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Onze minutes et cinquante trois secondes
Soit onze fois soixante plus cinquante trois
qui font sept cent treize secondes
C'est le temps de latence que je te demande,
Alma, très lentement, en fa majeur
Entre une petite mort et une nouvelle
Le temps de prendre conscience
Sur rythme de 4/4
De la Beauté de la Renaissance
Sur un fond de Mahler
S'il suffit d'une seconde pour que naisse une étincelle
Et d'une autre seconde pour que le feu meure
Sept cent treize secondes
Quatre mots pour 3 chiffres
Le temps d'un Adagietto
Est suffisant et nécessaire
Pour nous recueillir
Et repartir de plus belle
En route pour de nouveaux ébats...
Trevor Locke Nov 2017
Myself and Mahler have a common mind,
an overwhelming God that Man can't find.
Thus, in the slow, long beating of our hearts
listeners to the soul can sing their parts,
when, in a mighty chorus, they submerge,
and from the common realms of world diverge.
We cry, whilst hanging from our mortal noose,
'Veni. Veni, creator spiritus
Apoem I wrote in 1966
Line breaks within the piles
of weeping wombs, where the deer
and the antelope play Mozart
and polish with brooms,
when the maid has forgotten
her day off and you're left stranded,
perplexed within the certainty
of your own death, and the flowers
that were brought,
too late.

Keeping up with the cruelty
of Time is no small affair;
running ragged underneath
a vagrant moon that remains
impassive in the face of your
demise, counting backward
by tens, and the plumber has
mastered the scream of the violin.

It's better, perhaps,
to not look into the sky,
witnessing your life as it unravels
amid the flotsam of clouds
that melt like butter
with the passing of the sun,
fading like the day,
along with the failing
of your

R.C. Mandeville

— The End —