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PNasarudheen Aug 2013
A Thread of Equanimity.
[Note:ref. holy Qur’an(1:4)m holy Bible,John,(4:23-24) and Mundakopanizhad(1:6)]                                  

Ramzan reminds us of holy Qur’an
That tells us  to read ; observe, think.
Serve, the needy with sakat , sadaka
Pray only Him ; for He  only forgives.
“Iyaka  na abudu wa  iyaka nasthaieen”
[Only Thou we worship; rely Thou ]-
“Yesha Sarveswara Yesha Sarvagna
Yesho  antharyamyesha yooni : sarvasya
Prabhavapyau hi  bhoothanam”
[Protector of all, the All-knowing is He
He is The Force ,  the Seat is He ;
Form Him Emerge all; to  Him all go  back]
“Twamekam Sarenyam, twamekam varenyam
Twamekamekam jagat karanam”
“Only ,Thou art reliable, noble Thou art
Thou art the only Cause of creations.]
The righteous worship Him in Spirit and-
In Truth ; “God is spirit” ; so says,  Jesus.
To every race has sent God Prophets
They only taught to follow the Right Path.
Call it Dharma or Deen you may; call it,
Follow the same path ,:refrain from vices.
Love is the thread of  equanimity,
Spun up- by  mystic conscience super.
YESHA Mar 2020

To complete the  remaining dreams or be happy in this so called relationship?????
To sit quite or take stand against it???
To go wherever I want or to take care of family???

To sit and listen to all tantrum of family or be free bird???
To be a great business women or just a normal housewife???

To wear saree,dress or what I want to wear???

Whether to take permission for the thing I love or do whatever I want???To divorce or be happy In this so called marriage???
Should I compromise and be happy???
COMPROMISE,isn't big deal....!!!
Why to compromise????
When you can fly like a free bird...
Why to compromise,
When you can earn,
You are independent...

‌Find someone who is there with you at every stage of life!!!

Why to compromise??
If you want to wear bikini,wear it!!!
Why you have ask others that should I???

If you want to go,GO why you have to ask someone else???

Why to compromise???
When you can laugh loud,
Be happy in your own world,
Believe in yourself and you would never have to compromise....

Never think,
Whether I should???
You can and you should!!!...

Why to compromise????
Why girls have to compromise in every situation.
Why they can't complete there dreams and why they have to ask other for permission....

— The End —