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Here's to the ones who loved and just forgot
Broken promises, easy endings, no tying the knot
Perhaps they lost before and that was their shot
Around and around they go, the ever loveless lot

Here's to the ones who never thought a thing
About heavens that soar and angels that sing
Gates up in the clouds and a heavenly king
Smothering the ungodly flames that hell bring

Here's to the ones who are above the rule of order
Steering clear and clever from the symptoms of cancer
Minding, winding their stories into their own favor
Rather than to the social systems they know better

Here's to the ones who are devoid of anything good
Whatever path they lead—will always be misunderstood
The eternal monsters and demons of their neighborhood
Not even the exorcists will save them even if they could

Here's to the ones who look at life with a skeptical screen
Something bad must have happened in between
Distorting their eyes once so pure like crystalline
Soiling them with a reality unmendable and obscene

Here's to every nonbeliever in this world both beautiful and sorry
Believing in their own terms glorious and free,
though rather* **painfully
I'm with the ones who are shoved at the back for their beliefs. I have some pretty liberal and weird beliefs myself. I'd say I am not a conservative person at all so I could look on to their beliefs as an extension of mine.
How come written words are different to people then hearing them? Maybe a word wrote has more meanings then a word spoke, like a paintings worth a 1000 words, would it be safe to say a word is worth a thousand paintings? Depending the perspective of who's reading these words
but a word stands alone, A word is jus a word untill it's added with others, then it's something more,
there's a purpose why they're together and many reasons depending how it's used
from good to bad, love and hate,
to happy and sad to the poetry it can create
words they say can even make a man great,
that's just a few words written from history like them words too are a mystery
some words are honest and stand in front of the spoken but back up every broken promise
from the words that are formed with a single letter, all I know is words are clever because words last forever...
This poem is for my friend.......
When I see your eyes you can't hide it there's no surprise, theres an emptiness like when you realize you missed your last sunrise
the way you look at life with many y's, and the way you bleed your crys like sky's of rain,
I know where it comes from, it comes from the fears of the tears thru the years of a broken heart with pain.
from the birth of a flower to the moment it dies all the highs and lows,
You say no one knows but I do know how life goes
one look at my life and it shows,
I wrote this because it's more then words it's from the heart, something 15 years over due from the start,
And the truth is there's no verse that can express how I feel for you in this rhyme!
And what's worse is the older we get the less time!!
So Before I say thank you to you I'm gonna say sorry, sorry for not being there when you needed it!
And for the man who thought it would be better to give up and forfit,
Maybe run away cause he dont deserve it, losed many friends I'd like to say jus being your friend was worth it, To me whatever you are is perfect

It's hard to see you hurting because I'm your friend and I feel it!
Even when we first met we know it was real ****!
And sometimes it takes a friend to remind a friend,
that to some friends and a little girl  he's still a king and he's not alone! I'll always be beside you till you get that throne
Im not the best at writing poetry but this is for David Johnson my friend and in the end you'll win
There's allways angels willing to help because it's allways a life of sin  

They come in many forms and sizes from a past mother or father
To a beuatifull little daughter that loves and adores you like no other,
from a long life friend who's more proud to call you a brother

And even tho I have no place to say on behave of everybody sitting in the clouds above
You will allways have my respect and   Considerd my brother much love

— The End —