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 Dec 2019
I stand for love
For I believe love
Holds the only remedy
After all everyone deserves
To live their live's in
A state of blissful dignity

My weary pen runs dry
As my word's frantically cry
What if it was you or I
Would a Poet love you
Enough to even try

Try and shed light
On your private hell
Even if it were to mean
This soul I must sell
Real love is where I live
Surely I was put here
To give and give
And give

In my callused hands
I grip the dredge
Of humanity
Like a still born
I cradle calamity
I could never let you fall
With real love
I will carry us all
Traveler Tim
 Nov 2019
Pagan Paul
Lay me down upon the moss,
cover me with autumn leaves,
rest my body in the forest
to be swallowed by the trees,
and let the fleeting moments
whisper my name to the breeze,
as the cool earth welcomes me,
let me go with comfortable ease.

© Pagan Paul (27/10/19)
 Nov 2019
james nordlund
Soon to be matter that supposedly doesn't,

it only being 99.9 to the infinite place %

of an evolving, expanding, inconceivable Cosmos,

a Bodhi, as 'twas, everywhere and nowhere at once,

with heart, Like the wind moves, not love nor hate,

only everything and nothing at all, at once, thrives.

A sea of souls, waves crest, trough, love is.

Gaia's imploring, humanity be not my stillbirth,

is all sea's songs accompaniment now, as acid rain always falls.

Will you dance, "leap, contend", be agua uncontainably gesturing?

Will humans be that evolutionary jump, back to the evolution

and the future they'll only have if they do?  Are you life?
Waves wear on stone, it gives way, stone stays, waves go away.   Indivisible, illimitable u's inner-nature's abundance self-actuating in the world   :)   reality
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