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 May 2015
Some keep me hidden
others bring me to the light,
I fight for justice and peace at mind.
Through sorrow and pain I am also found.
You say to others, “The Truth shall set you free,”  
but all along you’ve kept Me locked in a cage.
Enslaved by your own lies,
They became your own refuge, your only escape.
On the other hand, I am certain, simple and gentle, never hurtful,
I fight for justice and peace at mind.
While some keep Me hidden and others bring Me to the light,
My name says it all, I am the Truth
My word will set the Way- to the Truth- in your Life.
Don’t hide me, bring me to the light.

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
 Sep 2014
I can feel the breeze touching my face
Falling down on my toes,
as I stand outside the door
Waiting for you to let me in,
So I can share with you all our goals and dreams
As I stand here
I yearned to tell you everything can be done
Only if you believe
Will you let me in?


Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.

— The End —