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Jey Blu
16/F/My Own Hell    My opinion our culture can treat a loss like it's a win and right before we turn on them we give them the highest of ...
Ajey Pai K
24/M/New Delhi, India    I am a computer scientist with a bent for poetry.


Toxic yeti  Dec 2018
Thank you.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
‪Thuk-jey-che bedding for absorbing my tears‬

Thuk-jey-che to my books for helping me to cope

Thuk-jey-che mom for pretecting me

Thuk-jey-che councillor for reassuring me when I need it.
Think-jey-che means thank you in tibetan. I want to give a good thanks to all my friends and family on Facebook for helping me through this rough time.