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More than a few years ago
I hid my mind, and have long since
forgotten where I had put it.

I sat on my softpack and I felt
remorseful pity, because
it really crushed my cigarettes.

And I felt such sympathy for them,
so unable to be used.

Then she stood up and held out her
hand, and I gratefully took the
burning smoke from her fingers.

As I exhaled she grew a beautiful blue
halo of twirling, swirling, tinct
smoke rings.

'My death angel,'
thought I.

Then I ashed it too hard
on the brim of
the ashtray.
Let's ban beer,
Expel wine,
Prohibit whiskey.

Let's banish ****,
Curse smokes,
Relegate ***.

Drive off knives,
Expatriate guns,
Deport bullies and fists.

Let's ward off the devine,
And the ghosts,
And those who think
They're holy sons;
In any or all

Let's proclaim a holy war,
A jihad, if you wish,
Crusade against what
Makes us human,
And live in boring bliss.
Hush my little one
They might hear
We must be silent
Not let them find us
For they never understand

They hate who we are
Always hunting us
We try to survive
But still they come
They always do

So in the shadows
Do we now dwell
Reduced to hiding
From these mortals
We may die in thirst

I say we must rebel
For we are stronger
Shape shifters
With naught to dear
Let us rise in freedom

Remember little one
How they killed her
The way your mother
Was taken from us
When they found out

How can we fight back
They have too many weapons
Different ways to **** us
We can only use the night
But they can use the day

How can I not recall
My dearest father
The way she died
The cruelty of it all
Never feeding on them

Ripping her from our coven
Leaving us in eternal misery
Of a loss forever engraved
Yet, I can not shake
My deep thirst for revenge

I am tired my little one
Feeling my true age
For too many centuries
This was my existence
Now you must carry on

My life is slowly fading
The coldness is close
You have fed from me
So you can be strong
Goodbye my little one

My father now gone
The ultimate sacrifice
Of an undying love
For his only daughter
Lost now am I - alone

A curse once bestowed
By the dark of night
Never to return
To the day of light
Losing all I have loved

With new found strength
I now hold - I will seek
The one who cursed us
In this living nightmare
For time is now immortal

Through the silence
Of the nights calling
I shall fight, with might
Striking - taking down
The prince of the night
Copyright © Lucy Martins and Chris Smith 2012

— The End —