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  Aug 2014 Mandy N Caviedes
Brie Sarita
I don't sleep.

I pace.
I ponder.
I plan.
I plot.
I worry.
I wonder.
I wax.
I wane.
I relive.
I rethink.
I rehash.
I regret.
I contemplate.
I evaluate.
I deliberate.
I ruminate.
I analyze.
I strategise.
I dramatize.
I fantasize.
I brood.
I delude.
I stress.
I obsess.
I oppress.
I'm a mess..

& I don't sleep.
Mandy N Caviedes Aug 2014
I've wanted to die a thousand times
yet I still find a reason to get up
in the mourning. . .
  Aug 2014 Mandy N Caviedes
I never saw it coming
When I didn't believe in pain
I never saw it coming
Because it hide behind my brain

I never saw it coming
When I practiced smiles in my mirror
I never saw it coming
When I felt inferior  

I never saw it coming
When I forgot to have friends
I never saw it coming
When I liked to think about ends

I never saw it coming
When I was self irritated  
I never saw it coming
When I self medicated

I never saw it coming
When I couldn't drown the lie
I never saw it coming
When I begged myself to die

I never saw it coming
Because I lied for a long time

I always saw it coming
I just really tried to hide
  Aug 2014 Mandy N Caviedes
We are all connected consciously.
Experiencing one another subjectively.
We are all one universally.
Look closer and soon you'll see,
that all matter is condensed energy.
Can you feel it pulse from me?
Beating in and out rhythmically.
Renewing itself repeatedly.
All things have a frequency.
Each wave, different like you and me.
Harmonizing in a similar key.
Drifting out into eternity.
There is so much that you can’t see.
The building blocks of reality.
Destroying and creating endlessly.
Infinite possibility.*
Existence  *cycles continuously.
Matter shifts from you to me.
Choosing where to go unbiasedly.
Tempestuous, chaotic entropy.
All things are connected musically.
A never-ending melody.
It has been and will always be.
Vibrations existing in harmony.
March 16, 2013
Inspired by Bill Hicks
  Aug 2014 Mandy N Caviedes
Katie Anne
We only truly start living
When we find something
Or someone
We would die for
Mandy N Caviedes Aug 2014
Cigarettes ****?

I'll chain smoke everyday.
While driving through storms,
I don't wear a seatbelt and hope I get
taken too. Everyone says

'life is part of death'

That phrase couldn't be more true.
Can't wait till the day I am next to you.
Rest in peace my love, Tad J Siuda IV.
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