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Victoria Essex Nov 2012
Colored streaks on the pavement
Grinding stone against stone
We return our source of enjoyment to the Earth
Sidewalk chalk tastes like childhood.

Body tracings, blue skies, big fish-- our cement canvas is filled
Filled with youthful thoughts and unlikely realities
A world of our own creation;
One we can stomp on
Cross out
Wash away

The presence of an unknown friend
Everyone is a friend, we are young and naive
“Draw with us, Draw with us”
Our wonder reaped the same;
The new face shows only bewilderment

“Draw with us”

Chubby childish hands exchange colored chalk
Despite our encouragement, this outlander won’t join in
It’s now a game for us
“Draw with us, Draw with us”
Foreign motions, fast moving fingers, a frustrated face

“Draw with us”

His hesitant movements are masked
By an apologetic smile
He brings new things to our Crayola-created universe
A trumpet, its player, a lion in mid-roar,
All things ordinary
Nothing we’ve drawn before

Like the colors we immerse ourselves in
Our company doesn’t last
Our accomplice offers a wave
Leaving his silent marks in our little world.
Donall Dempsey Aug 2018

She watches as
I write.

The soft wheeze of lead
leaving words in its wake

like seagulls following
the trail of a ship

clamouring after
the refuse of the mind.

Soon the page is
littered with words.

They crawl across the page
in their best 4B.

It pleases her to see
the graphite leave these

tracings of me
upon...beyond...the white.

She looks at the journey of my hand
as if writing were a magic rite.

She asks if she can

"Sure..." I say
and the words cease.

I just put the tittle
on an small i and j.

The words splashed across the page
like puddles of thought drying in the sun.

I hand her the pencil.

She shakes it and shakes it.
And shakes it.

"What's that for?"
I dare to ask.

"The pencil is too full of words.
I want a pencil full of lines."

"I see..." I say
even though I don't really.

Well, it seems  to work for
nothing comes out but line after line.

She lost in the little planet of
her intense concentration.

She throws in the odd curve
and a wonky circle every now and then.

The lines look confused
not too sure just what

they are doing
on this scrap of paper.

I ask her what
the lines mean.

"The lines are you of course.

"I see..." I say
although I don't really.

But indeed in this
drawing I am

very much
as she sees me.

The page never lies.
These are scribbles that were my eyes.

I have as it happens
eyes five

stuck on the side of
what appears to be a head.

And yes only one leg.
One leg with seven toes.

An abstract alien
bird father.

It takes pride of place
sellotaped to the fridge.

"Yep...that's me
kfaye May 2013
the sensation of the wires hanging loose from your headphones gently brushing up with the blonde hairs on your neck like little hairthin whispers- spiders crawling on you throat


fleece summercamp sweatshirt

the a/c rumbling

crisp fallings
wax paper tracings-rubbings of leaves

(20 minute poetry)

I take my life in
my hands
no one can see the struggle
no one understands how
slowly sands **** me
ever closer to
this wide sea,

eternity is a stab in the back
when you stop searching

am looking
will find

A mantra for each day I say

am looking
will find

I am sure that love is the cure,
backstage though where the river
runs slow
there's a raging thirst that will
not be quenched.

this heathen ocean
full of deep dark
motion that carries
me on

do I not belong?
is there something that I did that you thought was wrong?

it carries me on,
even thoughts
odd imaginings

new beginnings are frightening.

man overboard

was never roared so quietly and the sea that smothered me slept
on soundly

I wept loudly
and then was still.

the quill will scratch on the parchment of time
and all this will be gone

it carries me on.
vircapio gale Jul 2012
moonrock, lovelight;
dim, silent, mindbreath-
interleaving sunspace;
dark, narrow, corridor of doubt--
   far below this moment lurks
         an otherwisely ancient growing sense:
              of worldliness i haven't asked again
                  (yet you are this world-to-be);
              the smile-harvest nearing,
         your touch reasserts its ever-meaning
   of dancing in the starlight i ask
my yearning future self,
of playful rolls of joy
spinning off our lichen finger tracings~
of healthiness and utter-smooth response
    to sharpness i think with full bodied thought--
        (it throbs deep into the wellspring of our self-teaching);
    of healing i ask with songs beneath the feet,
toes vibrate dream-colored peace
       like the windblown comfort of forestal goddess tresses,
             i fall upward into you even as we descend through shadowovercastings,
               even while the earth-tremble breaks our calm,
                        even though the bees fade,
                                another nectar drips from all around
                                            your inner-golden, flowered canopy of lives
                                                            (i effulge this world-to-be you are!)
Karijinbba Jun 2021
My ancient Lancelot.
*Love is patient love is kind,
it kept no record
of wrong doing piling high."
Reminiscing my first poet, sigh;
sweet cane dust sprinkled
on a table's body inch by inch.
Tracings followed little food
reduced to crumbs
Saving hunger and thirst
for the last dance, Knight sought.
True lovers lost and found.
Come lovers unrequited long
find a new dancing floor
dance till the end of love.
I've saved the last dance
for an ancient true Knight
sought long and by and by.
A lifetime I've traveled hard
fed by my lover's light in eye.
It's time, see me renewed
in my new Hindu Knight's light
and sigh.
By Karijinbba
for so long I traveled in the ghost
of my knight's love in eye.
(Rddpc-Rk/ RddBba.)
I stand alone young in heart
for a dance on a final castle floor.
M Harris Mar 2017
Photochromatic Sanity & Fluorescent Visions,
Metallic Vanity Initiating Phosphorescent Collisions,

Luminescent Effervescence In Her Iridescent Constants,
Convalescent Spells Of Her Tumescent Transplants,

Auroral Apertures & Acronycal Fractals,
Floral Kisses Of Her Quintessential Portals,

Velvet Transitions & Twilight Transmissions,
Reverberating Vocal Inhibitions Of Her Satellite Renditions,

Razor Rivers & Rogue Delights,
Shining Laser Echoes On Vogue Nights,

Molecular Suicides In Abysmal Desires,
Drowning In Atomic Oceans Of Her Ethereal Reprisals,

Static Pulses Of Her Prurient Delights,
Amorous Impulses With Hymens Of The Night,

Shaded Whispers & Livid Overtunes,
Serenaded Ceilings In Her Vivid Offtunes.

Condensed Rainbows Over Her Silk Citadels,
Slithering With Oblivious Love Of His Ghostline Vessels.

Extinct Hemispheres Of Her Tender Tracings,
Broadcasting Distinct Light-Years In Spiritual Casings.

- 03:50 AM -
Thus, halfway along the journey
a life interrupted me
even if I try,
I can not decipher it
where will it lead
I can not see
This duration of suspended moments
searches its destination
in dimmed tracings
As if half parted lips
are a sigh
and a kiss
and an affirmation
As if, half mast eyes
are a prayer
and modesty
and a secret
As if the touching of hands
runs through the veins
as electricity
and inebrience
As if on seeing the mirror
all your faults
face you,
and sometimes, understanding, too
This duration of suspended moments
searches its destination
in dimmed tracings
The seven colors of the rainbow
it weaves in the braid
of this tale of conquest and triumph
This duration of suspended moments
is my destiny
In it lies this soul
in it lies this body

Urdu Version:

یوں آ کے آدھے رستے پہ
ملی اک زندگی مجھ کو
سمجھنا بھی اگر چاہوں
تو عقدہ کھل نہیں پاتا
کہاں کس موڑ په لائے
نظر میں یہ نہیں آتا
معلق ساعتوں کی یہ گھڑی
دھندھلے ھوئے نقشوں میں
اپنی منزلیں ڈھونڈھے
کے جیسے ادھ کھلےلب
آہ بھی
بوسہ بھی
اور اقرار بھی
کے جیسے نیم وا آنکھیں
دعا بھی
اور حیا بھی
اور کوئی اسرار بھی
کے جیسے ہاتھ کا چھونا
رگوں میں
آتشیں بن کر بہے
خمار بھی
کے جیسے آئینہ دیکھیں
تو سارے عیب
خود کے روبرو آئیں
کبھی پھر پیار بھی
معلق ساعتوں کی یہ گھڑی
دھندھلے ھوئے نقشوں میں
اپنی منزلیں ڈھونڈھے
قزح کے سات رنگوں کو
شکست و جذب کی اس داستاں کی
زلف میں گوندے
معلق ساعتوں کی یہ گھڑی
میرا مقدر ہے
اسی میں روح ہے میری
اسی میں خاک پیکر ہے
CH Gorrie Jun 2015
The summer is static. Over
A drying lawn the slur
Of heat descends. Quiet
The garden flowers. This mind's diet?
Shaded hills and solitude.
Slow recession of the crude
Tracings of my origins,
The silhouettes of sins
And murmurs, blurs into
The sophomoric hue
Of my brain. Can I
Extricate myself? This lie,
Though it elude my thought
Into what action I know not,
Seems to legitimate my being
And foretell the fate of my self-fleeing.
on to new things Dec 2013
I don't see how u can talk to someone off and on for over2 yrs and follow their every keystroke and see what and who they talk to and listen to them thru the speakers on the computer and if I didn't  cover the camera would be able to see us also.....and then see theyre on a dating site and either u had a profile already or made one up to meet me.  That is a lot of following and listening and reading their online happenings...only to meet them from the dating site.  Which how u even knew that id date you is odd unless u were just hoping.  I realized that when my brother died last year.....that was you I was talking to wasn't it???  Do you know how special that is to me and my heart? I didn't have anyone to help ,me thru that and you were there.  I wanted to thank you so very much. I don't see how u can do all these tracings of my actions and talk to me at the most horrific time of my life thus far and then not tell me that its you..... I will never under stand why u didn't tell me.... I so wished you would have *** the things would have turned out so much different. I just thought u were some dude who was a cheating pig....and wasn't thinking too serious about anythg *** I knew u wont leave "her". that's why I never asked u too and or even brought it up *** ive seen the shows where they say they'll leave but never do so why ask? but if id had known u were frozen heart and soule shawn I would have looked at things differently. I would have taken things and rearranged them to fit into my life better. I owe the person or man who talked to me and helped me get thru each day when john died a lot..... *** If it wasn't for u I don't think id been ok. Also If id known you were the holder of my heart and would have told me things instead of not saying would have ended up in the way u wanted it to be. Not this way where I will be sad and ****** yet upset for not knowing u were the one who makes me happy *** to me you are perfect and perfect for me as well... God I miss u more then u will ever know,,, I wish I could hug and kiss u.... and sit and talk ....but its not gonna happen and it just makes me want to cry but I keep getting headaches when I I don't like to....     Im so grateful that I was with u for the year and a half we spent together.....wish it would have lasted for ever though instead...*** I wont ever stop wanting u....ILY!!!
just thinking about stuff../ as always.
Onoma Sep 2014
Succumbing all the the unwashable
blazes...silvery-white tracings where
feet move.
Winter suns bleed-through what's
black-lit...being inside of revelation...
revelation inside of being...unwashable blazes
Your proximity  going-up...unwashable
blazes...winter suns bleed-through what's
Succumbing all the **** time...silvery-white
tracings, dancing stillpoints.
A W Bullen Jan 2017
As above...

...Your sky-dial feline mind, unzips
Bold rose-hip teems of fervour, kept
On ice, throughout the needle of
the duty-bound laborious.

You have geared the slug of
greased machines have
waited tables overseas,
have moved your shoes
to rythms of inconsequence.

So below...

Call talons from your lava skin,
in tracings of a milky way, step
ladders through the cotton fields
to set aside a broken string.

Float, leaf, about your symetries
to crook your spine in Gothic arches.
Sovereign , deep in quicksand warmth
through paths of least resistance.

Dissolve in waves of ageless truth
dashesd amber over Roman tiles.
In wild writhes of curling fern,

Your body shines obsidian.
Meredith Ann Jan 2019
Legs burning,
Chapped face,
Following the ebb and flow,
Swaying in the familiar dance.

American romance,
Empty pools,
Teenage dreams,
The unknown.

Resting on top of the world,
Watching activity below,
Yet singularity in existence.

Shattering what’s to come,
Turning over past,
Shocked in present.

Familiar tracings,
Rough seats,
Cool breeze,
Triumphant warmth,

The textures,
Soft and rough,
Metrometric rise and fall,
Occasional shifts,
Constant peace,

Spurred by rain and impending eyes,
Rushing on,
Vibrant, brilliant, psychedelic chromatics.
Melting tones,
Air cutting,
written 12/2/18
S Smoothie Dec 2014
guttural groans seep
releasing themselves from me
I ******* ache for you!

The missing returns a thousand times faster than it leaves
Grabbing nothing but air and fantasy.
We used to paint the skies in colours you and I
Now the strokes are of no substance
Tracings of heat dissipating like my hope to catch our meaning
It's a guttural instinct,
a fidelity that knows no carnality only the faintest hope of it.

Another groan escapes me.
Oh **** I miss you,
like the desserts miss the rain!
I ******* need you!
Worse than the Poet needs the pain.
Jennise Apr 2015
I was never like this before..
an anxious ball of heavy breaths and quivering shoulders.
Tears tracings my lips
And I cannot make the smell of cigarettes escape my fingers despite not smoking in an entire year.
My skin is peeling,
My skin is crawling
And the irk is unbearable.
Like large swarms of tiny gnats pinching me, digging their teeth into my flesh.
I am tired.
I’ve slept all day, but still I am tired.
Even at 12:51am,
It feels as though the sun in my eyes
And I am squinting oh so tightly
Trying not to let the light inside.
S Smoothie Dec 2015
The language of love
Is not intricate,
not the tracings of love notes in the sand
Nor the filigree in the swirls of seduction
The fine details of romance soon fade
These are subterfusions
For withering hopes
The language of love
Is honest and raw
As painful as it is sublime
Holds no words
And tells no lies
Tethers gently while letting go
And for us,
Because we don't speak anymore.
View ssmoothie's Full Portfolio
S Smoothie Dec 2015
The language of love
Is not intricate,
not the tracings of love notes in the sand
Nor the filigree in the swirls of seduction
The fine details of romance soon fade
These are subterfusions
For withering hopes
The language of love
Is honest and raw
As painful as it is sublime
Holds no words
And tells no lies
Tethers gently while letting go
And for us,
Because we don't speak anymore.
View ssmoothie's Full Portfolio

Morning clouds tear apart.
White-blue helmet of heaven.
On the river, goslings glide.
Ripples of desire.

A darkened figure climbs the hill,
silent, snaking homeward.
Death marches, stride for stride,
and drops the red baton.

2. Berghof

Who has cried for sunken Dachstein?
Its crumpled crown.
Beauty is stone.
Carry me through glacial waters,
green and trembling,
fear alone.

Lichen blooms
on blackened tree bark.
Ice blocks clog
paths unknown.
Half-hewn timbers
line the walkway.
Heed the warning:
Hide your soul.

3. Atelier

Shadows shatter:
light’s division.
Present passes.
Breathing comes.

Silver circles:
no corrosion.
Water siphons.
Spirit song.
Meredith Ann Jun 2019
Lilac Lady
Amethyst Dreams
Violet Summer
Wine Tears
Magenta Dances
Lavender Tracings
All Come
With Much
I experimented with Rose and thrived in Blue, but Purple is the change I need.
the dolls house is small with pointed tracings

above the windows.

kept upstairs. unfinished & fitted with bunting

outside. a gift.

faded now.

there is not much inside.

sometimes i go to live there when

there is not much inside.

when i feel anxious,

a fragile day to hide

fragile way to hide.

peer out small windows, to peer in

make some reflection.

my bones are brittle, the skin comes drawn


the dolls house .

curtains drawn, deplete to hide there.

deplete reside there while.

he made it

i use it

i photograph it

and not finish it

some things come minimal.

the dolls house

not much inside

the bones of it are


Onoma Nov 2019
duirnal vector--

hard grays evincing

chalky white tracings

of tree limbs, redrawing

a season's circle.

dancing off till danced in.

last dangling leaves of thread

through fallings.

ghost of the ghost network.
Donall Dempsey Aug 2019

She watches as
I write.

The soft wheeze of lead
leaving words in its wake

like seagulls following
the trail of a ship

clamouring after
the refuse of the mind.

Soon the page is
littered with words.

They crawl across the page
in their best 4B.

It pleases her to see
the graphite leave these

tracings of me
upon...beyond...the white.

She looks at the journey of my hand
as if writing were a magic rite.

She asks if she can

"Sure..." I say
and the words cease.

I just put the tittle
on an small i and j.

The words splashed across the page
like puddles of thought drying in the sun.

I hand her the pencil.

She shakes it and shakes it.
And shakes it.

"What's that for?"
I dare to ask.

"The pencil is too full of words.
I want a pencil full of lines."

"I see..." I say
even though I don't really.

Well, it seems  to work for
nothing comes out but line after line.

She lost in the little planet of
her intense concentration.

She throws in the odd curve
and a wonky circle every now and then.

The lines look confused
not too sure just what

they are doing
on this scrap of paper.

I ask her what
the lines mean.

"The lines are you of course.

"I see..." I say
although I don't really.

But indeed in this
drawing I am

very much
as she sees me.

The page never lies.
These are scribbles that were my eyes.

I have as it happens
eyes five

stuck on the side of
what appears to be a head.

And yes only one leg.
One leg with seven toes.

An abstract alien
bird father.

It takes pride of place
Sellotape'd to the fridge.

"Yep...that's me

— The End —