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535 · Oct 2011
Just To See
luci sunbird Oct 2011
I would like to go live
In an Amish community
For a day or two
Just to see if my mood would improve
521 · Feb 2012
luci sunbird Feb 2012
He came from a broken home
Bludgeoned with a rather large stone
Never thought he would be able to heal
And enjoy his last meal

But God spoke
God put forth the means to survive
God brought him back to life
517 · Oct 2011
The Score
luci sunbird Oct 2011
I went to sleep at eleven
Woke up at four
I thirst
I thirst for more
I drank too much
I forgot the score 

Have you won yet,
Or are we just like before ?
Have you manned up yet,
Or are you waiting for 
 A miracle to be performed?

Because you can wish
With all your might for happiness
To swim ashore
But you won't be happy none
Until you given all you've won
And evened out the score

Lay down your hand
That royal flush 
Cash in your winnings
Listen to me like you did before

I'm tired of being your little woman
Buying your trash 
Cooking the cash

Why don't you get up off the floor,
And help me some
Before I become
All that you hate
And walk right out that door
Written in reference to knowing too much about a fellow females relationship.
504 · Oct 2011
Of Love Or Blood
luci sunbird Oct 2011
For a beer in one hand,
I see a man cannot live without

Anxiety kept under wraps
A special need escaping out

All men they need
Attention that with they feed

Dying quietly inside
What men say often
Is not what they mean, or even need

Unclear of how dear
One woman can be to thee

Lost, but without fear
A man will win out

No woman can hear
The man as he wimpers near

Crying up to the sky
Succumbed by his pride

No passions
He falls to his knees

As if surrendering will
Help him rise to his feet
Without sacrifice of Love
Or Blood
500 · Feb 2012
Couldn't I have...
luci sunbird Feb 2012
The dam broke Wednesday
The salty liquids rushed out of my eyes 
For an hours worth road trip 
Only for shame 
Did it cease 
Forcing laughter
Wishing for some kind of peace 
Understanding from my quiet soul
From his heart, maybe he could 
Tear me apart
Analyze my insides
And repair the damage 
That has been wrought upon me 
Over these couple decades of life 
That I've lived

I am repulsed
By my **** poor dimly lit fire
Couldn't I have done better 
Couldn't I have scavenged the woods
Until I found a reasonable amount of fuel to keep this fire alive
Couldn't I have...
495 · Aug 2012
Run Dry
luci sunbird Aug 2012
Just sweep your mind over here for a minute
Bring that dust bin too
I have some sin for you to commit
Let's have a look
Do you need that hook?
No bass is going to feed off that
Are you wishing for a cook?
I'm not your gal
I've not done much in life y'all
Just sat here and played ball in a cup
For long hours
Useless waste of time
I'll admit

What is there to do
For an old maid like me?
I've run dry
Like the Sahara
No rain cloud in sight

483 · Oct 2011
The Right Direction
luci sunbird Oct 2011
The strange thing is,
You two are a completion
Of one
Deciding on only a half
I would always be missing some

The weird thing is,
Sometimes the pair of you
Do not cross my mind for a day or two

Just suddenly do I think hey
Remember that day?

In that moment, I breathe the thoughts away
I'm just a disease
Hoping to infect a perfect combination of graffiti
Not stopping to think
Girl, you've got ***** too

Not the kind found on Christmas trees
Not the kind between your knees

Just the kind that
Make me speak up
For my own needs

I miss the fun
The excitement always stirred up
When near the perfect pair

The anxiety I felt
When caught off guard
Running with the wind
To dash off from the man
Who threatened our gear
With his bright lights
And badge of fake gold

One of you stands bold
As the other lingers
In the right direction
478 · Nov 2011
How Easy They Are
luci sunbird Nov 2011
This bat
Might do the trick?
I'm thinking it,
Will be wise
That I
A wicked disguise
Keep it subtle

I won't be here to decorate
So there won't be scary masks
Just lots of praise
To congratulate
For my good display
Of bones
How easy they are to break
How easy they are to smash
How easy they are to mold
How easy they are to frame

Perhaps the next weapon
Of choice could be,
A bullet
To harm the mind
Of all people

Explode the suffering
We try to gasp ahold of

Afterwards all people
May be free
To decompose
With no woes
The idea of death pulls me somewhere...
477 · Mar 2013
Quiet Loneliness
luci sunbird Mar 2013
When the book ends,
the movie ends,
the song ends,
everything is silent,
life returns back to the quiet loneliness it's been.
475 · Jul 2012
Pretty Hatred
luci sunbird Jul 2012
She is dripping 
With pretty hatred 
Her tears pour out 
Sinking her heart ship

No one notices
Her open mouth
Her need to cry out
No air 
Occupying her lungs 

Yet she jogs head first into 
The waves 
Not afraid to die young 

If only her love 
Could save her now

Her guy too mixed up
In worldly distractions 
Is no help to her,
Cause the fight she had left
He left on pause

Forever waiting...
474 · Oct 2012
Like A Bird
luci sunbird Oct 2012
One way or another
I'll fly like a bird
I'll get out of here
I'll land on my own perch

No one can catch me
I'm free

I won't leave a trail
I'll just disappear
For a while,
I may fly back
When the leaves change

Just know this,
One way or another
I'll fly like a bird
I'll get out of here

I'll be too far gone
To reach with a caw
The sound will not make it
To my young ears

I'll be gone
Too far out to see
With binoculars
474 · Oct 2011
The Plunge
luci sunbird Oct 2011
I want to breathe easy
Lean on you
Be carefree and young

It was definitely exciting
And fun

Never a dull moment
No one could stop us

We ran freely around the trees
Stomped our feet
At defeat

We couldn't be stopped
Our love was ongoing

My weakness showed
And the plunge was unending
472 · Jan 2013
No Barriers
luci sunbird Jan 2013
I must be losing my grip*
The love is flowing
Like a free reign hurricane
No barriers

It's like the New Orleans flood
This mess is destructive
471 · Oct 2019
No Title
luci sunbird Oct 2019
Those flirty seductive eyes
that you shine over at me
with that half smile
and those lips of yours,
so full and persistent,
looking for mine
as we rush to disrobe
and how you push me back
so you can ever so slowly
move your delectable tongue
down to do things
I didn't know were possible

It doesn't end there
not for a good while
the tease,
the amazing feeling of you
inside of me
it goes on and on
I can't get enough

Your long hard ****
fills me up to the point
that I want to scream
and then you become gentle
and you slowly,
push it all the way in
deeper and deeper
It's truly earth shattering,
legs shaking
I come for a second time

461 · Oct 2011
Words Meant To Be
luci sunbird Oct 2011
Words were meant to be spoken
Words were meant to be written
But I ain't got an indication
Of the words you want to hear me spittin'
453 · May 2012
What Could Be
luci sunbird May 2012
Your plague in my life 
Was not a mishap

An unfortunate mistake 
I've made,
Seeing you that way
Letting you see...
All my cracks 
And decay

Speaking much too soon
About your delay

All you ever wanted
All you ever spoke of,
Was love...

My blindness to that
Caused an earthquake 
A rupture in what 
Could have 
Been a fine design 

I choose wine these days
To set off the negative rhythm 
Going on in my mind
The negative thoughts 
Of what I have missed...

The what ifs have me caught up 
Ripped apart 
Scattered in...
What could be a representative of  fine art
To be displayed in museums today
452 · Nov 2012
Daily Intoxication
luci sunbird Nov 2012
I see you there, hey
Wasting your life away
Smoking that pipe up
Till you have hit the tip of the notch
To the very last drop

Not a care, not from you
No, the world you live in
Is quite barren
Rotted with layers of filth

I feel like you are less likely
To be loved or abused
This can be good for you

In your steady decline
Daily intoxication
Is not fine

You unfortunate man
Sobbing into your hair
While it rains
Nothing left but a beer
I hope you will change
Give greater care to
What is out there

Step onto your porch
Head to church
Send a prayer
To all who say Sir

You can be a great man
If you put down that can
Come right here lad
Confess your sins
Lean by the chair
Up there, near the front
The crowd will combust
Burning you in your lust

Jul 15. 2011
This was written about a friend.
luci sunbird Jan 2013
Gotta love,
how all dem taxes
get taken out ya funds
given to those
with no income,
those who choose to feed
off our *****
like the young
I wrote this to be ironic.
The errors were on purpose, as said on my title.
Please enjoy my twisted humor.
448 · Nov 2014
Fill In The Blanks
luci sunbird Nov 2014
I never felt so alone in life
Before I met you
I lay next to you at night
And I feel blue
I cry sad tears sometimes
Because you're so subdued

I lose my happy smile at times
When I hear nothing from you

The constant thoughts I have
That this is not really you
That you will improve
They aren't true

I'm alone with you
I'm empty
My excitement is extinguished
When I see you sitting there expressionless
Wordless, you have nothing to say
As usual, I have to fill in the blanks
448 · Jan 2013
Fully Alive
luci sunbird Jan 2013
I'm in love with the spitting image of a man
A man who isn't quite full grown
He still has some wishing
And some learning to gain in his life
And ain't no one to blame
But his past enamored self

What he once was,
Is lost
Truth be told
A door locked to his past
Is best

But for now
I'm in his life
Fully alive, and sober
We both are

It's enthralling
The smiles we bring to one another
The joy I feel in my heart

And oh look,
It's a new year

What more could there be,
That this new year could bring
*He already means so much to me
444 · Oct 2011
My Caged Heart
luci sunbird Oct 2011
My caged heart
Makes no sound
But oh I can hear it move around
The constant treasures
Of your words
Make it thump like I've never heard

Hinting at your hopes
Hinting at your dreams
You haven't spoken a word with your mouth
I cannot grasp the quality that I see
And yet, it's not over for me
I walk around next to the endless sea
With my heart beating
Lonely behind bars
443 · Jun 2015
Losing Life
luci sunbird Jun 2015
I was rocking
back and forth,
up there in the tree
that hung its branches
right over the wishing well,
in the backyard
of this old abandoned home

I was thinking
of a time,
when it was just me,
I was alone

I had hopes and dreams,
of a bigger brighter moon
that I could reach for,
and achieve all that could be

And then I fell
from that tree,
I broke what hope I had,
I laid there for a while
as the breeze
took over the leaves

The sky clouded over
and it began to drizzle,
all over the flowers
that were next to me

They appeared as though,
they were writhing with pleasure
for the rain was helping them grow

The beauty,
and the stillness
back there beneath the trees
was wondrous,
the chilling calmness
wrapped around me
like a warm fire
on a fall evening

It was always hard
to leave that place behind

The world is so full of
the constant need for contact,
the tempting screens
showing us what we should be

It sickens me at times
when I want peace,
but the distractions consume me

The times I spent in that tree,
helped me to see what truly matters
in this life,
and it's not the comfort of the tv screen,
it's not the blaring of the radio,
it's not the brand names of useless things
it's not any of those things

Life is continuously growing around us,
and what are we doing,
but losing life in front of a screen,
forgetting what it all means
441 · Oct 2011
Poor Luck
luci sunbird Oct 2011
Scabs of flesh
Laying on the bed
A rippling effect
Of blood
Pouring out of his head

Anymore loss
And he could end up dead

Screams of horror
From the child next door
In the chilling nightmare
That will haunt her
For many nights more
May the images leave her
Before she believes
That all life is made of gore
And she ends up a ***** *****

In the forthcoming years
She will grow to understand
It was just poor luck
That she happened upon
This ***** muck
437 · Dec 2011
luci sunbird Dec 2011
I wanted to write a poem
That showed all my pain

I wanted to write a poem
That you could frame

In your living room
Next to the mirror
That shows your rapid weight gain
Short. To the point.
428 · Nov 2011
A Month's Time
luci sunbird Nov 2011
I hope it is still there
The spark in the air
The magnetic field surrounding us 

I hope it is still there
The butterflies causing my heart to flutter
The stutter 
I have to withhold 
When you are near

The gazes into your eyes
Before our lips meet 
Again and again
Making it hard for me to breathe

I hope it is still there
In a month's time
When you can be all mine
428 · Nov 2011
Before You Became Insane
luci sunbird Nov 2011
The scariest photos
Are the ones
Of you and I
Before you became insane 
Rather before I knew it
Witnessed it
And felt it

Looking at them
Gives me shivers down my spine
Like a chill in the air
Causing my muscles to quiver 
As normal people feel
When faced by demons
I feel it only after 
The flame has gone out
Sometimes I wonder what it would take to make all of us bring out the crazy that we keep inside.
428 · Jul 2012
Simple insert
luci sunbird Jul 2012
Your face is a rose petal.  Your kisses make me bloom
425 · Jul 2015
To Be Shamed
luci sunbird Jul 2015
It's all nice,
when you two
have your legs intertwined
in the bed
on those cool nights
in the fall,
fire burning to a calm
as you both
begin to fall
too quickly for one another

The very next day,
there comes a stiff withdraw
when you gaze upon
each other
at the supermarket,
standing in the aisle
with your significant other

The look that creeps
on your face,
it is sickenly obvious
that you both
want to switch partners
and whisk away
to the airport
to fly off on holiday

The lie that you share
is screaming to be heard
by the public,
but you both can't bear
to be shamed,
by your family
for your infidelity

July 25. 2015 12:20 AM
424 · Feb 2013
Still We Are Separate
luci sunbird Feb 2013
There is a man,
A man that I knew as a boy

We grew up as one,
For so long we were together
We were inseparable

Now, he is a man
He is passionate
And driven

As we were,
He never made me want for more
I had no needs left unfulfilled
He completed me

Until one day
We were torn apart,
Not by choice

The distance ruined us as young

This was my only broken moment

It wasn't when I was abused,
It wasn't when I was cursed at

It wasn't when I was afraid for my life
It wasn't when I was choked by a very violent man

It was only when the separation began
That is when the confusion set in

So young, and so in love
Yet told to branch out
Told not to hold on

And now,
Still we are separate
The distance consumes us

Yet here we are
Still expressing our love
423 · Oct 2011
luci sunbird Oct 2011
There is this girl I know
Who lost all her innocence 
When he proposed
He wasn't looking for commitment though 
Only looking to pop her rose
Also known as cherry liquid
That is exposed 
When her thighs are spread apart
Like a turkey on thanksgiving day
Everyone is just waiting to get a taste
423 · Oct 2011
Even Less
luci sunbird Oct 2011
You used to go on about the most ridiculous things 
And then you would tell me you love me
You used to tell me all the things that you wanted me to change 
And then you would tell me you love me
You would get drunk 
Black out and do foolish things
And then you would tell me you love me
We wouldn't talk for days
You kissed another babe
And then you tell me you love me

I'm not sure what set off your twisted rage 
But you nearly broke my leg
And then you told me you love me 

I'm deeply set in my ways 
No one gets to keep the change 
Especially a boy not fit for the stage

Just the other day 
You said hey
And didn't tell me you love me
My greatest hope is that it will stay that way
Even less than a hey would be nice for me
This just doesn't explain.
421 · May 2012
Did You Forget
luci sunbird May 2012
Did you forget
I held your keepsake 
I held it as you walked away
Held it quietly 
Keeping it safe
For the day you come back to me

In some dark part of me,
I believe it true
That you really loved me
And did not treat me wickedly 

That you didn't leave scars 
For everyone to see

That the night,
You lit my face on fire
Was all a lie
A terrible dream
That could never happen to me 

Oh, did you forget?
Your cruelty 
The pain 
The torment that your screaming
Put me through
416 · Oct 2015
luci sunbird Oct 2015
My bubonic plague,
it's not contagious,
but it's a sickness

The darkness seeps in,
like the bad taste of a pepper
on your skin

It's awful,
and it burns within

The pain is so riveting
I can't help but stiffen,
my muscles are aching

It's such a deep sadness,
sometimes I can't feel it
It's as though I let myself be numb,
only for a little while
then at the most awkward times
I feel it all

414 · Aug 2012
I would
luci sunbird Aug 2012
If there were a way to mend your heart
Before it was broken, I would
If there were a way to get along with you
No negativity included, I would.
If there were a way to love you for all my days, I would.

Life has yet to set that path for me.
My trails are still bumpy, and long.
The temperature is ever changing,
And the sky has many shades of color for me to see.

410 · Oct 2011
Much Like Reality
luci sunbird Oct 2011
I had a dream about you
Much like reality
We were in a room together
But we couldn't speak
People kept walking in
Interrupting us both
Frustration building up
I thought I would explode
But just briefly you looked up and smiled
And my angry thoughts went out the window
403 · Oct 2011
Just That
luci sunbird Oct 2011
It is hard to say
What I like about you
When it is nothing, not even you
Not your hair
Not your face
Not your smile
Not the way you taste

Everything has been a waste
All this time
All this grime

I'm feeling pretty tired
Of all that has transpired

If even for a second
Your next words of choice
Were without a voice
I'd rejoice
402 · Sep 2012
It's Tragic
luci sunbird Sep 2012
It's tragic
Negativity and lack of trust
from people I once knew
has dripped deep into my veins
like a slow virus,
set to explode.
400 · Oct 2011
Less Aware
luci sunbird Oct 2011
I didn't know I was hurting you
I didn't know you cared
I guess because I'm bare
That makes me less aware

The walls are back
Locked up and barred
Thick metal shields surround me
400 · Jun 2015
Simply Meant
luci sunbird Jun 2015
Whenever I used to wander
away from home
as a child

I would look up at the sky
as I sat by the gravestones,
in this quiet dome

My home space,
I was never sad
never alone

Just at peace
with nature,
and the dead

I wondered,
I did
about the tombstones
made of wood
just blank, baring no names
no flowers on those graves

It was sad,
so I did a very dangerous thing

I borrowed flowers from
the new plot
that was recently laid

There was an abundance of flowers,
for this man who had been slain

I felt he could share with the poor,
Whose tombstones bore no name

It was my innocence
that made me do this terrible thing

Steal from the dead,
I had meant no harm

At that time,
I was simply unaware
of rich or poor

I had simply meant to balance
the flower score
edited, 2.22.16
396 · Nov 2014
This Is Really It
luci sunbird Nov 2014
This corpse lays before me, rotting
I can feel the decay
I can smell the death
I can see old blood stains
But I still hang onto something

Some sliver of hope
That this corpse is still salvageable
That there is still a heart beating
That blood still pumps in this body
That something is still alive in there
There is nothing left

And yet, I can't fathom
That this is really it
That there is nothing left
It's all been bled
And it's all dead
This has nothing at all to do with the death of an actual person.
395 · Jan 2013
These Stars
luci sunbird Jan 2013
Sometimes there is you
Sometimes there is me

What have we done?
We spoke of fun

We laid our feet down, gently
We looked up at the moonbeam

We pondered
And wandered

And yet, we meet, again
Those old memories
Speaking volumes
The walls expose us

Deep inside, lay remnants
Decaying deposits of the past

These stars
They constantly stay
Never wavering

These stars
Unable to die
Like us

They have guided us back
And cast the path for us to go on
394 · Oct 2011
Some Things
luci sunbird Oct 2011
There are some things that you say
That I would never say
There are some things that you pray
That I would never pray
Maybe one of these days
You will realize we are not the same
And then there will be no one to blame
When we go insane
393 · May 2016
luci sunbird May 2016
You've wrecked this,
like a finely tuned
'67 Corvette

The best thing you've had yet
You ******* *******

It will never be the same

All my respect has left,
just like the flame
that's been burning
nonstop for hours
leaving smoke in the wind

You chose to boost your ego
by showing others what's under your hood,
but I ain't bitin'

I know that **** is diseased
I know it doesn't have the power to please

It's full of lies,
and deceit

you know all that **** is fake,
you know you're a big *** mistake

You're crying now,
because you've realized
I'm not losing a ******* thing

You've lost it all,
there are no remains to be found
it's all reduced to ashes

All those dreams you had for a smooth ride
They've crashed down with this
by L.S.
389 · Dec 2013
I Need To
luci sunbird Dec 2013
He's so peaceful
While I'm so full of rage
I'm trying to fight a war
That I've never won

A war before his time
Started nine years ago to be exact

I lost a huge part in the fight back then,
Something I didn't realize
Would affect my world today

It wasn't a fair fight
I was so young, so naive
Even though I believed I was grown,
That I was strong

I realize now, I was weak
I let myself get trampled
I let myself lose

The loss is still going strong
I fake strength
But I'm as weak, if not more than before

I need peace
I need to accept the loss
I need to move on

I need to let myself break down the wreckage
That has slowly destroyed me
388 · Oct 2011
There Are Days
luci sunbird Oct 2011
There are days
Where I write
About the feelings that fade
About the discoveries that I've made

The times I've dwelled for far too long
On empty souls
That pass by me

I've pounded at this mighty brick wall for quite a while
With my fists
Hoping it would budge
My knuckles are busted
My chest burns
Sweat trickles down my chin
And still,
The wall stands tall
Proud, and stubborn
Not likely to fall

There are days
Where I write
Just to put my mind at ease

There are days
Where I write
Outside in the breeze

There are days
Where I write
The wall
Falls to my feet
Crumbling much like me
386 · Feb 2018
luci sunbird Feb 2018
You are so tall,
I have to stand on my tippy toes
To reach your lips,
And I can't stop myself from doing this

The need since we've met
And looked into each other's eyes
Has been so strong

Those **** beautiful blues of yours
Have me wilted

I think I want to get away from you,
Then hours pass,
And all I've thought of is you

This feeling has me all caught up,
I want freedom,
But I also want to be in your shower, screaming "yes, please"

It's a killer transition
To what I just let go

An incredible change of scenery,
That I enjoy
A ******* lot
377 · Mar 2016
3 Ballots
luci sunbird Mar 2016
We've only had one class together,
just one session
ever since then
you have been teaching me a lesson

I failed the test
even asked permission,
for a retake

I doubt what I want to say to you
before I have a chance to speak

You have me schooled
I had you fooled

Unknowingly sealing my fate
after casting the bait
too late

My excuse for not winning
is that I forgot to vote
even though I wrote
my name out on
over three ballots

I'll keep the game up
letting you believe
my heart isn't kept on my sleeve

371 · Apr 2014
Like A Demon
luci sunbird Apr 2014
I feel like a demon
Put on Earth
To make you unclean

I am merely a face
A reflection of doubt
My surface tells nothing
My inner core
Is deeper than
The epicenter
Of the Earth

I won't lock you in
I'll just simmer at the top
Filling you to the brim
Never, never stop

369 · Apr 2012
Life. Extreme.
luci sunbird Apr 2012
Perhaps I lost a part of myself…
         I feel like… I’m missing pieces of me.
Seems as though due to all my truth, I’ve turned into a lie
        I was once more hyper in my expression in life
Always ready for the next bit of innocent fun…
       Not the next night spent in a drunken blunder
Laid up under the covers as the sun rises
      And lashes out bright rays upon my chest
I just wonder
      Where did my pieces go?
May I recapture another moment,
       In time?
Is it too late?
      I want to gain knowledge, and experience
As well as grow in myself, as I get older
      Not lose who I once was…to the years passing by
I hope to guide,
      My withering hands
To a far off land,
      A land that I can only recollect memories of in my dreams
That’s how extreme I want my life to be.
366 · Dec 2012
Words On The Screen
luci sunbird Dec 2012
Words on the screen,
When they are lacking
I want to scream

Words on the screen
They are my life now
They are what bind me together

Words on the screen,
Etching forth
Consuming me

Words on the screen
They aren't much to live for
I need more

Words on the screen,
They cannot soothe me
Or keep me warm

Words on the screen
The empty screen
This time
Bring me chills

Words on the screen,
They are so much more
Than they seem
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