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Oct 2015
"I don't mean for this to sound harsh, but I really hope one day you realize that no one could ever care for you like I had. I hope that 10 years from now when you've had enough to drink on a hard day, I will be the one that drowns your thoughts.
And just know when that day comes I'll be waiting for your call because the whole world will feel as it's falling all around you and you wont be sure how you're going to make it home but then you'll realize home isn't home without me. So you will tell me you love me and I will silence you before you finish your slurred sentences, because at that point it'll be too late for that.
I'll remember how much it hurt to love you and I will remember the way it felt when I couldn't breath because I was drowning in my own blood and I will tell you that I can't do it anymore, I will apologize and call you a cab. I'll give him your address because I know every step to your door with my eyes closed, but you'll never hear from me again after that day. And I hope you're sorry and I hope its you who's left with a wound this time and I hope it lasts and you carry it with you everyday for the rest of your life just to remind you that you couldn't love me like I deserved.


Aubree Brianne
Written by
Aubree Brianne  23/F
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