zee schwitz

Lombardy and Saxony
and the Swedish House of Vaza
that came with crystals and salt
to the thrones of kings of wormhood
in the klepsydra Hydra
sow self to no-self

the ingenious idea of mingling buddhism
with christianity in the 1960s
of the 20th century...
but buddha was not Nepalese
he was an Indian Prince...
just like Jesus was not a Jew
a Hasid
Jesus was a Syrian perhaps
Assyrian perhaps
Egyptian most definitely
the historian Josephus ben Matthias cites
a false prophet of Egypt
who stormed the mount of olives
returned bitter with false faces
and thorough the distraught architecture of Rome

stands intact...
why would the ancient world care so much
about the jews killing jesus
rather than Barabbas (bar abba)
not ben abba

   ben: son of
bar: of sons of fathers

bar abba

                     Matthias bar Abba



                             not Matisyahu


         YAS vs YAH

in english the H is a surd a vowel catcher
not CH or samo-HA
but silent... not hatch 'atch 'itch

               in Greek and in Hebrew...
please... for me to see at least...
no... no Greek... confusion with G on the Y...
me thinking the new testament
is a Hebrew-Greek propaganda smear
campaign again Rome but
so much smackers and hit busters
and what do we call these canisters
on the side of the street
motorists fueling themselves with laughing

Mathayas: iota help center: diacritical stupendous
elongate the i
using the appropriate symbols
to avoid bringing a TAIL TO I TO J

ah! now greek some hebrew but certainly
          Pacific Ocean learning curve...

make the i longer like a j not a j not dz i.e. jot
jet jungle dzungla


                                ease my nerves: so much for being
born, but yet there are still people
with little nerve: big waves short sea
in my dream of recent i was taking
photographs of tsunamis
of Miller's Planet

          in my dreams i am on Miller's Planet...
Second Eden of Mann
on the Black Sun Gargantua
if humanity is still alive we will
turn earth into Giedi Prime:
earth nocturnal us morphed into luminescent
semi sea creatures
since all land will disappear
and we will return to being oceanic mammals

the death-tomb splendor of the pyramids
to graffiti onto the air
and all manner of passing
a suggestion against the desert:
mountains once stood here
now winds demonstrate and water is also
dragged by air all around
as long as the theaters and opera houses
and clocks the size of wrists of the gods one eyed
that one eyed implying second eye
a perma... human presence in foil
and grid and scoop
a silence a one eyed no-body n00b
nowhere nothing the strict residue of freed
intellectual caving
unlike riding a bicycle or riding a horse
but this exoskeleton
sk not school not wool skool
the youth and their rigid question-dyslexia...
but i hold not allegiance to England
and i can see England as i:

i once dreamed of travelling to India
and walking across the Islamic world
back to England...
God intervened...
India and the Islamic world
came to England...
now i'm either to leave England
to Australia New Zealand Hawaii...
but i'm not...
this garden a ship on the sea of carnage
seeking mouth of the river Styx
toward the land of Hades toward some thrill
of... what do we truly leave behind?

money, as concept i do not know...
money is also a saying:
better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven
flip of a coin
why is money two-faced
Mammon the 1st and Mammon the 2nd...
money is two faced...
the one eyed god invoked on one face
and the regal human on the flip face ordeal
that the moon must
drink up one ocean and **** it out
in another while also being the bartender
for penguins on Antarctica...

toward the second waking of lost earth
abandoned desert of these brats' spoiled riches
in conjuring rain
onto the deserts
like the Soviets conjured glorious
sunny weather on day rememberence
having conquered nations in germany
no thought of the re-emergent tsar nicholas
nevetcky -
               bald, scalp of Berlin....

my own mythos at stake, my own nightmares
will not be owned by others
i will reign (over) my nightmares
and call them heightened abodes
                                 google: peace-keeping
pacemakers backgammon is a **** game
only made fun on the attack
but then the luck of the draw
makes this game anti-strategic
and chess is no o-era P i.e. chess is ****
and chess is anti-intellectual
because chess is nakedness robotic
humanized in Dune's Mentats...
semi-gay quadrants of associating the tetragrammaton
to a god with four faces
the primitive allure of Islamic one one one one
this pseudo drone narrative
translated out of Arabic is a threat
and not welcome...

because intact and -ness and integrity
Judaism is not a social club
but Islam is dying a death unseen
by seeing a proselyte branch of Semi-Sufi
Soothe E           e         e         e       e       ease...
's plural missing
also not possessive: but can be...
Paul's... the chair the chair's crooked posture
in van Gogh Gohg Gogh's eye(s) zzzzzz no snooze...

chairs stacked up up and into spiderwebs of
breaking the impenetrable foliage of
comparative literature of how far the eye can see
through a pine forest of Europe
an oak forest of England
or across the horizon melt
the non-event horizon standing on the shore
of Kauai looking at the sky and the Pacific

the sky and the Atlantic are different...
more amassing of the receding
earth into the sea... what emerged as man
so forever and our Prometheus gene
to continue until the sun becomes a black
hole: our ambition...
to purge by no calamity: certain as we are
to follow the Route of House Aquarius Harkonnen
to the naked flesh devoid of sun
or tan this albino monstrosity of liquid and
pseudo-muscular tensions
these hybrid tongue-masquerade-gherkin phallus
****** brain miasmas... fried high DSL chiral...
brain mantras instead of
brain realities
brain mantras brain mantras people's
literacy skills a facade of ancient lore
of priests
now all exposed to literacy and...
like the advent of the internet
the advent of mass literacy was a failure...
when it happened or why is rather mysterious
to get rid of useful codependents
the useful friendly codependents
of the illiterate class
that could also somehow burden themselves
with hyper-status in numeracy...
i have known several dyslexic folk who were
hyper numeratic... erratic with the use of numbers
to their advantage...

**** with letters but good with numbers
and not the sort of mathematics
that is borderline language
like algebra and physics and chemistry...
but the sort of language
of numbers that's economics and medicine
and crowd control and recognizing ****** expressions
when someone is lying
and not playing a game of poker...

— The End —