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libra Jun 2020
the calm before the storm
my overcast eyes swallow you
lost in their stormy pools

your summer eyes
deep amber
the light before the dawn

stormy and sweet
something tells me we were always meant to be
libra Oct 2019
as the trees passed by us in brilliant, warm hues
as the road stretched endlessly before us
the soft songs of the river whispered to me as we stood in its belly
watching the current twist and swirl
i watched you in the fading afternoon light
there was a dawning

being with you feels like coming home
libra Sep 2019
i watched the way you watched that girl at the beach
the way the salt water fell off her smooth, bronzed skin
down the supple curve of her hips
ever since then
i have tried to mold my waist into an hourglass shape
tried to scrub
and tear
and squeeze away the thickness in my thighs
or the jiggle of my belly
or the blackened purple stretch marks that travel up my abdomen

i watched the way you watched that ******* the beach,
and ever since then i have wanted to be her
beautiful, smooth and perfect
but all i have found as i scanned the expanse of my body
was acne scars, scabs that used to be bug bites,
the tiny bumps on my arms and the tiny hairs on my chin

i watched the way you watched that ******* the beach,
she was the kind of perfect i will never be
i want to  know what it feels like to be beautiful
libra Sep 2019
you’re not one for love letters
so i wrote you something else

your arms feel like coming home
i love being in love
libra Jun 2019
that was the word you used
terrified to jump in too quickly
terrified of being consumed
and i wonder
if anxiety clutches at your chest when you think of me
because you care
or if your feelings for me run by
like the blackened trees at night on our long drives
what do you want from me
libra Jun 2019
i cried in your car remembering the ones who cast me aside
you told me i wasn’t ready
you were right
libra Apr 2019
to you
i am a forgotten side street on a dirt road
to me
you are a highway stretching across the hole inside of me
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