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Kayla Apr 2016
bubbles and sweat are flirting again tonight, as I try to wash away the way your knees knock together when you drive
and how you never take your eyes off the trees
it's only been ten minutes and I've lost myself in the thought of the lines around your smile

remember the time that we had 365 days of spring and you learned how to braid my hair
yeah that was like the best year of my life
everyday was an adventure
the waters draining but oh boy you're still here, calling me honey
mushaboom memories and yep, his sister looks just like him

we love in everyday gestures:
my favorite candle and your slippers, Father John Misty, a hand-written note, and 700 pages of pure magic
out of the many things i over-analyze, it's none of these simple loves, my dear
smallhands Jul 2016
they are waiting for something good
can work erase the bad?
kids eat mudpies and cry "mushaboom, mushaboom"
there goes the fear they once had for the wild
now it's become a phantom limb


— The End —