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"Hush little baby, don't you cry,
mama's here for you only
and tomorrow she will buy
all the pretty little ponies

black and brown
tan and roan
all the pretty little ponies"

lullaby sung by my mother
when I was a child

there I lay
at end of the day
safe in my mother's arms
she had a voice
so soft and low
I succumbed to its charms

I don't remember
her grey eyes
so full of care and pain
I recall her dear soft breast
and those sweet refrains

later on in life I found
she was very ill
mood swings plagued her
all her days
and then they had no pill.

she was not a
stable mom
she was always up or down
but she tried the best she could
when she was around

I won't forget her lilting voice
though she was in despair
she made those ponies
twirl and dance
to show her child

she cared.

My mom has not been feeling well.
If you are of a mind,
please pray for her.


 Mar 2015 SelfOfTheDivine
The justness of justice has lost it's touch,
From past important impressions it made,
Internal ethics, humanity as such,
From my moral compass begins to fade.

What's fair is fair, but life is not,
Noone ever said that it would be,
I'll do what I want, that's what I've got,
Is the attitude of the world it seems to me.

The obsitnante emotion brings us pain,
It removes the bond that brings us together,
If allowed this bond will continue to wain,
And soon enough our lives will sever.

With bleak hopes lingering in the past,
There is no reason for me to change,
With the world in terrible turmoil so fast,
Being selfless never seemed so strange.
 Mar 2015 SelfOfTheDivine
 Mar 2015 SelfOfTheDivine
In the deepest darkest night,
As the nightkin flock and scurry,
When the shadows spark a fright,
You can only try not to worry.

In the darkness of the night,
Reason will leave you fleeting,
You hope that you're not right,
That soon you and evil shall be meeting.

In the deepest darkest night,
The formless figures in your mind,
Have you begging for first light,
To return normal thoughts in kind.

In the bleakest blackest night,
You meet a realization so surprising,
The idea of self you had was slight,
As to you simple dark is traumatizing.

In the deepest darkest night,
Shallow sounds do spark startled reaction,
That of which would be swift flight,
Another minute of sanity detraction.

But its okay, and I'll tell you why.
To your nature I'll appeal,
You should be afraid, and so should I,
Evil is very real.

In the deepest darkest night,
As what surrounds you is in no hurry,
For evil is not something you can fight,
All you can do is worry.
 Mar 2015 SelfOfTheDivine
Sometimes in doing battle,
Conventional weapons are useless.

What good are guns,
What good are knives,
What good are bats,
If the enemy doesn't bleed?

Sometimes in battle,
All you can do is run,
And hope that whatever it is,
That thing chasing you,
Won't be able to catch up.

But if you're unable to run,
And fighting is futile,
What else can you do?
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