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Annacleta Aug 2020
Dear darling my one and only
You make my heart flatter in ways l cant explain
How could someone make me feel this way
The feeling is unexplainable but it brings joy to my innerself
I never understood the power of love until l met you
Oh my darling sweetheart
My heart has chosen you
You have found a perfect spot in my heart
You now have the only thing l swore l wouldn't give anyone
You have my heart now keep it safe
My precious darling
Love is a beautiful thing only if you share it with the right person
Akemi Oct 2015
I have walked this earth a thousand times.
Dirt. A loose aggregate of particles, held together by gravity, and moisture.
Rain. Water suspended. Resurging. Cascading in plumes, like sheets of smoke.
Sky. Blue. Stretched like canvas. Abstract. Nowhere. Everywhere.
I exist. Here. Standing. Thinking.
I am dead. I am being born.
I am existing across all time and space, but I do not know it.
At this moment, I am trapped. I am unconscious. I am unaware.
I have walked this earth a thousand times, and cannot even remember.
Because it has not happened. Has yet to happen. May never happen.
Future. A nonexistence on the horizon.
Hope. An ache. A nothing replaced with nothing.
Misery. The wretched face in the mirror.
A child wears my eyes. She drifts through life.
Scared. Alone. Free.
She plays in the forest. Her small, sap-covered hands grasp branch after branch.
She enters intermediate school. Is called freak. Is judged by her skin, her eyes.
She realises she is different for the first time.
Alien. Deviant. Other.
Her eyes fill with self-hatred.
I have watched this moment a thousand times, yet can do nothing.
Disintegration. The act of separation.
Loneliness. A billion strangers condemned to live together.
Existence. A billion billion billion particles, shifting beneath my flesh.
There is no death that can end my being.
I have felt the atoms of my past collide, and spark into biology.
I have felt the atoms of my future shred like fractals, spiralling into a dim, dark nothingness.
I have felt all this, and none of it.
From infinity I came, to infinity I’ll go. Forever cycling in the pantomime of existence.
This pretend construct of space and time.
1:42am, October 21st 2015

Eternal Recurrence, the poem.
With a bit of Kant thrown in for good measure.
Got Guanxi Aug 2015
You Kant always get what you want,

you can’t always get what you want.

You, Kant. Always get what you want.

You can’t always get.

What *you want
hedwig inspired
Martin Kroyer May 2014
A picture on a screen
How easily they pass you by

A pastoral scene
The sun is burning your skin
The breeze is cooling your warmth
The animals that walk, the ones that fly
You see the grass, the tress and the entire field.

But you are limited
You cannot sense all the warmth
You cannot feel all the cool
You do not understand every living thing walking or flying
You see the grass and the trees
But the field is too big for you to comprehend.

It is sad
You cannot know everything
You are limited
By your desire to be unlimited.

And this is magic
Do you see what you just did there?
You thought of 'eternity'

What is eternity?
It is beyond us
It is beyond anything we know
But we can imagine it
We am limited
Yet we know things that are beyond me.

It should be impossible
But it is not
And I see eternity in you.
Read about Immanuel Kants aesthetics. Really beautiful, hope it shines through.

— The End —