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LD Goodwin Feb 2017
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
"The New Colossus" is a sonnet that American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–1887) wrote in 1883 to raise money for the construction of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.[2] In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal's lower level.
LD Goodwin Feb 2017
I write the wind that blows today
wind that chills me to the marrow
It's furry takes my breath away
brings fear of my tomorrow

What power o're this wind to slay
none that I can see
I write the wind that blows today
that's all that's left for me
*Sorry, feeling powerless tonight*
Harrogate, TN
LD Goodwin Jan 2017
Verse I
I am the tired, I am the poor
one among the huddled, yearning
where's the lamp beside your golden door
alas it's made only of gold now

No asylum for me within,
the thunder of walls are forming
I foresee the stench of émigré camps
and gates sadly, slowly closing now

Verse II
once again it's common place,
for a people to live in persecution
driven out, and locked within
these once hallowed halls

you turn your hearts, bury your heads
and call it retribution
your gates will rust and they will cease
by the guise of your ******* up laws

Who will be the one
when your judgment day is done
who says yea or nay
who will wield that gavel

Who will turn the key
and darken a land once free
like Jesus to the cross
or Barabbas to the rabble

Verse III
I am the wretched from distant shores
tempest-tossed and dying
now you are locked behind your doors
no longer free and brave

maybe someday when seasons turn
and yours is the soul that's crying
perhaps I'll be the one who'll spurn
and send you to your grave

Who will be the one
when your judgment day is done
who says yea or nay
who will wield that gavel

Who will turn the key
and darken a land once free
like Jesus to the cross
or Barabbas to the rabble
Harrogate, Tn 1/30/17
LD Goodwin Jan 2017
Clouds blacken o'er podium's farce
avowal mumbled, besmirched, dishonored
a liar's hand aflame upon a book of truth
as jackals cackle in the wings

Clouds darker still in the noonday gloom
the reciting rabble, “what is to become of us all”
this unreal thing set in motion
why must this albatross to wear

In the distance, the tolling, the darkest knell
piercing the wind and rain
to harp upon our ears like shattered glass
while the schoolyard bully smiles
Harrogate, TN 1/19/17
I tried to write a nice poem for our departing POTUS and our First Lady, but this rolled off my tongue.
LD Goodwin Oct 2016
Into the death room I was led.

Where nature's last sparks of electricity
pulse through a familiar body,
barely stimulating a heart to pump blood
through frail and ag'ed  mottled skin.

Where light behind once azure eyes
slowly dim to opaque blue.
Eyes open, but not seeing,
ears hearing, but unable to respond.

Dentureless mouth agape,
taking almost mechanical shallow bursts of breath
in marionette fashion,
as if strings pulling bony shoulders sharply up and slowly down
were methodically, dramatically, skillfully manipulated
by a hand unseen.

Sunken face reveals the hidden shape of the skull within.
Smooth, silky flesh
stretched o're an unfamiliar, emotionless, flicking gaze.

No incoherent moaning today,
no unconscious slowly floating arms,
nor grasping of my fingers to let me know
.....I am still here.

The light switch is being turned off.

In the death room the dash between ones all important dates is born. Mary Elizabeth Fields Goodwin .......Born 7/31/18 - Died 9/17/16
… a babe, the dash is delivered.

Was it a full life, this dash?
Was it meaningful?
Was it loving, giving, humble?
Did this one get to do all that it wanted?
Did it finally arrive at where it had hoped it would be?

Or was it filled with regret and remorse,
or hatred, pain and sorrow?
The death room puts it all into perspective.

It was a life.....
It was a life lived.......that is all.
Nothing can be added or taken away.
Nothing was ever missing, broken, or damaged.

Who would dispute this in the death room with its finality?
Its silence,
its soul-less body that had never been perfectly still in over 98 years?  

This life that lived exactly the amount of time that it lived.
A leaf in Autumn, spiraling slowly to the ground,
with no parade, no fireworks, no angelic chorus,
just a husband of 79 years, a daughter, a son.......

Draw near and say your goodbyes now......
the death room is almost here....

It's all right Mom, it's alright to go now...... We'll be Okay.......
A stroke of the brow,
a last breath.......

Let go of a lifeless hand.......... and the death room is born.

*This poem is for all of you poets who have encouraged me to keep on writing. You know who you are.
10/5/16 Miamisburg, Ohio
LD Goodwin Jun 2016
Tommy accepted Jesus
the day he turned twenty-two.
When you're raised neath the cloth,
that's just what you're suppose to do.

Down at the river
they washed away his sins,
gave him a new start on life
so he could begin again.

With a bible and a rifle
he took his "righteous" stand,
gunned down 50 "sinners",
who weren't in his God's plan.

Then he took his own life,
thinkin' heaven's waitin' for him in the blue,
but just because you believe in somethin'
doesn't always make it true.
Ahmad prayed to Allah
5 times every day.
A faithful boy of Islam,
then his heart began to stray.

Isis gave him food and shelter
if he would join the fight,
gave him a shroud to wear
that was black as the night.

With the promise of the virgins
fixed in his brain,
he pressed the cellphone button
and let the terror reign,

somewhere in the Koran
he believed Allah told him what to do,
but just because you believe in somethin',
doesn't always make it true.

We're all raised
in different lands,
with different holy books
in our hands.

Brainwashed to believe,
we never truly think it through,
just because you believe in somethin',
doesn't always make it true.
*Miamisburg, Ohio June 13, 2016*
LD Goodwin Jun 2016
Do not tell me not to talk so much,

while you sit there in your stoic, vague, unreadable, silence......

Playing your life-like a poker game,

looking for “tells” in everyone,

feeling lucky,

deeming us out here as damaged,



Constantly awaiting my next **** up.

That **** up that you know is going to happen.

Coldly, methodically critiquing my every move,

painting me incapable of producing a life worth living.

How clever you think you are, to not laugh at my jokes

or not carry on conversation unless you deem it worthy.

You do all of this to not give up your “tell”.

Not let anyone into your world.

Do not tell me to not flail my hands when I talk,

because you are not as excited about your life as I am.

In fact do not think you have authority to deem anything I do as right or wrong.

You do not have that luxury.

If and until you learn to love yourself

your ego will continually feed itself by debasing,  

feeling the need to change everyone around you.

How tiring it must be to sit in judgment of me,

picking apart my existence.  

What goes on in your narcissistic mind, that makes you not accept me as I am?

Why is my freedom less important than your picture of how I should be?

Although, not intentionally, from your dysfunctional life,

you have produced a seeker of the truth.

And Love was the stimulus.

The love that I never saw.

I learned to love myself.......unconditionally.

But where did that enlightenment come from?

It came from Love itself.

Tapped me on the shoulder,

wrapped its arms around me,

and led me to the light of truth.

You will turn around one day and look for me,

I will be gone.

You will have no one to share the rest of your life with.

This short, meaningful, time we have on this earth,

the one you ****** with and lost.......

There will be no one willing to play your poker game,

and you will have to die alone.

I believed you,

I looked at myself through your eyes

and I saw the misfit that you believed I was,

and I bought it.

After all, you are the one from whom I was to learn life.

But I did not get the education I deserved.

I was formed out of your mind,

from a mistake you made.

And I was made to believe that I too was a mistake.

Because you couldn't keep your **** in your pants.

I am the product of a hot August, unairconditioned night of sweaty lust.....and it was probably my Mother's manipulative doing.

She needed to keep you around, so why not another kid to suckle her *** and make you go out and make more money.

Was I planned, did you look into my Mother's eyes and lovingly say, let's make a baby?

I think not.

You ****** up.

Enter the rearing of a mistake.

****, you will never know just how incredible I am, you will never see me as I am, you will never see anyone as they truly are.

You are so brainwashed with you prejudice, playing your poker game, looking for your “tell”.........
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