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No saintly tears for this belted
asteroid 208 .
A rock headed into
insignificance , as it twirls
around some son/sun of long
forgotten already tomorrows .
Life's long road ,
crushed rock , hopes , and dreams ,
are tarred into
submission ;
driven madly over in derision .
Yet you dare crave more
than time , and space , and memories .
When we know that tears from heaven
saintly flow forever .
And will wash all traces away .
Like the riders of the storm
that deluge the three rivers charged
with pain , forgotten love , and time's
indifference .
Hush now , the last flickers of light dim ,
thy song was beauteous , but there are never encores granted
by the Angel that never cries .
At 2:08 in the morning I am alone
At 2:08 in the morning I only have my thoughts
At 2:08 in the morning my thoughts aren't the best
At 2:08 in the morning my thoughts never end
At 2:08 in the morning my thoughts try to hurt me
At 2:08 in the morning my thoughts try to **** me
At 2:08 in the morning I am the only one fighting them off
At 2:08 in the morning I am losing the fight
At 2:09 in the morning it seems like it's been a war and I don't know of I can go on

— The End —