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Your smile is sunshine
Like actual physical sunshine
It’s practically beaming off your face in rays
Making my heart **warm
 Jan 2018 Sarah Judith
Her breath tasted like an odd combination of
orange juice
and menthols

Her stubble scratched at my chin
Her hands gripped my waist
(almost as hard as mine gripped hers)
She laughed at I got drunker

My back was bruised from the fence at the edge of the stage
where she pressed into me
where the mass of dancing bodies pressed into her from behind
I loved those bruises when morning came

And maybe there's something wrong with me
but the fact that she had two hickeys on her neck
both the size of my palm
both still purple
Only made me want to kiss her more

And maybe there's something wrong with me
but I knew how to move my body
How to rub our hips together
My body was an expert already
but my lips were so inexperienced

I drove home that night and I didn't think about you
How you'd turn your cheek when we tried to kiss
But you'd stick your hand down my pants with excitement
How I was always your ***** little secret,
But she held my hand in public

I didn't think about your combination of
Apple Cinnamon Lotion
Tea Tree Oil Shampoo
and Mango Burt's Bees Chapstick
I thought instead of how her cherry red lipstick
stained the end of my cigarette
And reminded me that I
Don't love you
The people in my life are slowly teaching me how to get over you.
your fingers on the soft skin of my stomach
remind me that I am allowed to eat, every tickle and pinch tells me
I don't have to worry about my size, I'm counting the kisses
instead of calories,
and the pressure your smile elicits in my chest
is more important than my weight
my eating disorder has faded to an annoying buzz rather than a deafening screech
 Jan 2018 Sarah Judith
Misbah A
When you let go of the negative
And embrace the positive,
When you decide to smile
Instead of frown,
When you destroy your demons
And stop listening to them,
When you open your windows
And breathe the life around you,

You finally feel this wondrous sensation
Called happiness.
 Jan 2018 Sarah Judith
Dear Tragedy, we meet again.
One day your reign of terror will end.

Why the cruelty, why all the lies?
It's like you build up my hope just to watch it die
Why all the anger, why all the grief?
Can't you see I'm dying, will there be no relief?

Each challenge you bring I rise above
Time and again but it's never enough
Your chaos I'll fight whatever the cost
If only for the sake of those I've lost

You raise the ante with each move you make
But you've taken so much there's no heart left to break

You chisel away until cracks develop
They merge together until fractures envelope
All of my soul, all of my mind
Little of me remains 
Bitterness and pain
I'll pay you back in kind

Why the deception, why won't you cease?
Where is my redemption, is there no release?
Why do you haunt me day after day,
And why don't any of my prayers keep you away?

The damage you cause I try to contain
But it's never enough, it's always in vain
I want to fight on but I'm tired inside
For all that I know I've already died

Again the bar's raised, now too much is at stake
Cos now you've taken so much there's no heart left to break

And sometimes I wonder, what have I become?
Is your victory complete now that I am so numb?
None of my soul, none of my mind
Nothing of me remains
But my shell will fight again
I'll pay you back in time

Dear Tragedy, we meet again
One day your reign of terror will end.

Copyright © 2017 SabreLi
I've been away from writing for almost a year now and I am facing some tragedy currently, which has prompted me to write again.
You call me Lesbian
I say, yes I am
You call me Gay
I say, yes I am
You call me Bi-******
I say, yes I am
You call me Transgender
I say, yes I am
It doesn't matter what you call me
It doesn't matter what you think
you will not change who I am

I am who I am
I believe in equality.
One Earth
One Species
we are all Human
children of Earth
 Jan 2018 Sarah Judith
 Jan 2018 Sarah Judith
lullabies were screams of what ifs
morning alarms were screech of regrets
had overthinking for breakfast
anxiety attacks for lunch
and dinner served me spoonful of stress
 Jan 2018 Sarah Judith
No one should have no one,
to say good morning to
No one should have no one,
to come and talk to you
No one should have no one,
you should not be alone
No one should have no one,
at the end of any phone
No one should have no one,
to bless you when you sneeze
You shouldn't have to be alone,
when you've fallen on your knees
No one to have tea with,
or whisky for that matter
Everyone should have someone there,
even for a little natter
No one to share a problem with,
or even a laugh or cake
No one should have no one,
for anybody's sake
No one to make one day,
any different to the last
No one there to turn to,
when so many years have passed
No one should have no one,
when all is said and done
No one should ever be alone,
no one should have no one
I want to be a leaf.
A tiny leaf atop a tall tree,
where darkness holds no sway,
where the stars shine during long nights,
where the sun can warm me on tough days.

I want to watch as foxes run,
to hear the wolves howl at the moon,
to feel the wind and rain on me,
to be one with nature.

I want to live the life of a leaf
without suffering and pain,
to be at peace and feel safe
when I bloom and when I fall.
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