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A Purple Moon Apr 2015
In the long afternoons
when I'm just alone,
at my place, with no one but my soul;
I think hard to answer stuff,
stuff that are useless to be told.

In the long afternoons,
that are dimmer than of the dusk.
But I'm active then and I just suspect my luck.
For something strange that happens to me,
It leaves me alone with a shock.

In the long afternoons,
for the useless things I think,
apocalypse, fame and my thoughts that link
to an outer world unknown to everyone.
Rainbow sheep and how the world shall sink.

In the long afternoons,
for the tragedic songs I sing.
The sighs I swear like the death of a king.
I daydream about stupid li'l things
but it's you that I think more about, and that thought's not leaving.
Another try! Feedback!
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Disbelief of your tragedic grief.
Has no relief.
I guess we should rest.

Have tranqulity in your ability.
Doubts abominate my fate.

You should'nt have lied about being on my side. Can you make it So I don't have to wait?

Isolate the fears you create.
Swallow the hate.
The critics don't accommodate.

Don't follow the void that is hollow.
With only yourself to blame.
Standing barefoot & naked in the pouring rain.

© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved,
Jolene Perron Jul 2010
At the end of the day,
I hope you know.
You're the one I want there,
when the curtains close.

When the makeup is gone,
my true self to see.
You're the one I want there,
to see the real me.

When I am not acting,
in this childish world.
When I am only me,
a beautifully tragedic girl.

It's never so easy,
it's always so hard.
Everyone always complaining,
they were dealt this card.

I do it always,
and I put on a face too.
But I'm always the real me,
whenever I'm with you.

With them it's a face,
makeup and a smile.
In reality my grin,
hasn't been real in a while.

But you make me smile,
my world is bright.
Everything comes so easy,
it feels so right.

Since you walked in,
my life is perfect.
I feel like the real me,
doing everything I was meant.

They see this change,
in the way I act.
But it's only the real me,
that I've so long lacked.

They don't understand,
what I was before was concealed.
Baby this is me,
this is me and very real.

You understand everything,
you understand me.
It's with you,
I wish to forever be.

I promise forever,
I will always love you.
When I am in your arms,
my world is brightened too.

So at the end of the day,
By now you should know.
You're the one I want there,
when the curtains close...
Tom McCone Dec 2012
been this old nearly half a year now, with that dull dragging urge;
you know best of all, it's just life and pointed time,
slow leakings of admissions of weaknesses,
the inevitable hollow rust that forms
on the underside of ribcages,
digging dripping sugary claws into internal organs as
convictions came and left,
patching up like cold drizzle into heavy rain,
finally, leaving me running on empty for this past era.
arrive, arrive, arrive, leave:
is this all we are, anymore?

they say things about the world, today especially;
you're supposed to have opinions on these kind of things,
but, far too indifferent to care now,
having survived so many tragedic spurns already,
ruin, like second watch-hands,
flows like the escape of tepid sinkwater

I'm still dreaming,
I'm still all absences, tearing holes in the wallpaper
where, once, we leant and watched smoke rise from
the stark and blind holes in the floor,
dissolving into remnants of conversations ill-spent,
the same and continual pitch clutter of such verdant loss.

I'm still losing,
I'm still learning lessons from the age twenty through -one,
where once dark forests grew, pine needles drying,
habitual corrections, subsequent defections
back into those same straight lines,

I'm still wasting time, blood and the will to not give in.
I'm still dying.
It's not death or dying am afraid to see.
but that I do not want afterlife to be eternal.
when my pale dead body is facing up, I want but nothingness to see.
I do not want consciousness to behold when I cross life's drowning sea.

Uninteresting when folks have death experience.
maybe they come back to comfort us that are here
explaining what is real, and not the confusing conjecture bandied on it's fence
or maybe injecting fear and setting our hearts at ache for the coming furnace.

One will say 'have no doubt, adios, my friend, be in panic.
there definately is a spirit world.
Their world is as realm as ours is to us tragedic.
we are the ones sleeping for they know what we do but not aware that what they do is percific.
#Folorunsho mike Iyanuoluwa
AnnaMarie Jenema Aug 2017
That's what I was.
That's what my life used to be.
I faced recess war,
I became a ghost,
Disappearing from this world,
My nose always in a book.
Deemed weird,
I was an outsider.
This town was a prison,
My own personal hell.
I couldn't escape.
I believed I deserved it.
Every word,
Every action,
Every tear,
I was worthless.
I had no hope,
No future.
Nothing lies beyond this town.
But there was
I found you.
All of you.
I found happiness,
Self worth,
Late night's spent joking,
I am not judged.
I am not shamed.
I am beautiful.
and treated as if I deserve to be told my worth.
Even so,
There is fear.
What if I lose this?
If In my happiness I forget how to live in loneliness?
People change,
They leave.
And I am too trusting.
My heart is given away freely,
But then it's shattered.
How many mosaics have I made?
How many times have I tried to fix my heart after being so deeply hurt?
Too many to count.
Can I really have a happy ending?
She who is so used to tragedy?

I hope so.
Jaya Dec 2017
tired of caring in this ******* world
people whom I loved
people whom I gave everything
made my life crumbled..

getting ****** up by people
left with no trust for some one
had very tragedic phases
just making up pages scribble..

the day,
when my last breadth I will take
than everyone, everything
Is just gonna shake...

some ppl will realize
some will cry
some will be happy
and some will sympathize....

the way you ppl took me
I m reminding u
it had some value
it wasn't for free ....

— The End —