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 Dec 2015 David
A Alexander
Pressed so tight, in prayer, in thought,
To silence my mind, and to find what has been lost.
I search and search to have that void filled,
Feeling no closer to reaching the still.
Hands are the gateway or so they say.
To truly surrender, one must pray.
So I will keep this conscious contact, never losing hope, in the divine.

Aharris  11/2015
 Dec 2015 David
A Alexander
You will never be that person I go to with my deepest insecurities,
nor with the lies, doubts, and harbored pains, that I hold captive inside.
You just don't feel that close
You will never the one to pick me up, you are too busy propping up your own self.
No need for both of us to fall
Someday, someone will.
You will never be the one I run to when the world is too much,
This wall you have is to high for me to climb, and too thick to get through.
I feel like I will never truly know "you".
Despite knowing all this, a patience and confidence resides,
knowing that someday I will meet someone I can walk straight to,
someone meant for me and I for him.
Until we meet, I await, I am on the sidelines, watching from a distance.
just some thoughts, future, ambivalence
You're the source of true Life, and strength to walk.
You're the source, to everything that is good here.
You're the source,  to Love, peace, as well as purpose.
You're the source of Mercy, true Hope, and Healing.
For you are the only door to new life in heaven above.
For there is no other way to eternal life not even an open window.
Only one path shall give you a key to perfect peace as well.
For only you Lord Jesus shall lead us to a perfect life.
One pave with true growth into becoming your disciple.
Father I know not where everyone heart is now but you do.
Help those whom are hurting , and are ready to give up now.
Rescue those whom are desperate and need your guiding hand.
To rescue them from their situation that are pulling them down.
Help all whom are in need of something this very moment God
Be there for everyone that needs your support , help them to stand.
I pray all of this in the Name of Jesus our God and Savior Amen.
 Dec 2015 David
 Dec 2015 David
The time has come,
even your past is knocking again,
How many times,
Do you want to see your broken smile?

Just one second can change your belief,
Be careful, you can be fool,
But if you never try,
How can you believe that you are strong?

Time to forget and forgive,
All the mistakenness both have done,
Time to believe and give,
Your fears won't postpone.

Make your heart free,
Listen deeply your soul,
And you will never be alone,
To trust and Love again.
 Dec 2015 David
 Dec 2015 David
May the air be brazen
and unafraid.
To kiss the glowing embers
in our faltering hearts...

With its fingers,
albeit light and wispy
Calloused with experience.

May it never loses
its motivation.
So it could grant us ours
and nurture us back
to flame.
 Dec 2015 David
For sometime I have considered leaving HP.Why? Because I have not only myself but my husband and daughter to consider. I am going to have to give account to God for everything I do- and so will all of you.There has been much foul language on various pieces and graphic descriptions. I'm not saying this is true of everyone but it is common. Our daughter Marian has been posting poems and  Biblical passages but I don't know how much good it does. Jesus warns us not to cast our pearls before swine. There are people on HP who have been writing about cutting thenmselves- lots of them- and there is freedom of speech for them as well as for me. All the debauchery, etc. is having an adverse affect upon her  and I may have to some time soon leave. As aforementioned, this is not about everyone. I am merely addressing the indecent, the profane, etc. Previously when I posted my personal testimony I received a few grateful comments but those who were supposedly depressed and trying to harm themselves never responded... Why?
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