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The hot hug of Aries
Passionate hug of Taurus
Witty hug of Gemini
Lingering hug of Cancer
Snug hug of Leo
Ardent hug of Virgo
Romantic hug of Libra
Caring hug of Scorpio
Classic hug of Sagittarius
Intimate hug of Capricorn
Articulate hug of Aquarians
Compassionate hug of Pisces
All hugs are well placed
No hug is to be overlooked!
Ugo Feb 2012
Overweight bisexual vegetarians
Climbing trees to stay fit
and eating 80’s fried chicken *******

just imagine
Aquarians full of class valedictorians
Swimming on display for graduation ceremony…
reverse-symbolism of how Moolch drowned His *****

Better yet, just imagine
Holy wars,
Beautiful words written to describe the burning pains
Of holocaust...the Kristallnacht nights
Under the mistletoe,
Watching Hall of fame ball hawks on pivot toes
Driving through hoes
After the whistle blows

College Literacy classes teaching basic:
Ideas that good questions leads to good answers,
Reading reminders
Free association conceptual constructions

But *******’ professor:
free association **** shticks
misfires, false alarms
are all art, too,
Like sticking a dagger into an apple,
Not the edible, but the technology.

Go head, deconstruct the philosophy
Of oral cute-tification,
according to the Tautology of Leviticus,
With the same three half truths, pogroms
against biological deviant... FLAGS!

Cryptic gospels of a *******
Where three F.F.F’s
Stands for six six six
Like how 1mg of juxtaposition
And a dose of metamorphosis
is the repertoire of a king of curmudgeon
‘cause even the Holy Ghost
drinks from the cup of Christ’s blood.

Self-flagellation gospel-manual of Pope John Paul II,
At shrink sessions under the daze of heron Piper methysticum blunts
With sweet phat butts like lit lickerish that droop eyes
Like the psalm of Valeriana officinalis root extract.
emma hunt david Dec 2018
my friends say i need to open my eyes but aquarians are dreamy types and i broke my glasses so what difference does it make if i’m sleeping anyways?
i'm 20 years old and that's not a lot
boys think i'm cute
but they think my friend is hot
cause she ******* is

i keep getting high and redownloading tinder
when i'm home alone in my living room
with the office on repeat and my cats
attacking my feet

meanwhile i'm getting annoyed because i'm just trying to eat
and everyone keeps telling me i need some thicker meat
on my bones
and telling me i should watch my texts
and to call if it involves **** or ***

my best friends are sleeping together
i wish i could make this thing between us better
but you kind of **** dude
and i’m sorry but i don’t think i can talk to you
without being rude so..
i guess i don’t really wish to change things after all
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Personal REPOST - Not a poem.
My guardian Archangel is Ariel
known as the Goddess of nature
like I am
Ariel Archangel heals
the planet animals responsible for natural elements
Earth, wind, water, and fire.
Ariel's role as an archangel
relates to inspiration.
Aries people treat breaking up like a sport, and they do not want to lose. Aries would rather dump than be dumped, and so if tension has been building, they're likely to be the ones to initiate the split.

Since Arians want to move on faster than their exes, they're often the first to rebound, but they're rarely malicious and will self defend
as last resort!
Aries-born people are favorited
for theirfierce and independent approach to life being attracted
to their uninhibitedness
and a wild personality.
Aries-born people are attracted to the quirkiness and weirdness of
Aquarians and both get along like a house on fire!
Unlike any other zodiac sign,
Aries is more hung up on the memories they created with the ex-partners than their exes themselves
they avoid competition
For Arians, it's not at all about getting back together, but it is all about the nostalgia that ~hits them hard.~
Aries cannot stand people who try to set the tone in their life!
Aries hate ~intrusiveness.~
Do not push Aries or give them ultimatums-they alone will decide when to call and see you!
Aries are quite confident
energetic and a bit of a daredevil
it's no surprise that their biggest fear is the fear of going unnoticed
or being forgotten.
Aries poeople, Arians, want to make a mark on the world, and they like to have many accomplishments
achievements under their belt.
When an Aries is hurt, they will let you know with their blunt and impulsive actions.
Aries' element is fire making them naturally very passionate,
inclined towards exploration,
and a little bit scary
~when set off.~
Don't tell an Aries a greater lover roams your head
spinning your inner thighs
Your Aries will become
a puff of smoke
and be GONE

Aries born women are
fire and ice cold and hot
in your arms
If you are ever kissed
by an Aries
you are truly loved
cherished and adored
but only if,
if, you reciprocate fully
Defined by: Karijinbba
Don't betray Arians

they got powers to END you
or to bless you near or far.
if you attempted against them
everything evil is
returned to you hundred fold

you are already dead
no forgiveness granted
if you do not ask
you'll have to make amends.
if an Aries loved you
you are in luck.
Trevon Haywood Oct 2015
In what at least
Seemed anger the Aquarians in the basement
Had been perfecting a device.
For making sense to us
If only briefly and on pain
Of incommunication ever after.
Now look who's here. Our prodigal Sunset. Just passing through from Isfahan.
Filled him by the glass.

Disorients [...].

James Merrill
Poem dedicated by me.
Joz Oct 2016
A wind element never shows;
when they fall in love,
for they are never sure
on their own feeling.
They want to go deeper
it will never deep enough
when they reach there,
they can't stop loving you.

It is hard to understand an aquarian
for they are unreachable
but trust me,
you can trust them unconditionally.
You don't need to do lot of things
for these aquarians,
just a balanced respect for them
is always enough.
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2016
Sharon Talbot Sep 2017
How many heroes have chosen this path,
Of least or no resistance?
In the face of overwhelming odds,
Or staring at cubicular, corporate submission;
Elect instead the stance
Of simply

Victorian ladies thought it amusing;
20th Century Centurions and Puritans condemned it.
The spoon-fed rich live it and lose nothing.
Russian aristocrats sometimes recommend it…
When spurned in love & up against it.

Oblomov, for instance, whiled his time away,
In bed, or staring out at the wood,
Writing meaningless letters and ignoring the day,
Yet it still did him some good.

Marat in his bathtub, Proust in his bed,
Still accomplished SOMETHING
Or we’d have forgotten them instead.
Is there still no virtue in doing nothing?

Against the tide of corporate work,
Aquarians rebelled with dance.
Later on, Generation X
Came to work in a greedy trance.

Peter Gibbons was hypnotized,
To escape his lifeless job,
Destroyed the office as it was downsized,
But was promoted by “the Bobs”.

Some lesson there, for those who strive,
That work alone is not enough.
Attitude is more important to our lives,
That revolt by nothingness is not that tough.

Abbie Hoffman was thrown through windows,
While preaching peace instead of wrath.
Despite nobility of cause, does humanity still go,
The inexorable way of sloth?

Sharon Talbot
Someone criticized me for my tendency to do nothing other than stare out the window, yet is that so bad? It renews my soul. Ideas often congeal out of the air! There is a reason so many paintings of women lounging are entitled "Dolce far niente", isn't there?
wordvango May 2015
searching the vast darkness for one star to grasp
grasp make it fall to me
so I might hold one  once

Instead of endlessly counting mapping,mapping
calling them names seeing things
in their patterns

Aquarians, Big dippers, lions ,Leos, Scorpios,
Scorpions their tail ready to strike,
lighting the black with

Figuring, that there is a pattern in all this meaningless,
meaning contrasts, revealing patterns, I
I only, see. That,
I I need to catch one.

Put it in my jar of hope, like I did with fireflies,
all those years ago and many dark skies,
skies, I scattered to and fro,

them. as they tried
tried to escape my
wordvango Jul 2015
reach out to touch the stars
I trip upon the edge of earth
fall off around get trapped into gravity again
orbit, contrary to laws of physics
until I fall back down
in a vacuum
Until, I glimpse again,
just before coming down , a star brightly
glimmering, swell my speed up to again eclipse
earths drag , blast off there seeking
anew a firey vision a breathtaking
launch a reenvisioning of flight not contained
by Newton's Law  nor Einstein's Theories. I go off
the fabrics of space time my cape.
See the fifth dimensions and more playing the age
of Aquarians on a heart of sunrises.

— The End —