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Katrina Mar 2016
Everyone gets ****** into sadness and so much lameness. Never thinking they are good enough. Never thinking they are worth anything.. Never knowing where to go. What to do.

All I have to say is I really hope no one thinks they are the only ones. Everyone is suckin at life. And if they aren't now, ( that you can see) they have before.
Or they still think they do. All you got is this life.
No one knows if the choice they make is right. Or if the next step will be the best one.
Everyone at least semi wishes they hadn't made some mistake in the past.
Or wished the past was different.
But.    Who wants to live there? In the past that was the worst?
Today is a new day. And guess what so is tomorrow.
No more looking back. No more dwelling on what could of been. Let's all move on. And realize we are never alone. Can't we?

Rant done.
Katrina Jun 2015
             Stopped wishing.
                         Stopped praying.
                                Stopped believing.
At least i thought i did.
Truth is, i dont know what i did.

              I still wish.
                I still pray.
                    still believe and still DREAM.
Been broken and then more with a torn heart.
Lookin at a mirror, like vanity was suppose to take it from here.
but no.
     I have a free mind.
    Free to dream.
to believe.
and have faith in ME.

in the end we all doubt ourselves.
and then we realize there is no one else to compare to.

live our lives. thats what we can do.
kiss *** if you want to.

look in a mirror and believe it is you.
and know nothing will happen unless you have faith in you.
Katrina Aug 2014
Time to sleep.
But man.
Thoughts go thru my mind.
Crazy of what I want.
Crazy of what they want.
Mixed emotions.
Living as much as I can.
Never as much as I could.
But stuck. Stuck in a place I always was.
Yet here happy and thats a plus.
Ill move on cuz thats the next step.
I just avoid being open..
Here I am. Wanting to know the answer to everything. Wishing I could help everyone.

Sadly im stuck in a world where I cant help myself. And no one can help themselves.  
And oddly that makes me not feel alone.

Moving on to what really counts.
Everyday **** happens.

Mind over matter.
And we can all live thru the hassle.
We can all do what we want.
And move on.
Katrina Jun 2014
They say to travel down the road less traveled by.
But what happens when its a dead end?... pushing u back to the mainstream ****.
Nothing is ever enough, you cant get yourself to get up.
Nor become the same as everyone.
You dont know how.
How to talk to people,
how to get places.
I knew life wasnt gonna be easy.
But why couldnt I prepare myself or get off my arce sooner, and do something, why cant I still?
Why cant I be someone better.

It always ends up being the same.
Having the wrong insight.
Why do I have this state of mind. why havent I changed it.

Feeling like I cant make friends, or be confident, nor have a need to live.
Never knowing why I need to be on this earth.
Another step is all I can take.

Moving on from this place.
Katrina Jul 2013
Paper, pen, paper, pen here we are again. unable to meet cuz there is too much to write. Lost in my mind about life. Struggling with always wanting what I cant have. never knowing if that path less traveled by is right.

Sitting here as the sun shines on scars of years past. Small little reminders of the pain endured.
lessons learned.
   tears shed.
Relaxing, thinking "what if". dreaming dreams outta reach just to keep hope.

A million obstacles to overcome in life. with so many choices to make to put yourself where you want to be.
Attempting to keep faith that in the end you'll end up where you're meant to be.
Who you're meant to be.
All of which can happen if you rememeber life will pass you by if you dont accept it.

If your heart breaks,
Life goes on.
If you loose a job,
Life goes on.
If you fail school,
Life goes on.

The world has gone this long without you. But there is always room to join.
First you have to try.
try to change
try to take a chance.
try to be happy with the choices youve made and will make.
You just gotta try.
life. Chances. changes. choices
Katrina May 2013
Comfort is questioned.
As another story unveals tonight,
the uncharted road not explored.

A familiar image appears.
With a flash of lightning
on both the left and right.

Breathe in.Scent of Pure bliss, with a hint of carpe diem
Though it is not our home.
For we do not have one,yet.

Not caused by anything, but our true desire.
Constant change and chance.
Solely living life.

Where we'll end , who knows.
Fate is devious, but tasteful
and factors out what does not accommodate you.

A sudden noise begins.
Eyelids open.
my alarm has waken me.

I sit up fast.
Why was this dream so concealed?
Buried so deep, unseen to even me til now.

I look arond in a new place, alone.
remembering the first road explored.
So easy. Simple. So 'Normal".

Thoughts pop as if it were popcorn thrown in a fire.
Love is infinite and blind,
but aquires true ambitions.

Happines doesnt grow.
It is inevitable,
if its genuinely you.

Another chance as a taste arises.
Do you go for it or deny it?
Similar devotion from both sides required.

Hearts get taken and then shattered.
As it is a part of LIVING life.
Being scared of it is a silly choice.

Human nature makes it so hard to deal.
Doesn't make it impossible.

Living Life and finding self-fullfillment isn't easy,
for if it was, being alive would be just as unreal as a DREAM.
Stories of Exes.3
Katrina May 2013
another night sparks the dark to light,
a family is seen.
a home, a job, a life

u begin to search for the thunder.
only to find the other path is chosen.
things make sense as u see him.

an unexpected smile apears on ur lips
knowin that happiness has grown
with the comfort of a home.

u still wonder wat caused the confusion.
thinkin bak u wonder.
what was so appealing to this path

the other was so thrilling.
but just a phase.
somethin that wasnt real.

time to wake.
u look next to u.
hes asleep still.

he snores and twitches.
u smile and no wakin up to anythin different
would never b right.

u stop to think of what if.
if the thunder was chosen wat would happen
u no ull always b curious.

always wantin another taste.
always able to enjoy its presence.
but nothin will change wats meant to b

no matter how thrillin thunder can b.
ur heart is taken...and thats that
Stories of Exes.2
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