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Edgar MoneyPenny Mar 2017
slow down,
deep breath,
not as sure footed as your braggadocios ego would lead you to be.
it pulls you in many directions but you can tug back sheepishly.
the pines hold you or you hold the pines.
You need not remember where you're going,or where you came from, you will sleep well tonight.
Delton Peele Dec 2021
Considering worth ..........
Comes with difficulties
In perception.
In variable depths leave
Of subtle deception,
don't believe
What the looking  glass says  .....when
Looked darkly into .......
Brings out dark distractions.....
In reflection feelings are refractions.
reactions  which don't match intentions
Elongating the pendulums
While we swing through the
Gauntlet between write
And rong ......
We loose sight .  ....... ........ And like a vapor
We are gone.  ...
Taking someone's world with us..........
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Those that aren't worth their weight in salt...........insult
Those that actually are.........
Being braggadocios
Over exaggerating
The exact opposite of
What they claim to be......
Trust and believe.........
Their actions merit pitty  
After expiration......
Pleading for a stay of execution    .......
Beneath the throne..
Of the King of hate.............
As epochs roll on and on in
At the bottom of the furnace
the rotten  
Of the forgotten
No clemency
For eternity.
...... ..... ..... .....  
You are worth more than you can understand ....
Live with it like you deserve it.

Don't take someone you don't want because you feel like that's all you can get cause ........
What you'll get is people that will take you .....
That's a lifetime of regret ....  

Never settle .....and just take what you can get . .
And keep that person's love
Untill something you want more comes along......

Because you will create a rift and an undercurrent .....that will take you. .
And it shall
Take you places you don't want to go.........
And when you go
You can never come back again . ............
Don't be
Big Virge May 2020
Ya Know …
My Form of... " Spiritual "...
Is Really... Quite Simple...

Live In PEACE And KEEP Negativity...
Where It... NEEDS To Be... !!!

In A Place Where It's CHANNELED...
To... Wage War And Battle...
When I Hear... Tittle Tattle...
That's CLEARLY NOT Factual... !!!

So My Spiritual Dives...
Into Musical Vibes BOTH Day and Night...
It Also... ENLIGHTS'...
Via These Words That I Write... !!!

But Get Your Mind RIGHT... !!!
That's NOT Arrogance I TRY YES I TRY... !!!!
To KEEP Some Humility RIGHT BY My Side... !!!

Because Spiritually... Sometimes I'm Inclined...
To Be BRAGGADOCIOS In Words That I Write... !!!!!!!!!

See My Spirit Has Sides I'm TRYING To Find... !!!!!

That'll Help Me GROW Into Being MORE Wise... !!!
Like Guys Whose Vibe Rolls With Guidelines...
Like Letting Love SHINE And To Look For Good Times...
So That I Live My Life... In A Vein That DETAINS...

Letting PAIN RULE My Mind... !!!!!!

But Balance... DEFINED...
Means My Spirit Sometimes...
Let's ANGER... " PRESIDE "... !!!

When Speaking of CRIMES of Human Designs...
That PROVE That Their Spirits …
Are … DEAD To The LIVING... !!!

But LIVING... To The DEAD... !!!
YEAH... That's What I SAID... !!!

LIVING... To The DEAD... !!!

Spirits Whose Heads...
Are FAR From................ Level.............. !!!!!

Energies DISHEVELLED And Clinically MENTAL...
NO WORD Like DEVIL... Can Define Or Stencil... !!!!!

What THESE Spirits Are..... ?
That Move in... " THE DARK "... !?!

Their CALL YES... " HARKS "...
of... POISONED Hearts...
Who THINK They're SMART... !!!

UNTIL Their Spirit UPLIFTS Their Thinking...
To A Place Where... SINNING...
is Left To DIMINISH From Start To FINISH... !!!!

So That NEW Beginnings...
KEEP Balance Linking...
To Spirits Like Shippings...
Connected To Fishing..... !!!

As I Wrote THAT Line...
My Spirit Took FLIGHT..............

Cos' My Mind Went.... B   K....
Yup... Just Like THAT... !!!!!

But My Spirit Took OVER...
And Tapped Me On The Shoulder... !!!!!

... DEEP Inside My Mind...
For Me To FIND That Line... !!!

Shipping To Fishing...
Is That Lyric Now SINKING...........
DEEP Down In Your Thinking... ?!?

NO Di Caprio' Though... !!!
That's A Big Virge Quote... !!!

Make SURE That YOU KNOW...
Cos' My Spirit ALWAYS SHOWS...

.... IMPECCABLE Flows.... !!!

Whether Rhyme or Prose...
Cos' My Spirit EXPLODES...
Right From My Core Node... !!!

Or... Solar Plexus... !!!!!
STRONG Like... Lexus...
CONNECTED Like Nexus...

Because My Senses....
Go WAY BEYOND Endless... !!!!!!

So NOW You Can See...
That I'm Spiritually DEEP...

AWAKE Or Asleep...
Cos' My Spirit STILL Breathes...
Cos' It's.... PURE ENERGY.... !!!!

Well That's MY BELIEF..... !!!

It's Clearly What FEEDS …
My NEED To Drop Speech...
And Write Poetry That Hopefully Seeks...

To Do MORE Than Teach... !!!

It's Aim Is To REACH And TOUCH The Psyches...
of Peeps' In The STREETS And ALL Humanity.... !!!!

To LET GO of...
ALL of This INSANITY... !!!!!

That's On The INCREASE... !!!!!!!

MORE Balance And PEACE... !!!!!!!

Cos' It's Something That FEEDS...
... From WAY UP Above... !!!

So This Is My Ritual...

To USE What I Write...
To Connect To My...

..... " Spiritual ".....
It's a deep thing to me .........

— The End —