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Jasmin Jackson Oct 2019
I shuffled into the decades old building
The dark velvety purple chairs lined up
The smell of oil and dust from the books stacked up in symmetrical rows seap into the four corners of the room
The walls were supposed to make you feel hope and comfort
But not on that day, not ever again since 2010

"Put your head down" my mother whispered strictly into my ear
As we collectively pass the opened church doors
But being the stubborn Taurus I am
I had to look up out of curiosity
Despite my mother's firm grip trying to keep my neck down

Beyond the aisle separating the two sides of the church she lied
In her delicate creamy white casket
Her eyelids closed shut for her mahogany irises will never be seen again
Her slightly chapped lips in a tight line
I'll never hear her nicknames for me
Those lips will never part

The mornings with salty noodles and streaming phineas and ferb
The afternoons watching judge Judy
The reading together, the joking around
For the great aunt I share those moments with lies helplessly in a casket soon to be buried
Only I have those memories now
Jasmin Jackson Sep 2019
Being alone makes me cry
Being alone makes my pride die a bit inside
Being alone tears up my insides
Because when I'm alone I realize
That I'm just as much of a loner as I was in 9th grade
The only difference is that my hairs a different color
And I have friends to hang out with
But are they truly my friends
Can I confide in all of them?
I don't know
But I'm still grateful for them
Because during the school day I gain a bit more confidence
But that sisterly love
I don't know man
I think I'll find that when I'm in college
Jasmin Jackson Sep 2019
They know how to unclasp a bra strap,
but they can't open a door.

They can't call you beautiful,
but they'll make you tell them their worth
  Sep 2019 Jasmin Jackson
if you cannot
unravel my soul,
then you do not deserve
to undress
my body.
Jasmin Jackson Sep 2019
You make everything seem like I do it on purpose
Maybe it's because you're a middle child and you crave the attention
I forget to do something one time
And you throw your rage unto me
You lose all sense of sanity
Your anger towards me forces my environment to be silent
I'm forced to endure your ******* hums
Another Christian rock song
All because of the fact
That I forgot to vacuum last night

You say you don't ask for much from me
But I guess that translates to I must be perfect
I don't know how to be
I'm sorry its 70 degrees and I just want to wear a hoodie

Literally the small things I do to you point out
Then you go insane like a clown
You say I don't care about what you say
But if I didn't give a ****, I'd have my own place
Jasmin Jackson Sep 2019
Your love is stronger than any hurricane
It rushes in and flows down streets
Mosses might have trouble trying to part it
Your hug is as soft as a carnival teddy bear
Engulfed in the soft delicate cotton feel
I love you so much mom
But sometimes I think its wrong
When you put such high expectations on me
Your disappointment in me
It makes my heart drop into a darkened bliss
It makes my gut twist and turn in circles like a go kart in a race
It tears me apart slowly inside like nicotine breaking down one's lungs
It slowly kills me
You are slowly killing me mom
But I'll never stop loving you
Even if you do
I keep one
of our time
and I won't
it away because
reminds me of
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