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141 · Jul 2018
Tell Me
DarkSkyesRising Jul 2018
Tell me I'm pretty
I know I'm not
Tell me I'm special
Because I forgot
Tell me I'm wanted
Cuz I feel so alone
Tell me I'm needed
But I already know
That I am not special
Or pretty or fun
Or smart or happy
I'm easily outdone
I am not worth it
In so many ways
I am not wanted
At the end of the day
Tell me I'm wonderful
But what makes that true
Tell me I'm loved
Then tell me by who
Tell me I'm someone
Because I'm no one at all
Tell me what I'm missing
That makes me feel so small
The words that you say
Will never affect
The way that I think
Or my own self respect
I know I'm not great
When I look in your eyes
So please stop, It's a waste
To tell me more lies
136 · Jul 2018
DarkSkyesRising Jul 2018
Cold clammy hands shaking

Heart racing

chest burning

Stomach turning

knees weak

Head spinning

shallow breathing

Hold it

And jump
135 · Nov 2018
I can't stop
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
I can't stop thinking about her
Her hair, her smile
The pictures I've seen
Videos you've taken
Are forever embedded in my brain

I can't stop thinking about her
How you chose her
over me
135 · Sep 2021
DarkSkyesRising Sep 2021
I'd scream

If I weren't


But I'm


Through this line

I'm sorry, I don't get it
Had my head down for a minute
So just quit it

I think my heart stopped
For like five
And suddenly I've
Been revived

I'm still
And I'm terrified
That I can't remember
The last time I cried


I'd scream if I weren't empty
But I'm mumbling

I'm Mumbling

Through this line
133 · Aug 2018
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
Your like a ridiculously bright star in the sky

I'm like you

Both of us pretending that we're something we're not

Bright, but obviously so

And not flickering with hope

It gives us away
133 · Dec 2018
I Wish
DarkSkyesRising Dec 2018
I wish that your words were believable

I wish your fingers didn't burn when they touch my skin

I wish what I want was achievable

But we can't just start again

I wish that you want me more than I need you

I wish we could fix what was done before it got this far

I wish that I could move on, I need to

You still hold my heart, covered in scars

You hold the knife and you use it

I hold my life and abuse it

Theres nothing keeping either one of us here

Except our own fear, my need to be near

Your need to see clear

I wish that things happened for a reason

I was told to fight for what I believed in

After all this time, why do I still believe in you

Your the one that tore me in two

I wish shooting stars were magical

I wish that feeling lost was a way to begin

I wish we weren't so asymmetrical

I wish our love wasn't so thin
132 · Aug 2018
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
You follow her every movement
Attached to the souls of her feet
Silently running with her
As she takes off down the street
And she thinks that you are lucky
She wants to be like you
A shadow that just copies
And never has to do
Never has to make a choice
And can escape when in the dark
She wishes she could be the one
Who doesnt have a heart
All you do is mimick
All you do is mime
You never have the worry
That your running out of time
132 · Nov 2018
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
We still have conversations
But we don't have much to say
I listen to your stories
That you tell me everyday
Sometimes there's something new
Sometimes nothing at all
I don't really care much
I love listening to you talk
I don't have much going on
There's not much to say myself
I wish I wasn't boring
I wish I was someone else
I can't hold your attention
You don't really want it anyway
But maybe if I had it
I'd have more to say
So please keep on talking
It keeps the air light
I don't like when there's nothing
To do except for fight
132 · Aug 2018
Gaurdian Angel
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
Oh this world is a scary place
And I know your feeling out of place
Just know I'm with you no matter how hard
It gets to fight for your broken heart

I see you struggle in your skin
And it's not the world that's caving in
I'll hold you up when you need to rest
I'll always know you've done your best

And I'll keep fighting while you sleep
So no demons will ever reach
The deepest part of your hollowed mind
The part that you try to leave behind

My wings are cut and scarred from fights
So you can dream all through the night
I've been doing this since you were born
And been there to fix you when you were torn

No matter what, I'll fight for you
Your souls is bright and that's what gets me through
When you feel broken and empty and scared
Remember, please, I'll always be there
131 · Jun 2020
I Should Know
DarkSkyesRising Jun 2020
Can't you just let me be me again
I'm tired of letting you in
The walls that I've built are wearing thin
Please let me be me again

I'm losing control of my mind again
Voices inside, and I hold them in
I'm trying, but my brain is caving in
The pain never stops
I should know

I want to be free to be me again
Build up the strength to smile again
Hear my own thoughts like they're mine again
But the voices wont stop
I should know

Is that me or the me you used to know
Am I here, am I there, where did i go?
I just wanted to let you know
I thought i was me but I'm them
I want to be me again
But that me is long gone
I should know
131 · Nov 2018
I Wanted
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
I wanted to be someone
I wanted to make a difference
I wanted to be important
Oh stupid childhood dreams

How you lead on the innocent
Just to break their heart
129 · Aug 2018
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
Why do they hate me
I've done nothing wrong
Yet my name comes from lips
That don't stick around long
129 · Jun 2019
DarkSkyesRising Jun 2019
(no title yet)

Let me lay my head on your shoulder
Tell you all my fears
About how we're getting older
And losing all our years
How time is being wasted
Feeling empty and alone
Regretting never doing
The things we've never known
Let's talk about the past
Because theres no hope to our future
Those memories won't last
And we arent getting any cuter
Why does it go so quickly
So soon we meet our maker
Time moves much more swiftly
Now we're all just fakers
Let me lay my head on your shoulder
And tell you all my fears
About how we're getting older
And losing all our years
Watch them slip by together
That's how I want it to be
But your never here to listen
The only one drowning is me
129 · Nov 2018
I Have a Dream
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
I have a dream
Where life is simple
And money grows on trees
I have a dream
Where people are friends
And not possible enemies
I have a dream
Where we all laugh
About the things that make us mad
I have a dream
Where hurtful things
Don't really hurt as bad
I have a dream
128 · Aug 2018
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
It's funny how you can drive yourself crazy with regret

How anger and heartbreak dont let you forget

The things you should've done when you had the time

How quickly things can change in a blink of an eye

Taken for granted, what was given was luck

Forgetting for a moment you were nothing but stuck
124 · Dec 2018
DarkSkyesRising Dec 2018
I've learned from my point of view
There's no one more dangerous than you
123 · Jul 2018
DarkSkyesRising Jul 2018
Dont worry about the monster behind her

With its claws sunk into her skin

That's how the demon controls her

That's how she let's it win

Dont look into its eyes

You cant let it know you see

Please dont leave her alone

Because then it wont set her free

When she smiles, know she fakes it

When she laughs, its filled with pain

The monster is like a leech

It makes her happiness drain

You see how it towers above her

Shadowing her every motion

Its eyes are red and hypnotizing

And you watch her drink its potion

Its biggest fear is love
So love her

The monster will shrink down

I cant say it will go away

But she doesnt have to drown
121 · Nov 2018
In My Eyes
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
In my eyes, I'm not perfect
There are way too many flaws
In my eyes, I deserve it
The way I've let myself fall
In my eyes, i'm not special
I'm nothing to brag about
In my eyes, I'm not worth it
I'm just too much to figure out

In my eyes, I'm broken
Disfigured, disgusting
In my eyes, I'm weak
Nobody, nothing
In my eyes, I will always
Always be alone
In my eyes, the world would be better off
If i was never known

I wish I was blind
119 · Nov 2018
It's Funny How
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
It's funny how
When I don't feel like talking to anyone
No one talks to me

It's funny how
When I need someone to talk to
No one talks to me

It's funny how
Alone I am
But I deserve this
It's fate
My destiny
118 · Sep 2018
DarkSkyesRising Sep 2018
I'm sinking lower
Away from the light
The metaphorical lyrics
That made me fight
Now theres darkness around me
Just like the darkness in my mind
And I dont know what I'm doing
When I'm running out of time
I feel like there should be something
Inside me, the will to survive
But I'm more confused than anything
I dont have the fight or flight
In the end I know where I'll end up
But I think that'll be alright
The shock isnt what got me
It's the fact that you still lie
And I'm sinking further down
More than I ever thought I could
And I'm stuck down here in darkness
With a weight around my foot
And I'm sure I know what happens next
But I'm tired of this plight
The funny thing is the water is shallow
I could stand up and be fine
That's only because I got tired of sinking
So ******* long ago
That I've spent years filling in the hole
Where my mind tends to go
I sink down here on my own free will
Knowing I wont be found here
The only place I dont have to be strong
Where I'm not ashamed of my tears
I think I'll stay down here this time
I dont want to go back
Because I'm tired of finding out
About all the things I lack
117 · Nov 2018
you taught me
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
You taught me to love myself
When I couldn't
You taught me to hate myself
When I shouldn't
You taught me how ugly I am
On the inside
You taught me how dumb I am
In my mind
You taught me to hate more
To relate more
To live more
To love less

You taught me
That I'm a mess
117 · Nov 2018
After All These Years
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
I see the way you look at me
Empty eyes still smiling
Like you don't think that I can see
Inside your mind and it's humbling
After all these years you consider me
Nothing more than an enemy

The way you touch me burns my skin
Begging me to let you in
A stupid war that I can't win
Everyday the way it begins
After all these years, a struggle within
Looking past your loveless grin

The way you smile blinds my sight
Weakens me against your lies
The way I want you makes me cry
Knowing what I know inside
After all these years It's hard to fight
Against the empty in your eyes
112 · Nov 2018
I'd Rather
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
I'd rather sit here and cry
Than do anything about the reason why

That's just who i am, no one understands
Neither do I

I'd rather sit here and pout
Feeling sorry for myself

Because starting over is way too hard
Even though there's no way to work things out

I know I'll have to do this somehow
But I'd rather keep trying and fail

I already know things only get worse
As soon as they start to go stale
112 · Oct 2018
DarkSkyesRising Oct 2018
Golden wings across the sky
And you wonder why she cant wait to die
Because she can see him, graceful and free
His love for all humanity
Secretly praying he'll come for her
Secretly hoping he'll see
The life she has to live
The person she pretends to be
112 · Nov 2018
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
I threw my phone
Broke it
Not the first time either

This time though
I lost the only thing i really wanted

The voicemails that i will never hear again

I'll never be able to listen to you say
I love you

I wish you were still here
111 · Aug 2018
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
Tired of being a follower
Weary of treading this road
Where the heat is overwhelming
Where grass refuses to grow

The sun and fire beat down on you
As you stand up straight and tall
Never wondering for just a second
If anyone is listening at all

The hills are steep but you climb them
The valleys, not hidden from flames
Where thirst is always a nagging thought
And mirages are never the same

Treacherous ground you walk on
Treacherous battle you fight
But it's so easy for you to keep going
When you dont see this as a plight

Its freedom of others you fight for
The only reason your alive
Is to know that you'll keep fighting
To ensure everyone stays alive
111 · Nov 2018
No Hope
DarkSkyesRising Nov 2018
I have no more expectations
I don't believe your truths
I have no limitations
I'm turning into you
The only thing I never wanted
Was for us to not succeed
I have no hope to see that now
I only have my greed
I can only do my best
While your doing your absolute worst
I can only keep trying
Make sure you see me first
I only have what I accept
You have what I don't see
While your trying to find someone else
I'm hating that I'm me
104 · Aug 2018
Time to let you go
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
I still cry sometimes
When I feel I'm at my darkest

I still wonder why
You waited this long

If I could go back in time
I'd prove that you were strongest

Held your head up high
Even when you were wrong

I'd hold your hand
And fight your battles with you

Instead of watching
You fight alone

And if that all fails
And we were still two different people

I'd hold you tight
And make sure I'd never let you go.

I'd prove to you
That you were more than perfect

That you were worth it
But instead is true

You were fighting on your own
And believe me please
I wish that we could fix this

But I'm tired of fighting
This brick wall hiding your demons

And it's been so long
I know you've gone for a reason

And now when I need you the most
You laugh at me

When I need you the most
you turn your back

I know I guess I deserved this
I proved I was the weakest

When you needed me the most.

I'm sorry, if I knew that you could change
I'd keep trying

But now it's time to let you go
103 · Oct 2018
DarkSkyesRising Oct 2018
I'd say I'd be here waiting
Until you come back home
But I'm getting kinda tired
Of sitting here alone
And I dont know what I'm doing
When you say "just go to bed"
But it puts alot of awful thoughts
Deep inside my head
I once thought that I was strong
I once thought that I was brave
But now I just keep breathing
Trying to make it day to day
While your out there being happy
And I'm stuck here gone insane
I feel like I'm now nothing
To my twisted dream of sane
102 · May 2020
DarkSkyesRising May 2020
Please blow my dreams away

They hurt too much to stay

I'll never see the day

Please blow away my dreams
94 · Jun 2
The bright summer sun warms my skin

instead of energy, it puts me to sleep

Gone are the days, id run and play

And the joy i wish i could keep
  The smell in the air is nostalgic

Of a memory just out of reach

Not sure if its real or i dreamt it

But its of one i can no longer see
  Is the laughter from my past a real sound?

Or something id wished i had heard?

Memories fade so much with time

And recalling them seems so absurd

   You havent been here for a while

These memories keep coming in waves

Feeling so lost yet familiar

Something i cant get back or replace
93 · Jul 2018
DarkSkyesRising Jul 2018
Throw my glass against the wall
Watch it shatter, watch it fall
I've figured out now when you lie
I feel it on the inside

Can't glue the pieces back together
Lies keep coming, like bad weather
Say what you want, feel how you feel
But you and I, we used to be real

Pick up the shards so they'll stick in your skin
You cant take them out, you cant keep them in
Bleed for me baby because that's what it means
Take the pain baby, it hurts worse than it seems

Whisper whisper, hide the shine
Take back whats yours that once was mine
My heart, see through, so heavy, so hard
You've thrown, you've crushed, you've hurt, you gaurd

So sweep it all up, throw it away
Or try, just try, to make it the same
Mold my heart new through fire and heat
Because I still need you to make me complete
83 · Jul 2018
Stop, please
DarkSkyesRising Jul 2018
Stop, please
It's dark enough inside my heart
I can't stand the feeling
Of being ripped apart

Stop, please
I've done too much that I regret
I can't keep going
Knowing that I'm not done yet
80 · May 2020
DarkSkyesRising May 2020
She's drowning in her tears
Behind her mask
This is the world now

— The End —